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"Shock & Awe" in the KJV-Only Camp

















Is Gail Riplinger doing witchcraft (casting spells) with the myriad of occult symbols in her Rosicrucian masterpiece?

The title page of Gail’s KJV’s ABCs” consists of a double triangle configuration composed of the letters of the alphabet. This design bears an uneasy resemblance to ancient alchemy symbols consisting of letters arranged in triangular formations and used as Cabalistic charms.

In Awe of Thy Word, p. 1114

Ancient Alchemy Symbols

Ancient Alchemy Symbols and their oft times cryptic meanings began out of necessity as alchemists disguised their practices from the hugely powerful European church. At the height of its practice, alchemy was considered heretical craft by the church, punishable by death (or worse, torture). The church body at the time viewed alchemy as a way for the practitioner to ascend to salvation outside of the traditional church methodology.

“Although ancient alchemy symbols were born out of this necessity, the foundation of alchemical practice is based on inner transformation and the achievement of that transformation. As a means for this transmutation, the alchemist utilized the changing properties of matter in addition to the philosophical meanings of the symbols themselves.

“The very act of turning base metals to gold is a symbol of (wo)mans ascension and achievement of enlightenment. All things, no matter how banal, hold deeper spiritual symbolic meaning to the alchemist in all of us.

“Below are some ancient alchemy symbols and their meanings.




“This is a Cabalistic charm with origins from Hebrew initials of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is an ancient alchemy symbol used for an antidote for illness and used to augment healing. This phrase was written on parchment and suspended from then neck by a thread in the triangular form seen here.”


Encyclopedia of Spells

Avada Kedavra (uh-VAH-duh kuh-DAH-vruh)

Killing Curse

Aramaic: “adhadda kedhabhra” - “let the thing be destroyed”.
NOTE: Abracadabra is a cabbalistic charm in Judaic mythology that is supposed to bring healing powers. One of its sources is believed to be from Aramaic avada kedavra, another is the Phoenician alphabet (a-bra-ca-dabra).


Spells in Harry Potter

Avada Kedavra, also known as the Killing Curse, kills a person instantaneously and without injury. There is no countercurse for it, and only two people, Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort, have ever survived it.”

The page to the right is from Johanna Druckers book, The Alphabetic Labyrinth: The Letters in History and Imagination.  Note the triangular amulet which is used to cast spells. The author explains that the amulet consists of two pyramids, one of which is inverted in a magical arrangement, like the title page of Gail Riplingers KJVs ABCs.

“This spell is the double figure of two pyramids of vowels, side by side. the first is structured with a single ‘A at the top, followed by two ‘E's and so forth until the final row of seven long ‘Os. The second pyramid inverts this order, placing the ‘O’s’ at the top and diminishing to the point of the A.’ This sequence would in turn be incorporated into the actual prayer to invoke the aid of the demon helpmate.

To read the full page, click on this thumbnail.


The Alphabetic Labyrinth, p. 67







What’s this???   Mount Hermon/Sion or the Giza Pyramids?  A Compass and a Square, or rather a Cube, next to an Obelisk.


In Awe of Thy Word, p. 389


Gail writes that man achieves great art, literature, poetry, music, art, and architecture when his soul is in harmony with God.  In the next paragraph (click on photocopy to enlarge) she says in so many words that, unlike the artists, architects, musicians and literary minds of the 1600s, the modern artists are Luciferian followers of Blavatsky. 

“Compare a building designed by Inigo Jones (A.D. 1573-1652), the architect of King James I of England with today’s ‘award winning’ architecture. Compare a painting done in the 1600s with a product of the Modern Art movement. (HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky documents that the artists of the modern movement were Luciferians and followers of occultist H. P. Blavatsky.)

As if the New Age Movement started with Madame Blavatsky and the famous artists and architects in the 1600s were not occultists!  In fact, many of the great minds of the English Renaissance were Luciferians who used Cabala, alchemy, and “sacred geometry” to harmonize with the “Great Architect of the Universe.”  In her expose of the Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queensborough wrote of Inigo Jones’ Rosicrucian affiliations:

“Nick Stone was one of the Seven of the Convention of Magdebourg. As an architect, belonging to the guild of the Freemasons, he had helped Inigo Jones, the grand-master of the English Lodges which, at this period, were nonsectarian. On the other hand, as a Rosicrucian he had grasped, in the Luciferian sense, the idea given by Faustus Socinius, and he had composed, for the nine grades of the fraternity, rituals which the chiefs declared remarkable. His ritual of the eighth degree (Magister Templi) was really Satanic.” (Occult Theocrasy, p. 155)

The 17th century Rosicrucian Enlightenment also produced literary works by many Rosicrucians who endeavored to mainstream knowledge gained by occult methods (gnosis) as legitimate arts and sciences. Among these were the Rosicrucian Manifestos and Sir Francis Bacon’s The Proficience and Advancement of Learning:

The Advancement of Learning, published in 1605, is a sober survey of the present state of knowledge, drawing attention to those areas of learning which are deficient, where more might be known if men would give their minds to research and experiment, particularly in natural philosophy, which Bacon finds deplorably deficient...

“‘Surely as nature createth brotherhood in families, and arts mechanical contract brotherhoods in communities, and the anointment of God superintendeth a brotherhood in kings and bishops, so in learning there cannot but be a fraternity in learning, relating to that paternity which is attributed to God, who is called the father of illumination or lights.’

“In reading this passage, after our exploration of this book, one is struck by the fact that Bacon here thinks of learning as ‘illumination’, light descending from the Father of Lights, and that the brotherhood of learning which he desires would be a ‘fraternity in learning and illumination’. These expressions should not be passed over as pious rhetoric; they are significant in the context of the times.

“Nine years later, in Germany, the Rosicrucian Fama was to present the Brothers R.C. as a fraternity of illuminati, as a band of learned men joined together in brotherly love; it was to urge that learned magicians and Cabalists should communicate their knowledge to one another; and it was to proclaim that the time was at hand of a great advance in knowledge of nature...

“Recent scholarship has made it abundantly clear that the old view of Bacon as a modern scientific observer and experimentalist emerging out a superstitious past is no longer valid. In his book on Bacon, Paolo Rossi has shown that it was out of the Hermetic tradition that Bacon emerged, out of the Magia and Cabala of the Renaissance as it had reached him via the natural magicians. Bacon’s view of the future of science was not that of progress in a straight line. His ‘great instauration’ of science was directed towards a return to the state of Adam before the Fall, as state of pure and sinless contact with nature and knowledge of her powers. This was the view of scientific progress...held by Cornelius Agrippa, the author of the influential Renaissance textbook on occult philosophy. And Bacon's science is still, in part, occult science. Amongest the subjecst he reviews in his survey of learning are natural magic, astrology, of which he seeks a reformed version, alchemy, by which he was profoundly influenced, fascination, the tool of the magician, and other themes which those interested in drawing out the modern side of Bacon have set aside as unimportant.” (Frances Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, pp. 119-120)




In Awe of Thy Word, p. 919

6. PMich inv. 6666 = PGM CXXX

Egypt 3rd century A.D. Papyrus


[ia]rbath agrammê fiblô chnêmeô
[a e]e êêê iiii ooooo uuuuuu ôôôôôô[ô]
Lord Gods, heal Helena, daughter of [...]
from every illness and every shivering and [fever],
ephemeral, quotidian, tertian, quar[tan],
iarbath agrammê fiblô chnêmeô
uôôu uuuuu

Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity

Protective Magic Amulets and Gems

This papyrus amulet, written in Greek, was folded (note the horizontal cracks), rolled, and carried by Helena in a small metallic tube, to protect her from the onslaught of fever. For the ‘iarbath’ formula compare no. 17, and for the vowel-triangles -- a ‘squeezed’ triangle on line 2 and a fully-developed one at the bottom -- compare nos. 16 and 40. Note also the star and the lunar crescent on the right.








“‘Unto’ means to be ‘into’ or ‘in Christ’ /.”

Awe, p. 248

Alchemical Symbol for Phosphorus

“Alchemists felt that light represented the spirit. The non-metallic element phosphorus was of interest because of its apparent ability to contain light, as evidenced by the characteristic glow-in-the-dark phosphorescence of phosphorus compounds. Pure phosphorus also has the ability to spontaneously burn in air, but the element was not isolated until 1669. Phosphorus was also an ancient name for the planet Venus, when seen before sunrise.”

Word Origin: Greek: phosphoros: light-bearing, also, the ancient name given the planet Venus before sunrise.

“The elemental alchemy symbol phosphorus traps light, and thus it is reputed that the alchemy symbol for phosphorus represents spiritual illumination.” (“Elemental Alchemy Symbols”)


“...the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.” (Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, p. 102)










The Yin-Yang symbol expresses the key doctrine of occultism, which is dualism. Gnostic dualism maintains that good and evil are two equal and opposite sides of the “Force,” whose light and dark side is portrayed by the Yin-Yang symbol.  In dualistic belief systems, since all things come from the same origin, there is good in evil and evil in good. Blurring the lines between evil and good teaches that good and evil are not very far apart. Nothing is pure, there is no right and wrong, no black and white, no absolute moral code. God has a good side and a bad side. All good has evil in it and everything evil has some good in it. 

Chapter 19 of In Awe of Thy Word introduces the Anglo-Saxon bible of the Celts with a modified Yin-Yang symbol in the form of an open book. Chapter 20 displays this symbol at least once on nearly every page.  The Celtic Church is as occult as the symbol which represents the Anglo-Saxon bible it produced.

Chapter 19 on “The Anglo-Saxon Bible” attempts to reimage St. Patrick of Ireland as a born-again Christian:

“…foreign invaders destroyed the Bibles held by the native Celtic Britons and Picts… The Picts and Scots ‘had long been Christian’ before Augustine. (Blair, p. 124) It was though Irish ‘preaching that they adopted the Christian faith…long ago. Ireland. Secular historians admit, ‘Christianity also arrived there [Ireland], indeed considerably earlier than the annals of the church suggest… [T]he Celtic church flourishing in the island was older than both Irish apostles [Patrick and Palladius] and different from what the pope desired… How it could have started we cannot tell… Christianity seems to have advanced by the power of persuasion alone. (Gerhard Herm, The Celts)” (Awe, p. 683)

Here again, the ‘cut and paste’ procedure was used to remove % important information. Here is what Gail’s source actually said about Sts. Patrick and Palladius:

“The late Nora Chadwick, one of the greatest experts on early Christian Britain and Ireland, believed that both Palladius and Patrick were less concerned to convert heathens than to get converts back into the ways of the Roman Church.” (Gerhard Herm, The Celts, p. 261)

St. Patrick’s conversion account sounds very “iffy” as reported in an obscure Irish magazine:

“Patrick records his conversion to saving faith in Jesus Christ in the 400s… Patrick writes, ‘The Lord opened to me the sense of my unbelief that I might remember my sins and that I might return with my whole heart to the Lord, my God…I was like a stone lying in the mire, but he who is able came. He raised me up in his mercy.’ (as cited by Duane Russell, ‘The Real St. Patrick,’ The Day Spring (2001, No. 1), Banbridge, Co. Down, No. Ireland: G. Edgerton, pp. 3-5)” (Awe, pp. 683-4)

Occultists of every persuasion believe they “return to God”...when they become enlightened and discover their inner divinity.  There is no mention in Patrick’s testimony of repentance for sin. 

For more information, see: The Anglo-Saxon Bible

The logo of D. A. Waite’s KJV-Only Bible for Today is also a variation of the Yin / Yang symbol: 






With help from Gail Riplinger, the sun is setting on the Word (Logos) of God - the Greek Textus Receptus - and the Solar Logos - the Sun-god, Lucifer - is rising in its place.

The rising sun in the East is a symbol of the New Age (of enlightenment), whereas the setting sun in the West is associated with death and darkness, i.e., the end of the old age, the so-called Dark Age. In occult cosmology, the Solar Logos is the superhuman Intelligence which inhabits the sun, in other words, the Sun god, Lucifer.  

Solar Logos: the being who governs the solar system and consciously holds the primary pattern of evolution for the solar system. Our Solar Logos is a being known as Helios and Vesta. Melchior, the Galactic Logos, has worked for eons through our Solar Logos, Helios and Vesta, who works through our Planetary Logos, Lord Buddha. The great entity incarnate as our solar system, the active, directing Intelligence Who is working with definite purpose through His Seven Centers. The planets in this Being's body represent its major ‘chakras.’” (Glossary of Terms for the New Millennium)

The cover of In Awe of Thy Word pictures a sunset, after which the sun will surely rise again.  In Ancient Egypt, the Sun god was believed to die each evening and rise each morning. The Egyptian mystery religion forms the basis of Freemasonry, whose Sovereign Grand Commander revealed the identity of the Solar Logos, the Intelligence, who is believed by Freemasons to inhabit the Sun and direct the solar system.

“LUCIFER, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!...

“The Sun was termed by the Greeks the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges. The oracle of Claros styled him the King of the Stars and of the Eternal Fire, that engenders the year and the seasons, dispenses rain and winds, and brings about daybreak and night. And Osiris was invoked as the God that resides in the Sun and is enveloped by its rays, the invisible and eternal force that modifies the sublunary world by means of the Sun.” (Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, pp. 321, 477)

Will the Solar Logos, Lucifer, rise again after the Christian Bible has been destroyed?  David Ovason wrote in The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital that the Dark Age began in 1525 and ended in 1881, which commenced a New Age of the Sun or Golden Age:

“The Rosicrucian, Thomas Henry Burgoyne, one of the learned and perplexing esoteric writers working in 19th century America…had informed his readers that, in the more glorious days of human history, known now as the Golden Age, the satellite was distant from the Earth. However, in the latter Iron Age (through which civilization was now living) it was too close, so that its ‘dark shadows became more and more bewildering.’ In the year 1881, Burgoyne promised, this Dark Age would begin to recede, its malevolent influence having passed its darkest culminating point. He was partly borrowing his ideas from the Roman poet Virgil, but few of his readers would realize that. Most of them endorsed his enthusiasm for this new Age of Gold which would begin in 1881.

“That is was to be an important year in the history of mankind was not doubted by the majority of people interested in arcane lore. In a rare book, which many occultists claim to have read, but few have even glanced at, Trithemius claimed that the era which had commenced in 1525, under the guidance of the planetary angel of the Moon, would come to an end in 1881. In this same year, a new era would begin under the control of the angel of the Sun, whom Trithemius named Michael. Far-reaching changes would result, for, in a previous age, the angel had been not only the institutor of many new arts, and the inventor of astronomy and astrology, but also of architecture—the very science in which Washington, D.C. had striven to excel from its foundation.

“Trithemius—and later is followers—insisted that under the rule of this planetary angel there would be inaugurated an exciting change of direction for mankind. The angel Michael was dedicated to the expansion of human consciousness, and freedom. Furthermore, it would be during the New Age of the Sun, which would begin in 1881, that the Jews would return to their homeland.” (Ovason,  512:376, 30)

It is significant that the Tyndale New Testament was published in 1525 and the English Revised Version of the New Testament in 1881.  The Tyndale New Testament was the first English Bible to be translated from the Traditional Text which became the Greek Textus Receptus. The English Revised Version was based on a corrupt New Greek Text compiled by Cambridge scholars, B.F. Westcott and F.H.A. Hort.


See: The Nineteenth Century Occult Revival: The Legacy of Westcott & Hort



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