The Kesagami River - July 2004!!
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The KESAGAMI RIVER Trip - July 2004!!.


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July 6th - 28th, 2004


Derek Cutler & Jordy Soderman


Bella Huberman, Sam Sharp, Morgan Moores, Holly Nesbitt, Shauna Kearns, Jesse McDonald, Matt Moss and North De Pencier

General Info

The Kesagami River trip is a challenging route that takes you through a lot of consecutive sets of whitewater during the middle days of the trip. It begins at Upper Kesagami River with a creek paddle that has a few easy swifts along the way. It brings you to Kesagami Lake which is huge and has a busy fly-in fishing lodge that is only open in July. Pickerel and Pike fishing are excellent along this stretch. The Kesagami River flows north out of the lake and is loaded with swifts, R1’s, R2’s and runnable ledges. There are a quite a few small falls along the way that are scenic but present challenging take-outs and put-ins along the portage trails. The portaging is short when it exists but they are pretty bushcrashy. The Canadian Shield is rarely present along the way as most of the journey exists in marshy areas. Speckled Alder thickets dominate the shoreline vegetation making it difficult at times to bushcrash. Most exposed rocks are joyous sights for swimming and campsites. As you enter the Hudson Bay lowlands the trees change from the usual sight of black spruce and balsam fir to a mix of trembling aspen (poplar) and ash trees. The paddle on James Bay can be cold, windy and dangerous at times but it is an amazing experience. The mud flats that guide you your entire way make the journey easier to drag than paddle in windy conditions. It is difficult to locate your exact position on the map but camping on the shoreline is easy for the first half of trip then the mudflats are possible campsites for the second half of the paddle during low tide. There are atleast 3 established campsites on the Bay; 1 at the island 6 or 7 km offshore before Netishi Point (only visible on the 1:250,000 maps {BTW this is Nunavut}), Netishi Point and Long Point. The Moose River is deep and brings you up to the train station in Moosonee. Sights to see are a cultural centre and museum in Moose Factory (closed on Mondays) and Northern dept. stores in both Moosonee and Moose Factory that contain a Pizza Hut and KFC.

Maps Needed

42 H/9, 42 H/16, 42 I/1, 42 I/8, 42 I/9, 42 I/16, 32 L/13, 42 P/7, 42 P/8

Previous Trip Reports Used

Steph and Annie’s 2003 July Report. Really well done. This report is nearly the same but it is organized differently so it is easier to read.

Access Points

Upper Kesagami Lake (525 014). Short portage from Detour Lake Road (hwy 652). Located on the left almost directly at the sign for ‘Upper Kesagami Lake’. After the ‘Tweed Lake’ sign and before the ‘George Lake’ sign.

Total Paddling Distance

380 km…ish

Number of Paddling Days

20, 23 days including travel.

Number of Portages

15-20, perhaps up to 25 depending on water levels and skill of the group

General Campsite Information

A few established sites but mostly ‘create your own firepit’ type of sites. A few bushcrashes that were unpleasant for large groups. A few cabins along the way.

Pace of Trip

Average. Many days were very relaxed while others were pushed, especially those at the very beginning of the trip and on James Bay.

Skill level of Group

Ranging from Average to Skilled for their age group


COLD and mostly wet

Day 1, July 6th, 2004 – Wanapitei to Side of Detour Lake Road

Km: many
Hrs on Road: 5ish

Camper Report - Derek

Our first day of this trip started with a couple portages up the Jackpine after our predicted breakfast of French toast and those little sausages not many of us like. The bus driver, “Time”, was patiently waiting our arrival. After stopping in Latchford to mail letters, we popped into New Liskeard to pick up trip bracelets, knitting needles, and of course JUNK FOOD! An hour later, we were on our way up to Detour Lake Road via Cochrane. The time was passed with Mafia, cards (euchre & a%#hole), and Derek chasing people away from the nude playing cards sold at the Cochrane gas station. Upon our arrival to the drop off, a supper of mango vinaigrette salad, roasted salami and cream cheese sandwiches was enjoyed by all. But not until we discovered poor N.S.’s personal had made it onto our bus. Tomorrow we begin the challenging Kesagami, with poor N.S. on our minds. Sweet dreams.

Day 2 Roadside – Unnamed Lake 468102 (Nice Campsite)

Km: 15
Hrs on Water: 6
Weather: overcast w/ sporadic drizzling

Camper report (Jordy)

Woke up to a slight drizzle and ate a hearty breakie of bacon and eggs on English muffins. We portaged all our packs down to the water and finally we started on our long voyage to James Bay. The paddling was mainly creek paddling between lakes. The creeks are very windy and there are a lot of mozzies and blackflies. Morgan entertained all of us with GRPS. We have begun naming a lot of our equipment. Boats: Mosey Jr., Black Pearl, The Sex Machine. Paddles: Nemo (Holly), Gaston (Bella), Penny Lane (Derek), Mary-Kate and Ashley (Shauna and Jesse). We decided to name the nameless lake above Upper Kesagami Lake, “Relief Lake” because it offers relief from the mozzies. We found a campsite where we decided to stay, eat stirfry, and hit the sack

Day 3 – 468102 – Beach on Right shore halfway up Cooke’s Pond

Km: 47
Hrs on Water: 11
Weather: overcast

Creek had less than half a dozen pullovers and a nice current. Some shallow swifts along the way near the end. Not easy following where you are on the map. Bushcrashing is possible in the creek but not recommended during bug season.

Camper Report (Matt)

The day started early with a breakfast of oatmeal and brown sugar. We were in the water at 9:45-10:00 am. A short paddle was made across the remainder of the lake where the team entered the dreaded creek. The next 40 km or so were buggy and very windy as the creek meandered through marsh and forests. In the morning, Morgan and Derek manned the Black Pearl and used their pirate voices for the remainder of the day. Lunch was made up of tuna sandwiches, cheese, crackers, and jam, and for those who were still hungry Derek handed out more vegetables. After lunch things got silly. Many “log pull overs” were encountered. At the first one, an attempt was made by Derek to saw through the log, but this was unsuccessful. The effort to saw through the log was made impossible when Morgan was asked to pass the saw to Sam. Morgan realized that Sam was out of reach and he attempted to “slide” the saw across the water, soon realizing the saw did not float, the saw sunk to the bottom of the river and is now missing in action. The rest of the afternoon was filled with songs sung by Matt, directed in the nicest way possible at Holly. We pushed into shore, and “bush crashed” in Cooke’s Pond at 9:30 pm. It was a long day but everyone is happy to be out of the creek!

Day 4 – Cooke’s Pond – 545 545ish

Km: 20
Hrs on Water: 8
Weather: sunny, N winds

We traveled with a relaxed pace and had shallow swifts along the way. There were 2 small and safe ledges in this section

Camper Report (Jesse)

“How awesome is that? A bird that just sits there and lives.”

Woke up to beautiful sunshine and yummy apple crisp! Got out on the lake a while later and cruised under the awesome sun. Made lunch at an abandoned fish hunt and decided the outhouse was too creepy for use. After a slow lunch made more enjoyable with Morgan’s racy rapping, we started the swearing game and Jesse kicked butt. Everyone sang through the first swifts of the trip. Make sure you put your lifejacket on for nothing, right Derek? That one lone rock could kill you. Might be dangerous if…. Beautiful night guys. PS: Notice how I didn’t mention the food?

Day 5 – 545 545ish – 587 756

Km: 25
Hrs on Water: 9
Weather: sunny, hot, calm

Quite a few campsites along Kesagami Lake that are organized by the Kesagami Lake Lodge (KLL).

Camper Report (Holly)

We got up at about 9:00 today to bran muffins. Mmm good! Kind of a slow start since the riverbanks were about 9ft tall and it was tricky loading the boats. We paddled down river, basking in the amazing sun and swimming in the cold water. We reached Kesagami Lake after more rendition of Morgan's rap. Haha. No winds made the lake an enjoyable paddle. Floating lunch of chickpea salad was devoured by all. After a somewhat serious discussion, Matt proclaimed that he loved his Mom but alas she didn't love him back (in a joking manner of course!) More swearing game competitions. The standings are: North-1st, Holly-2nd, Jesse-3rd, Sam-4th, and Derek-5th. Everyone else lost miserably. After some hardcore "dragging Holly and Shauna behind the canoe" races, we reached the lodge! Yay! Sadly they had nothing to offer us except shocked faces when they discovered that we, a scraggly and weathered group of teenagers, were paddling the difficult Kesagami River. So we back tracked slightly to a lovely beach campsite where mac and cheese was served. After some intense sand wrestling and a little euchre, the suncrazed campers and leaders crashed in tents, only to be serenaded by local frogs and mosquitoes.
Love you all forever, Holly

Day 6 – 587 756 – Mouth of Kesagami River on RR

Km: 12
Hrs on Water: 4
Weather: sunny, S winds

The lake is huge and the possibility of being windbound definitely exists. We got lucky and had tail winds but had the winds being headwinds we would likely have waited it out. The manager of KLL said that three-foot rolling waves are not an unusual sight.

Camper Report (Bella)

“No offense Matt, but your hair looks terrible” (North)

All were woken up by an inordinately noisy float plane depositing another batch of millionaires at the Lodge. After by far our earliest departure, we propelled ourselves into the glorious sunlight, oh-so eager to ride those tailwinds. As we cruised past the lodge, jolly good-looking dock boys offered the bathing beauties their breakfast of bacon and eggs. They declined a la ice-queen and immersed themselves in the setting up of a sail. The group glided across the oceanous lake as knitting and an oral take on Bridget Jones’ Diary was completed. Camp was set up years earlier than the previous 3 days. D-rak and Jorddawg announced a pizza party a la Hawaiian. The most masculine trip bracelets were distributed et quelques intelligentes filles deciderent de se lancer danse un jeur de “gunnel bobbage” que se termina mal. There was an awesome resuce attempt by Sam and Jesse (fully clothed) which ended fruitlessly. Ensuite, Presque tout les capers lancerent dans les AWESOME vagues du lac Kesagamie. Let the rain come down tonight for tomorrow we continue into the wild blue yonder. Keep on paddlin’ in the free world.

Day 7 – Kesagami Lake – Below falls at 659 970

Km: 20
Hrs on Water: 6
Weather: sunny & clouds

 Eddy hop all morning without land scouting until….
 663 996 – R1/R2 Left side of Right Channel or Far Left of Left Channel
 659 970 – FALLS – P on RR – sketchy takeout; we approached bumping down far RR

Camper Report

“Ewww, Derek gave me fake dandruff”

Woke up to a freak thunderstorm drenching Shauna through the screen door of the tent. I guess that’s why we’re supposed to zip up the fly. A few minutes later, it was bright and sunny. Got up slowly. Waited around, then ate slightly burnt but very filling Logan loaf. Holly was having some issues finding Nemo, her Paddle, and the tarp bag seemed to be missing in action, but once Holly and Nemo were reunited, it was time to go. Paddled until we had tail winds, then drifted for a while. The no-swearing game was begun, and within 20 minutes 6 people were out. Highlights included Holly taunting Derek about the tuna. We quickly arrived at the set that never ends, paddling more whitewater in a day than ever before for most of us. We flew effortlessly through massive standing waves, the only hitch being when Bella fell out of a boat. After a quick portage around a small falls, we found our campsite full of blackflies but with a gorgeous kitchen area from which we began our glorious swim in the falls. Perfected catching people floating away with chains of other people. Later, we consumed delicious Spanish Rice a la Jordy. 12 out of 10. Sam got out of the swearing game by saying, “****, I’m still in the swearing game” for the second time in a row, leaving it as a fight to the death between North and Holly, which Holly won. Matt and Jesse fell asleep in the boat, but were rudely awakened by Morgan. Derek burnt a pepper while Bella started the dishes alone, as North slacked off by continuing to write the trip report even though she was on dishes as well. Raul and Fabio (aka Jesse and Shauna) gave North a pro haircut, then everyone piled into a tent for truth or dare. After the madness was over, we had a last few deep conversations and a look at the stars, then it was off to bed. We needed our rest to prepare for the crazy whitewater ahead.

Day 8 – 659 970 - 653 007

Km: 7
Hrs on Water: 6.5
Weather: Sunny, T-storms, sunny, T-storms and then back to sunny

 662 984 – R2 ledge – shot center
 set at 2 islands – R1 on RR
 661 987 – FALLS – P on RR
 around the corner at 663 995 – R1 – fun eddy hop
 662 996 – immediately following the last set – SCOUT – ran on far RL
 100m later – 661 998 – fun chute – can scout/line on peninsula on RR
 100m until next R2 above the next gorge/chute/falls (653 007). PORTAGE is right above the falls on the left side of the island. SCARY takeout in our water levels. Beautiful campsite near the end of the trail.

Camper Report

Today we woke up at about 10 to 9 to a great breakfast of granola with milko. We left today at a record time of 10:00. the whole day we ran killer rapids (literally) with a few portages in between. We ate couscous with nuts, cheese, and pineapple for a refreshing lunch. Today was a tough day for Holly. At one point in the river, we came to a set where there were standing waves that were exceptionally high, so we decided to run carefully one by one. When the whistle blew for the next boat to go, we saw to our surprise an empty boat going for the set. Holly and Morgan’s boat! Fortunately, Holly had taken her camera out of the boat to take pictures of people running the set. The bad news was that she had left all of her miscellaneous camera gadgets in an open bag on top of a pack. While having a seizure, Holly crashed through the tangled woods in a frantic attempt to save her gear. But miraculously, the “Sex Machine” had a perfect line and nothing was lost. On the next portage Holly impailed her eye on a stick……………… almost. Other than that, an uneventful day. A sketchy portage right at the top of a roaring falls led us to an absolutely beautiful campsite. A stunning kitchen on a rock by a small gorge. Dinner of Shepard’s Pie, prepared by Mathew Moss. Singing and guitar playing by North and Holly. Matt was insanely hyper, wrestling and frolicking through the woods with Morgan. Then the whole group piled into a tent to chill, leaving for bed one by one.

Day 9 – 653 007 - just after the drops at 653 019

Km: 1.5
Hrs on Water: 2.5
Weather: overcast

 set below island
 Big rapids – 3 ledges in a row – liftover/line/run
 R2’s pick and choose
 653 019 – 2 big drops separated by an island– we ran left then right

Camper Report (Holly)

Woke up to a delicious breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes. Best meal yet! Completed the last 10 m of the portage and shot the end of the gorge. It was a pleasantly misty morning. Then we started to hit lots of whitewater. One particularly long set created chaos. Derek and Jordy hit a rock and got stuck momentarily. Jesse and Shauna tried to avoid a collision but broadsided, pinned, and dumped, the contents of their boat rushing downstream. Matt and Bella attempted to avoid the boat but broadsided another rock and dumped. Holly and North went on a rescue mission to save our gear, dodging rocks and going too far downstream, and thankfully saved everything but three paddles. Meanwhile, Matt and Morgan, after much struggle, unpinned the boat and everyone headed downstream to regroup. Needless to say, it was ready to set up camp and so we did and took the rest of the night off to play and eat.

Day 10 – 653 019 – 680 070

Km: 7
Hrs on Water: 7
Weather: sunny

 Small calm section (swifts)
 Followed by easy R1’s and R2’s
 FALLS – 667045 – river turns sharp right – P on RR ~ 100m at the brink.
 R2 – Scout from island
 2 Easy R2’s follow
 Scenic FALLS – 674 060 - P on RR ~ 100m right at the brink of the falls
 R2 – scout from RR
 R2 – ran just left of small island
 FALLS – 679 069 – P on RL ~ 50m
 FALLS – 680 070 – P on RR ~ 200m. Nice trail along the shore
 680 070 – Campsite – Double ledge/small FALLS – P on RL

Camper Report (Shauna)

We were up at nine am and off on the river by eleven (record time of three hours!). Although it was a slow start once we began paddling we kicked it back into high gear for the long day ahead. We had two quick portages and at the end of the second we came across a time capsule! It was a nalgene from some Hurontario boys and we had a ton of fun hearing about trips from tons of other camps – even a few from Wanapitei! Some of the entries were almost 15 years old. We wrote a quick note and then Derek and Jordy set off to rescue Mobelle who got caught in an eddy above a gorgeous waterfall. A couple hundred metres down the river we found ourselves lining down a rocky set. Two boats down and 3 to go, the boat Sam and I were in mysteriously dumped below the set. A speedy rescue was conducted by North and Jesse as I feared MaryKate and Ashley (our whitewater paddles) had just been re-united and earlier this morning and might be separated once again. Luckily MK was recovered! Pretty awesome job, guys! (But Sam lost his nalgene and a shirt). Soon after we tackled our next quick portage and ate some tasty Hawaiian cornbread that North and I had slaved over the night before. Our campsite is super-nice minus the fact it’s up a 50 foot cliff. Well, goodnight, here’s to another s-th-uper, aw-th-some wicked COOL day tomorrow.

Day 11 – 680 070 - 678 103

Km: 5
Hrs on Water: 3
Weather: sunny to cloudy

 R1’s
 680 085
 R1’s
 678 103 – ledge – shot center
 10/10 Campsite

Camper’s Report (Derek)

SLEEP IN! After a lazy packup and couscous breakfast, we were on the water by NOON! The first few rapids of the day were easy and run to perfection. Jesse was just “textbook” in the stern. We got to a small falls soon after and decided to liftover a small island in the middle and run the bottom portion. After Jordy sent Sam down the rapid alone in the bow, backwards, we decided it was not the best route. Despite Sam’s safe passage down, Holly and Shauna dumped attempting to repeat his route frontward. Morgan and Bella thought they had the right path with a lie down RR, but a swamped canoe later proved them wrong. Matt and North showed us all how it could be done by backferrying down the falls repeating Sam’s route and pulling it off to perfection. Jesse and I decided to do the “right” thing and take the easy 20 m portage on RL that took a matter of seconds. A while later and we were home for the night. Hard to pass up the 10/10 site above the falls. Jesse, Jordy and I headed up the pasta salad lunch and gingerbread for tomorrow. Soon after, Bella and Jess cooked sweet and sour rice for dinner on a perfectly stoked fire manned by Sam. After licorice was divided up for dessert, the site was packed up for the night as we got ready to pick up the pace tomorrow. Get some rest because we’re gonna see each other early in the morning.

Day 12 – 10/10 – 677 153

Km: 8
Hrs on Water: 9
Weather: sunny

 Island set – ran just left of island
 FALLS – 679 105 – P on RR
 Bottom R1 to another island (679 109)
 Below island – R2 drop/ledge – far right or RL
 FALLS – 680 113 – P on RL or RR? Confusing….find your own trail.
 R1 – 679 115
 R2 – 680 119 – rock in centre – shot RL
 R2 – 680 122 – miss the big rock in the middle left or right
 R2 – 679 124 – scout on island (challenging)
 676 134 – ran RR
 FALLS – P on RR ~ 30m
 677 138 – ledge above FALLS – line RR
 FALLS – 675 139 – P on RR ~ 30m
 676 151 – fun ledge
 677 152 – fun ledge
 BIG PORTAGE - 677 153 – P on RL – muddy in middle but easy to follow.
 Campsite across the river after the portage is nice

Camper’s Report (Holly)

Woke up at a somewhat decent hour and had an amazing breakfast of gingerbread, compliments of Jordy and Jesse. Yummy! We left camp and hit rapids after rapids. I love this river! The whitewater is never-ending. At the end of a set we had a lunch of tortillas (pronounced tor-tee-ahs, no “L” sounds….hahaha Derek and Morgan) with hummus, cheese, and carrots inside. Deelish! Tanning and swimming took place and then we hit some more sets. One set Jesse and I got sucked in backward due to super-strong currents! But we managed to survive. Luck or talent, we’ll never know. Around 5 we almost made camp but decided to do the 2 km portage instead. It was extremely muddy, to the point where Jesse almost had her shoe eaten. Thanks to Sam for rescuing it. And Derek sank to above his knee. Gross! Even worse was Matt, waist deep! Found a nice lunch spot at 4 and ate amazing tuna wraps. Yum. Matt and Derek attempted to find the missing paddles but failed. We decided to camp at the lunch spot as it was getting late. Dinner of spaghetti, made by Sam and Jesse. Holly, Bella, and Morgan made chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Shauna and North baked pineapple cornbread for lunch tomorrow. The group chilled in a tent late and had an amazing sleep, bracing ourselves for future dumps. PS: Matt lost his hat.

Day 13 – 677153 – RR across from the end of the portage around falls at 678 178

Km: 2
Hrs on Water: 3
Weather: sunny and warm turning to overcast and not so warm

 5 ledge sets
 1 – RR
 2 – RR
 3 – left of first island, right of second  4 – easy
 5 – just left of big rock
 678 178 – RL above BIG FALLS

Camper’s Report (Moss)

Today started off with a much appreciated sleep-in. Derek cooked carrot-oatmeal muffins. The team ate the muffins at an incredible speed, but was a little slow to load boats. We had a short paddle to a series of ledges, which were scouted and run in many different styles. Morgan chose the scream and grab-gunnels style. A portage was directly after these ledges. Matt, Bella, and North went ahead to make sure the trail went all the way to the end; the portage was 500 m, but was made much shorter Morgan’s description of the “cross roads burger”. We found a beautiful campsite. Tents were put up on the flat rocks sloping into the water, the “boys” went swimming while the girls ate all the lunch. Karma prevailed shortly after eating the boys’ share because the girls tent was sent flying into the water by a gust of wind. Pizza was made for supper, and everyone began to prepare for a long day tomorrow. Good night.

Day 14 – RR across from the end of the portage around falls at 678 178 - RR across from the end of the portage around falls at 687 212

Km: 4.5
Hrs on Water: 7
Weather: clouds and rain

 683 192 – fun ledge – we shot RR
 683 194 – another ledge – a little more rocky, we ran but we lined from the right
 684 196 – FALLS – P on RR ~ 100m – small take-out and steep drop to the sandy put-in.
 685 202 – huge, fun set – BIG standing waves. We lifted over the top section and ran the bottom empty. Great swimming!
 685 209 – FALLS – P on RL ~ 50m
 Another Set right below is a portage/line/liftover
 687 212 – FALLS – P on RL ~ 50m

Camper Report (Jesse)

“Only do it a couple times…it’s dangerous”

Happy two week day! Woke up to sketchy sky and the rainbow song sang marvelously by Derek and Jordy. We were off in good time, after some early morning swimming. Paddled our longest stretch of flatwater and thought we were on the wrong river. We paddled over an awesome ledge with no problem. Had lemon cake and swam wicked set at lunch. Mobelle is still too afraid to go down sets by herself. With the rain came talk of the best trip skit ever and Bella’s screaming because the killer found Shauna. Tons of short portages/liftovers with big drops at the end…don’t throw the packs too far. Camped across from the portage number five. The boys decided to go surfing while Bella and Jordy took the canoe. Rain forced people to their tents after an amazing dinner of spag made by Derek, North, and Sam.

Day 15 – 687 212 - In between 2nd and 3rd ledge at the set starting at 692 235

Km: 4.5
Hrs on Water: 7
Weather: COLD morning but pleasantly sunny in the afternoon

 R1 - 687 214 – shot center
 688 218 – islands – we stayed left (line/liftover/shoot)
 First set of new map – R2 ledge – ran centre
 688 227 – P on RR – good takeout, bad put-in ~ 25m
 688 228 – island set – fun
 690 231 – 1st section runnable on far RL but then lined to a Portage on RL around a drop. The trail begins just before the river turns.
 692 233 – R2 – black tongued centre – fun
 692 234 – R1
 693 236 – fun R2 we ran on RR
 692 235 – 3 ledges – all runnable at our levels– We camped in between the 2nd and 3rd ledge.

Camper Report (Holly) – Version 1

Quotes of the day: "Someone smells good. It's me!" -Holly
"LOOK---- DEMONS!" -Morgan
"Super, awesome, wicked, cool!" said Shauna with a lisp.
"You're my awesome!" said Jesse.

Woke up super late today... maybe 10! We sleep in ALOT! Teehehe. We, as in some of the girls, finished reading "the Healing Time of Hickeys" today. Got up to everything being wet. I hate putting on wet clothing! It's the worst thing ever, especially in the morning... but we have been totally spoiled this trip... such amazing weather! The skies cleared to no clouds "a tall" (as Matt would say) while we were eating our brekky of shit. Just as we loaded the boats and pushed off, Jordy and I got sucked right into a huge hole! Refreshing start to the morning... Bella and Shauna lost their helmets to the Kesagami Killer, but after several sets we found them floating in an eddy. Portaged a bit and then lunched at the top of a set. Mmmm tuna, cheese and stoned wheat crackers! We had several linings and liftovers over at least 3 ridges. Hit a sweet set that had a perfect V over a large drop! Everyone agreed it was sooo fun!! We made camp right on the shore after the set. Dinner of rice and dahl was spicy but deeeelish. Chilly night, sleep tight!
Miss you already, Holly

Camper Report (Jordy) – Version 2

Well the Kesagami Killer (KK) was at his games again today. He first dragged Jordy and Holly into a hole this morning, to do some side surfing and dumping. It was actually a really fun ride. Headed down the river a little soggy from last evenings rain but the sun is shining through now. After taking Bella and Shauna’s helmets he/she shot Sam’s mug into the water. Sam went diving to recover his mug but it wasn’t until later in the day did we find the helmets in a collecting eddy. Sam and Jesse veered from the chosen route and swamped their canoe on the first set of the day. No prob, a quick empty job followed by some more lining and ledge runs which brought us to a lunch of tuna, cheese and crackers. Post lunch was more fun ledges and drops which brought us to the last drop of the day, a super fun ride that we ran empty. We camped just below the drop on RL on top of a rock. Rock jumping, dahl and gingerbread baking made up the rest of the evening. Sleep well. Our last day of fun sets comes tomorrow.

Day 16 – 692235 – 15km downstream

Km: 15
Hrs on Water: 7
Weather: sunny turning to crappy

 We ran the 3rd ledge on RL
 R1 - Boulder garden
 693 243 – FALLS – P is right above falls on RR ~ 30m. Trail is bad.
 696 248 – R2/R3 - Set with 2 islands in middle. We lined around the first island from the island and ran around the next island cleanly. The set ends with a FALLS (the last one of the trip). P is on RR in a small bay above the falls but the trail is really bad. So bad that we opted to line it down the small channel on RR. This is not recommended. It is probably best to drag the boats through the bush. The portage trail crosses a creek. If the above reads as being confusing, that’s because it is. Scout thoroughly and choose your own adventure.

Camper Report (Bella)

“I can do a dead water buffalo”

Blue skies above greeted us as we sprang as care-free as feathers out of our tents this morning. Little did we know that these skies were merely temporary. DUNDUNDUUUUNNNNN…… Right. Some of us were rather melancholy as we faced our final day of whitewater. We splashed, bumped, grunted, and thudded down many a line for the better part of the day. All lines were completed successfully until North and Bella achieved a beautiful pin of their boat. Not to worry, however, for soon a human eddy was formed and the boat sprang free (there was a lot of spring today, trust me) of the iron grip of its captor, The Rock. Miniscule swifties were shot, upside down, rightside up, dead water buffalo style, Arnold/Norbert, Raoul and Fabio and the rest of the gang happily set up camp at a 5-star bushcrash. Nighty-night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed-bugs bite. NOT.

Day 17 – Bushcrash just before confluence of the Harricanaw River

Km: 25
Hrs on Water: 8
Weather: miserably cold and rainy

Camper Report (Jesse and Shauna)

“That didn’t actually happen”

Day of Hell. Woke up early considering people don’t sleep on the side of their tents. Ate bird feed made better by some left over granola. Thankful for the current we cruised along singing our songs. It took a long time for the rain to start and some people were feeling the cold in their bones. Jordy and Derek decided to liven the group up by making wonderful chicken noodle soup. We all huddled around the stove to warm up and satisfy our taste buds. Everything was going well until the unimaginable happened: Derek knocked over the magic brew! We filled our mugs with the raw noodles left in the pot and we ate chocolate chunks and nature valley bars. Matt lost his hiking boots temporarily to a mud pit and eventually we set off nalgenes spiked with tons of juice crystals. The paddling was redressed for spaghetti on the rocks and a little game of broken telephone. We followed the tide to a real bushcrash site to the splendor of beautiful high-lighted red tree tops, and a rainbow to a pot of gold. Tents pitched in record time so people could thaw out.

Day 18 – Just before Harricanaw to the island 6 or 7 km offshore only shown on the 1:250,000 maps (Nunavut)

Km: 25
Hrs on Water: 9
Weather: windy but sun

Camper Report (North)

When it was time to wake up, the sun was just coming up. We packed up and ate oatmeal, then loaded the boats. Sadly, even after an exhaustive idiot check, Jordy’s helmet got left behind. Once we were on the water the bugs finally dissipated. We paddled a while until just around the river bend was a bay: THE Bay! Oh my gosh, it is huge! A feeling of awe did not leave us all day. As we paddled out into the open water, the sun was shining but it was freezing so no one put on sunscreen and we all got burnt. The headwinds picked up. We passed a couple of hunters from a lodge on the Harricanaw. Friendly guys. Not much useful info about the weather though. We pulled to shore and strongly considered calling a windbound day. It was the last piece of land before the mud flats. Thank god we decided to press on because later the winds died. As we got out on the Bay, there was a heated discussion about super heroes. Yes, Bruce Wayne is a cooler name than Clarke Kent or, God forbid, Peter Parker, but who would you want to date? Played the, “if they were a food” game. Descended into Shauna and Bella yelling, “you foxy wani”, “you chunky smelly pack”. Matt, Sam, Bella, and North took turns pulling the boats over the mud flats pack-horse style while we had crackers and condiments for lunch. We paddled until what we thought was Netishi point, on a beautiful gravelly campsite. There was a creepy monument and a cross “in loving memory” and an abandoned tipi with running shoes scattered around it. Mac and cheese was devoured while Jesse the amazing baker did fruit cake and Matt and Sam constructed a huge tipi for a yeti fire. After a beautiful sunset the fire was lit – 12-foot flames! The guitar was broken out, then we gathered around for a little trip wrap-up. A rose or a thorn, anyone? It has been a great trip, with more greatness to come. We sang and watched the fire. There were beautiful green Northern lights. Slowly people filtered off to their tents. Only Sam stayed out the whole night. In the morning if there is nice weather we’ll try to get to Moosonee and if there’s bad weather we’ll call a rest day. I don’t know which to hope for; both sound wonderful!

Day 19 – Island (Nunavut) to Mudflats just before Long Point

Well, we decided to give it a go when woke up in the morning. We started heading out along the mud flats until they were no longer mud flats. Ahhhh! PADDLE! It turned out all right though as we made it to Netishi point (we didn’t know that at the time) for lunch and low tide. Darn! We ended up having to wait for the tide to start to come back in before we paddled any further because we were grounded real good! By looking at the 1:250,000 maps we finally found out where we were. The island where we stayed last night wasn’t on any of the 1:50,000 maps that we were given. That island is actually in Nunavut! Yahoo! Now we can all saw ‘I’ve been to Nunavut!’. Even better though, we knew where we were on the map, Netishi Point. (Ha! Take that Bobbie! We found Netishi Point on our first crossing. That might be a new record!) Once the tide brought us near water again we dragged/paddled/sang all the way to Long Point. Well almost! We got grounded around 2km short of the campsite and ended up sleeping on the mudflats. Tent or boat that was the question of the night as we loaded up on snacks, skipped supper and headed to our tents. Wait a minute, only Jordy, Bella and Derek went to the tents. Where did everyone else sleep? Some people took the bow and others took the stern. Sleep well and don’t float away when the tide comes in.

Day 20 – Mud Flats near Long Point – Tidewater PP in Moosonee

Woke up to the sound of Derek screaming "YOU'RE FLOATING AWAY!!" I jolted awake. The tides had come in causing the canoes to de-beach themselves. Even funnier was the tent the leaders and Bella had slept in. Water was all around it! It was definitely our quickest morning ever. Everyone packed up their sleeping bags and within seconds we were on our way. 7:40 We paddled through strong headwinds until we reached Long Point...sometime still in the morning. Tents were setup to dry and provide minimal warmth as Matt and I did the dishes. Breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes was inhaled, thank you Bella, Jordy, and Derek! Then we clambered into the tents as it began to rain, snuggling in for an enjoyable read of Gossip Girl. Lunch of Spanish Rice and tortillas was amazing! The wind and rain eventually died down at about 3ish, so all of us campers poured back out of the tents to clean up and tell the leaders we wanted to get to Moosonee...tonight!! Of course it started to rain again the instant we were on the water but the winds were not bad so we paddled into the night! Moose River and then yes! Moosonee! It was very beautiful at night because of all of the lights. Yes lights; there's still electricity in this world. Unfortunately my rain pants had holes in them rendering my long johns drenched!! Ahh but who cares! We made it and nothing could spoil anyone’s spirits ! We camped across from Moosonee at Tidewater Park where we met the other Baytrip group. We pulled out North's guitar to sit and sing around the fire. We did it guys!! Our longest most challenging trip, The Baytrip, was sadly over. It's time to make the difficult decision of becoming an LIT, V1, or V2? Does our canoeing and camping experience end here? I know I don't want it to!! It was just waayyy too much fun! I love you guys
~ Holly

Day 21 – Rest Day in Moosonee

Rest day in Moosonee. Up early to beat the other (weaker) Baytrip group to breakfast. The mirrors and brushes were broken out for the Skyway Restaurant. Recommend the Combo breakfast. The Northern was the next stop for most. Candy, juice, lunch and more was purchased at high prices. Emergency money was spent on a dinner of hotdogs and hamburgers on the fire after realizing out train is actually leaving first thing in the morning and not at 4 pm. No time for baking. Later, after a confusing talk of how the train and bus schedules and how they ultimately going to affect our morning. We decided that Batman was the greatest superhero of all time, hands down, Alfred and the Bat Cave were the deciding factors in most arguments. Spiderman is definitely the wussiest. Early to bed for an early wake up tomorrow.

Day 22 – Moosonee to Sharp Rock (Temagami)

North woke up the leaders with the rainbow song. We were well rested after a night of sweet dreams of Spiderman, the greatest superhero alive. We quickly packed up and were over to Moosonee for 7 am. Quickest and easiest portage yet thanks to Mike the taxi driver. Derek lost his wallet and ran like a mad man around Moosonee and even back to Tidewater thanks to a water taxi. Two minutes late and the conductor of the train ready to leave, Derek arrived at the last possible second thanks to a miracle pickup by guess who…Mike the taxi driver. Absent of movies, the train ride was passed with sleeping, cards, talking,a nd lots of eating. 162 miles later, we were in Cochrane. With a waiting bus we loaded up and headed to Pizza Hut in New Liskeard. With out trip skit planned we arrived at camp. After the whole mess up of arriving at camp early we found out we were camping at flat rock. We shared some stories with Bruce and Mags and headed over to flat rock. We set up our tents and went for a swim and created a Master Plan for a prank on the other Baytrip. Like white ninjas we stealthily paddled over to their campsite, but we were discovered and pretended to be coming to hang out. Derek gave the “GO” signal and Matt, Bella, and Sam stole their canoes from right under their noses. With 3 extra canoes we laughed and giggled around the campfire and hit the sack. Goodnight all you stealthy ninjas.

Day 23 – Under the Bridge Day

The team planned on sleeping in this morning, but the boys were carried to attention way too early. We were on a high after the previous night of canoe stealing. We were expecting a revenge attempt by the other Baytrip group. as we got out of our tents we saw an “enemy” canoe paddling towards us. They must have been intimidated by our group, however, because they soon turned around and did not try to get their canoes ack. Beaver tails were made by North, and sauce was made by Moss and Derek as the group was sitting around the fire waiting for the beaver tails to cook, though we heard the air horn from camp. From the camp as we walked out towards the water the camp came into view and we saw an immense black cloud of smoke billowing upwards from the camp. It was obvious there was a fire in one of the buildings near the red squirrel river. As we watched, the amount of smoke coming from the camp increased steadily until suddenly we saw a large flame appear above the tree tops. The amount of smoke coming from the camp abruptly doubled. Our group watched, wondering which building it was that was on fire, and hoping every one was alright. We realized later that everyone must be alright because no helicopter came to pick up any one. Relieved no one had been hurt in the fire, we continued with our day of rest and relaxation. Some members of our group slept while Jesse, D-rak, Jordy and Sam played euchre. Everyone swam in the beautiful water we had missed for most of our trip. The other Baytrip came to retrieve their boats which we gave to them. We ate stirfry and prepared to go under the bridge. We all put on our hilarious outfits and packed up, we paddle under the bridge twirling our paddles. Everyone was on the bridge cheering and welcoming us home. Good trip, team!
