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EMNR’s Rockford Conference on Discernment and Evangelism, 1989


[Conference info found by scrolling halfway down Rockford Conference web page.]


~ edited for purposes of this report ~


…the largest international Evangelical conference/symposium on the Cults, the Occult and discernment issues ever to be held in the history of the Midwestern United States. People came from Canada, England, and Scotland as well as from all over America. It was co-sponsored by TV 38 in Chicago, WQFL and WGSL radio stations and First Evangelical Free Church all in Rockford, Illinois. It was co-hosted by The Institute for Christian Apologetics… The Steering Committee consisted of Dr. Gordon Lewis, Eric Pement, and Rev. Kevin S. Johnson.


Those speaking included the best experts in the Christian Apologetics field such as: Dr. Gleason Archer, Trinity Divinity School Deerfield, IL, Dr. Vernon Grounds, Trinity Divinity School Deerfield, IL [Christianity Today Corresponding Editor]; Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Senior Pastor Moody Memorial Church Chicago; Dr. Ruth Tucker, Trinity Divinity School, Deerfield, IL ; Dr. Robert Morey, Founder of Truth Seekers Ministry; Rabi Maharaj* [Spiritual Counterfeits Project]; Mark Mittelberg, Willow Creek Church, Barrington, IL; James Sire, Intervarsity Fellowship and Press; Dr. Ron Rhodes, founder of Reasoning From The Scriptures; Dr. Ronald Enroth, Westmont College [and American Family Foundation], CA; Agusta Harting; Co-Founder Families Against Cults Ministries/FACM*; Robert Passantino* Co-Founder Answers In Action, CA;… Maureen Davies, Occult expert, United Kingdom; Elliot Miller; Christian Research Institute; CA; and others.


… [signed]

Rev. Kevin S. Johnson,

President and Co-Founder of The Institute For Christian Apologetics (ICA) and Mount Carmel Outreach (MCO).

The first fulltime branch of MCO was founded in 1985 in Rockford, IL



Background Notes on EMNR Conference [names and orgs] found above…


Ministries represented: Trinity Divinity School, Christianity Today, Moody Memorial Church,
Willow Creek Community Church, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Christian Research Institute, Ronald Enroth
[American Family Foundation], Cornerstone/JPUSA.


Institute for Christian Apologetics/ICA ––president Kevin Johnson

ICA co-sponsored the Rockford Conference [1989] with EMNR.


ICA Board members include Eric Pement and Wayne House


Wayne House is a board member of Evangelical Ministries To New Religions/EMNR; a Contributing Editor for the Christian Research Journal [Walter Martin/Hank Hanegraaff]; Professor of Law (Trinity Law School) and Professor of Theology and Culture (Trinity Graduate School) at Trinity International University [see below], CA.


Walter Martin officially endorses ICA’s Mount Carmel Outreach [the concept of offering taped-recorded messages on the cults on a phone line]:


“Cult research pioneer and author of The Kingdom of the Cults, Dr. Walter R. Martin, saw its potential immediately and wrote a letter of recommendation of this proposed system .”


Walter Martin’s letter endorsing ICA’s Mount Carmel Outreach, 1986

ICA’s [Kevin Johnson] Apologetics and Prophecy Conferences

Previously found: <


“Seminars on Apologetics and Bible prophecy could be held here featuring top experts in their field.

… The 100-200 person audience would be able to ask questions of these Christian experts. These experts would also be the guests on the radio program as well. The video would be offered to the churches, the ministry of the speaker and would be included in our tape offerings catalog.”


We have had top drawer experts on the radio program and as featured speakers at conferences we have sponsored. They have included such well known professors and teachers as Dr. H. Wayne House (former President of The National Evangelical Theological Society and a former professor at the Dallas Theological Seminary) Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Ruth Tucker (Trinity Seminary*), Dave Hunt, Dr. Gleason Archer (Trinity Seminary), Eric Pement, Senior Editor Cornerstone Magazine, Dr. Timothy Warner, Pat and Caryl Matrisciana (Jeremiah Films) and a host of others.”


Editor’s Key:


Dr. H. Wayne House––Contributing Editor for the Christian Research Institute’s CRI JOURNAL since 1995.


Dr. John Ankerberg––member of the secret Council for National Policy/CNP and close associate of Chuck Missler/Kononnia House, who is also a member of the CNP.


Dr. Ruth Tucker––WOG/Worldwide Church of God apologist


Dave Hunt––associate of both Ankerberg and Missler.


Eric Pement––Board of Lausanne’s EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions and Cornerstone Magazine Senior Editor of the controversial/communal Jesus People USA


Pat and Caryl Matrisciana (Jeremiah Films)––Council for National Policy/CNP


Trinity International University/TIU belongs to the Evangelical Free Church denomination. Note that both Ruth Tucker and Gleason Archer are on the faculty.


TIU has three campuses: the main University campus, Trinity Evangelical Theological Divinity School/TEDS and Trinity School of Law. Wayne House is a professor at Trinity School of Law and the Trinity Grad School located on the same CA campus.


Trinity Law School was founded by Walter Martin with other prominent Christian leaders, such as James Warwick Montgomery and Harold Lindsell of Christianity Today. The school was first known as the Simon Greenleaf School of Law and School of Christian Apologetics.


[See report on Christian Research Institute with further details.]


See Biblical Discernment Ministry’s exposé of the Evangelical Free Church—A Smorgasbord of Heresy 


Rabi Maharaj, author of Death of a GURU

Spiritual Counterfeit’s Maharaj co-authored his book with Dave Hunt.


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