real name is Barry Soetero. “O bomb a” may be a code name for a
major military operation: nuclear destruction. “18:15” is military time
for 6:15 p.m. which may be a code for the date. Most Americans
infuriated over Obama’s
Iran nuclear non-deal, however, this nuclear deal
may have been a pretext and prelude to war from the
Warning: Nuclear Deal With Iran A Prelude to War, Not
“The global public must remember there is currently a war
raging in Syria on Iran’s doorstep. The sole purpose of this
war, organized and directed by the West, fueled by billions in
cash, weapons, and flooded with fighters organized and
trafficked from across the globe by NATO and its allies, is to
destroy Iran’s chief regional ally before inevitably destroying
Iran itself. If the war in Syria is still raging, then one can
be assured that the proxy war in turn being waged against Iran
is still raging.
‘nuclear deal,’
as it was planned to be all along, is a ruse. The 2013 article,
Deal With Iran Prelude to War, Not “Breakthrough,’ in its
entirety, explains:
“…any military operation against Iran will likely be very
unpopular around the world and require the proper international
context—both to ensure the logistical support the operation
would require and to minimize the blowback from it. The best way
to minimize international opprobrium and maximize support
(however, grudging or covert) is to strike only when there is a
widespread conviction that the Iranians were given but then
rejected a superb offer—one so good that only a regime
determined to acquire nuclear weapons and acquire them for the
wrong reasons would turn it down. Under those circumstances, the
United States (or Israel) could portray its operations as taken
in sorrow, not anger, and at least some in the international
community would conclude that the Iranians
‘brought it on themselves’ by refusing a very good deal.”
July 3, 2015 Hillary Clinton declared:
“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president,
we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which
they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we
would be able to totally obliterate them.” (Global
“Clinton also has vowed to take the U.S.-Israeli relationship to
next level’ by embracing right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu who expects to convince President Hillary Clinton to end any
détente with Iran and put the prospect of bombing Iran back on the
table. Clinton would seem to be an easy sell.”
President Donald Trump’s Secretary of State, James “Mad Dog”
Mattis, is said to retain ill will against Iran dating back to the Iran
hostage crisis:
James Mattis 33-Year Grudge Against Iran
Many in the Pentagon worry that Trump’s pick for defense secretary is
looking for a fight in the Middle East.
By MARK PERRY December 04, 2016
“Most critically, perhaps, for the United States and its future, Mattis
has embraced the Marine Corps’ longstanding grievance against Iran, one
that goes back to the 1980s... a 30-plus-year-old hatred of the Islamic
Republic that is unique to his service. It’s a situation that could lead
to disagreement within the Pentagon over the next four years—but also,
senior Pentagon officials fear, to war...
“Iran is on the mind of nearly every senior Marine I’ve ever come in
contact with, including Mattis. It was back in 2012, while he was still
in uniform, that Mattis said that the three gravest threats facing the
U.S. were “Iran, Iran, Iran.” In the years since his retirement in 2013,
he’s been even more outspoken. He repeated his “Iran, Iran, Iran” mantra
last April (in addition to an entirely predictable reference to the
Beirut barracks bombing) during an appearance at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, and then explained himself. Iran,
he said, is “the single most enduring threat to stability and peace in
the Middle East,” and not really a nation-state at all but “a
revolutionary cause devoted to mayhem.”
“Then, Mattis linked Iran to the rise of ISIS. “I consider ISIS nothing
more than an excuse for Iran to continue its mischief,” he said. “Iran
is not an enemy of ISIS; they have a lot to gain from the turmoil that
ISIS creates.” What Mattis said next was eerily reminiscent of George W.
Bush’s claim that because Al Qaeda wasn’t attacking Saddam Hussein, the
two must be linked: “I would just point out one question for you to look
into,” Mattis intoned. “What is the one country in the Middle East that
has not been attacked by ISIS? One. That is Iran. That is more than
happenstance, I’m sure.”...
“Donald Trump likes comparing Mattis to World War II’s most successful
generals, and, most especially, to George Patton. “They say he’s the
closest thing to George Patton that we have, and it’s about time,” Trump
said during his victory speech in Cincinnati on Friday night, where he
announced Mattis’ appointment.
“Is it? Putting a Patton at the Pentagon would have been the last thing
that a president like Truman or Eisenhower would have done, primarily
because the talents of battlefield brawlers are not easily translatable
to an institution where, particularly in the nuclear age, cooler heads
need to prevail. That certainly wasn’t true for Patton, who, having
helped defeat the Germans, was aching for a fight against the Russians.
Perhaps Trump believes Mattis’ worldview will fit in well with those he
will now oversee—that senior military leaders want a tougher line,
particularly against Iran.”
How would a US-Iran war begin?
“Despite all of Trump’s campaign platitudes about non-intervention and
no nation-building, his call for so-called "Safe Zones’ in Syria
suggests that he is just another Israel-first Deep Sate Neocon stooge...
“The cat came out of the bag right after the election with Trump when he
appointed the rabid Israel-first Russophobe Neocon Deep State stooges
General Mattis and Mike Pompeo to his cabinet. The fact that these two
Neocon war whores were approved so quickly by the Uniparty in Washington
D.C. speaks volumes.
“Trump’s grandstanding and flurry of Executive Orders are probably just
a...show to keep his Bible-thumpng uber-Conservative Rube base pumped-up
and distracted while he and his Neocon Deep State Masters prepare for a
major world war against Syria, Iran, Russia, and China to preserve the
Anglo-Zionist Empire.” (Zero
Just prior to May 4, the day the Invictus Games began,
was the Florida Pagan
Fire Festival of Beltaine which was held in Lake Wales, FL not far
from Orlando. Beltaine is the Druidic feast of Baal, whose future
resurrection from the underworld is celebrated with
human sacrifice by fire. In his first inaugural address, President Bill Clinton,
made mention of a future feast of Beltane, at which time Lucifer will
rise from Hell:
“Bill Clinton in his
inaugural speech said,
‘This ceremony is held in the depths of winter but, by the words we
speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring.’ Clinton
repeated the words ‘we force the spring’ later in the speech. That
expression is a very unusual expression. To ‘force the spring’ is
witchcraft language. In witchcraft and satanism Lucifer (Baal) rises
from the underworld on May 1st (also known by the following list of
names Beltaine, a major European holiday, Communism and the Illuminati’s
chief holiday, and Walpurgis). The May 1st rising brings forth the
season of fertility, which the witches each year take credit for, by
claiming that their magic rituals ‘force the spring.’ The ritual magic
that ‘forces the spring’ is done on 3 Sabbats-the first is Imbolg (also
known by names: Candiemas by the Catholics and Ground Hog Day by common
dupes); the second is the vernal equinox (Mar. 20) in which blood and
sex rituals are carried out and the third is Beltaine (May 1) in which
fire festivals are done. This is one of the fire festivals which people
around the United States tell me they have witnessed from a distance.
Witches believe that on May 1st, the female force completes her takeover
from the male force.).” (Springmeier, The Top 13 Illuminati
Bloodlines, p. 221)
Lucifer is the Sun-god, who goes by the name of Bel in Celtic
mythology and Apollo in Greek mythology.
“Belenos, later known as Beli Mawr (the Great), was the Celtic
God of the Sun, representing the curative powers of the Sun’s heat. His
festival of Beltane, when bonfires were lit to welcome in the Summer and
encourage the Sun’s warmth, was held on May 1st, and is remembered in
today’s May Day festivities. His symbols were the horse (as shown, for
example, by the clay horse figurine offerings at Belenos’ Sainte-Sabine
shrine in Burgundy), and also the Wheel (as illustrated on the famous
Gundestrup Cauldron). Perhaps, like Apollo, whom he became identified
with, Belenos was thought to ride the Sun across the sky in a
horse-drawn chariot.” (Britannia)
Prince Harry’s stated reason for designating the
wounded warrior games “Invictus” was to pay tribute to the poem, “Invictus,”
written in 1875 by William Earnest Henley, an English poet who foolishly defied God: “It
matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the
scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”
poem, however, is not the original use of Latin word “Invictus”
for its
origin is even more sinister.
The Luciferians sponsoring the “Invictus Games” were invoking the Sun-god—Lucifer
the “Light Bringer”—who was worshipped in the ancient
Roman Empire as
the Invincible Sun, Sol Invictus.
“The Roman Empire began their official recognition of
sun worship during the time of Aurelian when he instituted the cult of
‘Sol Invictus’. There is virtually no difference between the cult of Sol Invictus and that of Mithraism or for that matter Catholicism.
“In the year 307 A.D. Emperor Diocletian, a Sun Worshipper, was involved
in the dedication of a temple to Mithra, and was responsible for the
burning of Holy Scripture (which made it possible for later emperors to
[re]formulate Christianity, and thus began the Roman version of the
‘Universal the Christo-pagan Mystery Religion.’) After the rein
of Diocletian, the Roman Emperor Constantine, who was an early the
Christo-pagan (Christian) maintained the title
‘Pontifus Maximus’ the high priest of paganism, and remained a
worshipper of Apollo. His coins were inscribed:
‘SOL INVICTO COMITI’, which is interpreted as
‘Committed to the Invincible Sun’. During his reign pagan Sun
worship was blended with the worship of the True Creator (syncretism),
and officially titled
‘Christianity’ by the (less than holy) Roman Empire and its’
official church the (less than holy) catholic (universal) church.”
of Sol Invictus)
Pythagorean Tarot, Sol Invictus is the King of the Major Arcana,
which are the TRUMP cards.
“In the ancient world, the
pileus was the liberty cap (pileum
libertatis) worn by the free middle classes (the
equites); it is the origin of the bonnet rouge of the French revolution.
At the Saturnalia (which is represented by the Major Arcana; see 0.Fool,
11.Old Man etc.) the guests wear pilei, which symbolize their freedom
from ordinary rules. It is also significant that according to Fulgentius
(5th cent. CE), Saturn was the son of
Pollux, representing humanity, so
that Saturn, Lord of the Golden Age, is the
‘Son of Man.’ The
pileus is also worn by the savior god Mithras,
whose birthday was celebrated on December 25 (the old solstice), as was
the birthday of Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun), following
the week of Saturnalia (Dec. 17-23).” (SOL-HELIOS-SUN)
The Tarot cards are a visual representation of the Qabbalah,
the twenty-two Major Arcana trump cards of the Tarot reflecting
the Qabalistic Tree of Life in which there are twenty-two links
that connect the ten Sefirot, representing degrees of initiation,
and twenty-two Hebrew letters which are the basis of occult
numerology. Qabalah represents various Jewish mystical traditions
which coalesced in the 12th and 13th centuries to form a coherent
system of mystical doctrine and practice. A complex system of
numerology, letters, signs and symbols was devised to communicate
the secret doctrine. For example, the occult trinity Father,
Mother and Son, is expressed in the Tetragrammaton (IHVH) and
In his book, The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran,
author Robert Feather claims that the Jewish Kabbalah derived its
mystical doctrines from the Qumran Essenes who, in turn, had
derived their inspiration from Pharaoh Akhenaten of Egypt. The
proof thereof is found in the writings and wall-relief scenes of
Qumran and Amarna, Akhenaten’s
holy city in Egypt.
“When we look at the chronological development of what became
known as Kabbalah, it is evident that in
its initial formulation it was concerned mainly with the
secret side of the Torah and specifically with the “the
works of the chariot’ (Hebrew, ma’aseh merkabah). After that it became overlaid and underlaid
with mysticism until it was eventually codified in a text called
the Zohar in
thirteenth-century-C.E. Spain. The
images of a heavenly chariot and a heavenly throne
were also powerful iconographies for the Qumran Essenes,
strongly expressed in their writings, and a number of writers
have made the connection between Kabbalah and the Essenes. I
have set out elsewhere (see chapter 38) an explanation of what I
believe was the source of these basic Essenic ideas. Comparison
of the textual descriptions of the Essenes with wall-relief
scenes combined with inscriptions from Amarna showing
Akhenaten riding his dazzling
heavenly chariot, the
royal throne bathed in the glow of life, and sustenance
descending to the chariot from
the Aten above can leave little doubt that these were the
source of their inspirations and the aspirations that they
engendered.” (The
Secret Initiation of Jesus as Qumran, p. 90)
Triple Crown for the American Pharaoh
Feather tries to make the case that both Judaism and
Christianity grew out of a form of monotheism first formulated
by the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. He does this by postulating
that Akhenaten was the grandfather
of Moses, who copied the renegade Pharaoh's monotheistic religion for the
Israelites. According to Feather, Akhenaten was also an ancestor of Jesus
Christ, who was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries by the Essenes in Qumran, who were allied with the Therapeutae in
Alexandria, Egypt. Therefore the religion Jesus taught his
disciples was Alexandrian Neo-Platonism aka Gnosticism.
Gnosticism at Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The early followers of Jesus looked to gnosticism and the inner
mysteries of religion for enlightenment and the route to
salvation. The Nag Hammadi tractates, such as the secret words
of Jesus in the Gospels of Thomas and Philip, undoubtedly
demonstrate that there was a strain of early Christianity that
relied heavily on gnosticism and a profession of the knowledge
of secrets.
These apocryphal writings, particularly the Gospel of Thomas,
contain sayings attributable to Jesus and as such have many
gnostic allusions, which are clearly discernible in the
Qumran-Essene sectarian writings relating to the static
community at Qumran. These allusions include an aversion to sex
and marriage, mystical visions of an early creation story,
veneration of light, and care of the soul in preference to the
body. These characteristics are again also very apparent in the
Egyptian Therapeutae, a healer sect closely associated with the
Qumran Essenes.1
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran:
The Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 2288-2295).
So on Whom Were the Individual Qumran Messiahs Modeled?
All the references to two messiahs can therefore, in my view, be
explained as follows:
1. The original two messianic figures whose return was
fervently awaited by the Essenes were King Akhenaten and the
high priest of his holy temple, Meryra.
2. The royal and priestly messianic figures were alternatively
referred to as “the Scepter” and “the Star” because the sign of
the royal office of Pharaoh or King Akhenaten was a scepter. The
invisible God worshipped by Pharaoh Akhenaten and his high
priest in many inscriptional representations found at Amarna in
Egypt was portrayed as “the Aten,” a sun disk—the brightest
symbol of light known to humankind.
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran: The
Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 1403-1408).
The Holy Family in Egypt
“If early followers of Jesus, and almost certainly those most
closely associated with the Qumran Essenes, sought out
Akhenaten’s holy place in Egypt, is it possible that Jesus, who
I maintain was at one time a member of the Qumran Essenes, (in
his childhood and also in his adult life), might have visited
Akhetaten? With his knowledge of early Essenic history, there
would have been a strong pull to do so. There are, indeed,
several quite independent indicators that this actually
occurred... One has to wonder if [the] early Christians had not,
in fact, been led to the city of Akhetaten by Jesus
himself—following Qumran Essenes who were already there.”
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran:
The Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 5539-5540).
Physical Artifact Imagery
[The] eleventh-century crucifix painting Betrayal of Jesus in
the Academia, Florence. Here Jesus is seen being kissed by his
betrayer, Judas. Jesus’s head is framed by a sun disk, and
immediately above him the rear wall carries a relief that is
almost certainly a memory of the Egyptian cartouche that appears
immediately above the head of Akhenaten in the tomb of Panehesy.
According to
Ancient Egypt Online, however, “a site dedicated to the
culture, language, religion and history of ancient Egypt,” the
“Egyptian cartouche that appears immediately above the head of
Akhenaten in the tomb of Panehesy” contained the names of other
gods besides Aten:
“Akhenaten has been described as a visionary who cut through the
formality of Egyptian religion to establish a connection with
one God, the Aten. To some, Akhenaten was the first Monotheist
who may have been inspired by Joseph or Moses. However, it is by
no means as simple as that. Although Akhenaten's religion did
center on one god, it was not strictly monotheistic and was by
no means identical to the Israelites. It seems that the Apis
cult was maintained and other gods are still mentioned in
inscriptions (although they are usually solar gods or
personifications of abstract ideas). In fact, the names of the
Aten (which were written in a cartouche) describe the god in
terms of the other gods.”
Notwithstanding the historical evidence,
Robert Feather proceeds to conflate Jesus with the Sun God because early Christian art
portrays him with a symbols such as the golden halo and the ankh
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran:
The Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 5577-5579).
“There is no reasonable explanation for this early iconography,
unless the artists were perpetuating a desire for early
followers of Jesus to be intimately associated with a divine
solar image that had all the characteristics of the Aten. When
the question of why the golden halo appears so frequently in
Christian art is posed to theologians or art historians, there
is no cohesive answer, although one notable scholar, Giovanni Filoramo, writing about the Nag Hammadi codex, states:
“If you read this slowly and carefully, with an open mind you
will see that it is the sun that Jesus is describing, which is
the ancient Aten/Sun from the past ages of Egypt.”14
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran: The
Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 5605).
Inner Traditions Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.
“For the Egyptians and Akhenaten, the ankh was the symbol of
life—”the breath of life.” The design, being one of the very
earliest motifs seen in Egypt, was derived from a vertical
line—representing the Nile—with a circle at its top, which
represented the Delta region, the horizontal line intersecting
the vertical line designating where the first capital city of
Inebhedj (Memphis) stood on the Nile. For the early followers of
Jesus, the ankh incorporated the sign of a cross on which Jesus
had died and a circular shape they took to be the sun. It became
their earliest symbol of worship and one of mutual recognition:
the ankh cross incorporating the sun.24...”
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran:
The Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 5646-5651).
Furthermore, according to Robert Feather, the imagery found in
the Old Testament book of Ezekiel are "pictorial
representations" of Akhenaten's chariot and Great Temple that
Akhenaten built at Amarna:
The Qumran Essenes’ Presence at Amarna (Akhenaten’s holy
city, Akhetaten (modern Amarna), in Egypt)
“If early Christian literature reflected the imagery of
Panehesy’s tomb, how much more powerful must have been the
Qumran Essenes’ memory of their ancestors’ presence at Amarna?
Ezekiel’s visions in the first and tenth chapters of his book in
the Hebrew Scriptures already intertwined winged creatures,
chariots, and a heavenly throne glowing with light.1 The Qumran-Essenes’
texts have a much clearer view of the scene and describe it in
words that demonstrate the memory of an eyewitness account—words
one might well use today for the incredible pictorial
representations of Akhenaten’s chariot and the Great Temple
structure and chambers that can still be seen in the tombs of
Amarna. A series of Qumran texts, Songs for the Sabbath
Sacrifice, specifically describes and praises “wall images and
movements of chariot throne” and is but one of many examples of
references to these scenes recalled in the Qumran scrolls. One
would be hard pressed to find an Israelite setting for these
The Cherubim praise the vision of the Throne-Chariot above the
celestial sphere, and they extol the [radiance] of the fiery
firmament beneath the throne of His glory. And the holy Angels
come and go between the whirling wheels, like a fiery vision of
most holy spirits; and around them stream rivulets of molten
fire, like incandescent bronze, a radiance of many brilliant
colors, of exquisite hues gloriously mingled. The Spirits of the
living God move in constant accord with the glory of the
Wonderful Chariot. The whispered voice of blessing accompanies
the roar of their advance, and they praise the Holy One on their
way of return. . . . The vestibules by which they enter, the
spirits of the most holy inner Temple . . . is engraved on the
vestibules by which the King enters, luminous spiritual figures.
. . . Among the spirits of splendor there are works of [art of]
marvelous colors . . . glorious innermost Temple chambers, the
structure of [the most holy [sanctuary] in the innermost
chambers of the King. (Dead Sea Scroll fragment 4Q405)”
“There can be little doubt that the king being referred to in
this passage is not an Israelite king. There are no biblical
descriptions that match these temple chambers. Nor can there be
any doubt that the description of the heavenly chariot matches
the reality of a Pharaonic state chariot of the period of
Akhenaten, as, for example, described by Cyril Aldred in his
book Akhenaten, King of Egypt:
“The decorative panels are made of heavy gold foil worked in a
repousse technique, backed with gesso and linen, with scenes of
the chastising of foreign foes by the king as a sphinx. The gold
is enhanced with bosses and borders inlaid with colored glass,
faience and similar ornamentation, to produce a gorgeous and
dazzling appearance.”
Fig. 39.1. Akhenaten’s successor, Tutankhaten (who later
changed his name to Tutankhamun), riding his royal chariot with
bow and arrow in hand.
“The Book of Revelation of the Christian Scriptures takes up the
I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. . . . And I
saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow;
and a crown was given unto him; and he went forth conquering,
and to conquer. (1:10; 6:2)3
Jewish Memories of Chariots
“One of the most striking features of excavations in Israel has
been the prolific findings of mosaic decorations in ancient
synagogues. Of these, the floor in a synagogue at Sepphoris, in
the Galilee, is one of the most beautiful and extensively
preserved, but it has posed a number of intractable problems for
commentators. Dated to the fifth century C.E., it was discovered
almost accidentally in 1993, and its central piece is a huge
astronomical picture. The director of the dig, Zeev Weiss, of
the Hebrew University, Israel, wrote of the dig:
“As surprising as it may seem to find a zodiac in a synagogue,
it is even more shocking to find a depiction of the sun god,
Helios, riding in his chariot drawn by four horses (the quadriga).
But the fact is that both the zodiac and the Helios with his
quadriga have been found in several ancient synagogues-at
Hammat-Tiberias, Beit Alpha, Na’aran and Ussfiyeh, among others.
. . . The Sepphoris mosaic represents him only with a sun disk
and chariot.”4
“After struggling for an explanation, Weiss eventually leaves it
to the reader to decide. The simple explanation is that in this
and other examples there is a clear allusion to Egypt and the
sun disk of the Aten. That the person riding the chariot is
Akhenaten, not Helios, is clearly indicated by the design of the
chariot depicted; it and other associated symbolisms are typical
of the period one thousand years earlier.
“The subject led straight back to the heavenly chariot of
Pharaoh Akhenaten, Egypt, and a possible eclipsing of Moses.
Nevertheless, the tradition of mysticism and heavenly
transformation left a strong footprint in both the Hebrew and
Christian Scriptures, in the latter particularly through the
Christian Scriptures’ continuing concentration on the subject
(Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor. 15:49; 2 Cor. 3:18, 4:4; Phil. 3:21).
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran:
The Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle Locations
“2. ...Despite mentions in the Hebrew
Scriptures of the thousands of chariots supposedly owned by King
David and King Solomon, no remains of such chariots have ever
been found in Israel.
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran:
The Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 8855-8856).
“3. That it was customary for kings to go
forth in a chariot to conquer their enemies is illustrated in a
number of ancient Egyptian reliefs—for example, that showing
Tutmoses IV, grandfather of Akhenaten, shooting down Asiatics
(found in the tomb of Tutmoses IV) (Cyril Aldred, Akhenaten King
of Egypt, Thames and Hudson, 1996).
“4. The chariot depicted in the Sepphoris
mosaic has six spokes per wheel with thin wheel-rim design, as
seen on wall reliefs at Amarna showing Akhenaten riding his
royal chariot beneath the blazing Aten sun disk. Chariots were
introduced into Egypt by the Hyksos in the sixteenth century
B.C.E.; subsequent designs down to the end of the fifteenth
century had four wheels. By the fourteenth century B.C.E.,
six-wheel design came into use and remained popular to the time
of Ramses in the thirteenth century, when eight-spoke wheels
started appearing in Egypt and Assyria. By Greek-Roman times
eight-spoke wheels were the norm (Zeev Weiss, “The Sepphoris
Synagogue Mosaic,” Biblical Archaeology Review 26, no. 5, 2000).
“Interestingly, one of the earliest depictions of Christ, in St.
Peter’s in Vatican City, shows him as Helios mounted on a
chariot. Zeev Weiss is not the only scholar to be nonplussed by
the use of imagery specifically forbidden in the Mishnah, a
confusion confounded by the traditional Jewish prayer to the sun
Sefer Harazim (see Lee I. Levine, The Ancient Synagogue, Yale
University Press, 2000). This prayer paraphrases many of the
themes in the Great Hymn of Aten.
Feather, Robert. The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran:
The Essene Mysteries of John the Baptist (Kindle 8856-8868).
* * *
projection that President Obama will launch the Tribulation as the
“rider on the white horse”
and become
one of the
“ten kings”
is based on the evidence here presented, and also
on his
close ties with the Prieuré de
President Obama’s
are, in fact, the the high cabal which presides over the Synagogue of Satan,
the Learned Elders of
Sion, and all secret societies.
To learn about Barack Obama’s
true history and funding by the
Prieuré de Sion be sure to read
The Synarchy: The Priory of Sion & Barack Obama.