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Smoke, Mirrors and Disinformation…

The Compromised Ties of the Apologetics Ministries





Part III




Apologetics Conferences & New Age Dialogue


Brooks Alexander’s participation in the Lausanne Consultation, 1980…



SCP Newsletter July-Sept. 1980 Vol. 6, No.3


MISCELLANEOUS [SCP report about Brooks Alexander at Lausanne’s COWE]


Thailand 1980 (In Review)


SCP Director Brooks Alexander flew halfway around the globe to participate in the “Consultation on World Evangelism” (COWE) held June 16-27 in Thailand. The “Consultation” was one of several sub-conferences that were spun off from the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland. COWE was held in Pattaya, Thailand…


The Consultation as a whole (delegates, staff, observers and guests), consisted of over 800 people from almost every part of the world, including mainland China and several East European “Soviet bloc” countries. All these participants gathered together in plenary sessions at lest twice daily for prayer, worship and keynote speeches. The real work of COWE, however, was carried on in 17 study groups (called mini-consultations), each of which dealt with the problems and prospects of evangelism directed toward particular “people-groups.” Our director [Brooks Alexander] worked with the group on “reaching mystics and Cultists,” a title that was later revised to “Reaching New Religious Movements.” Subjects of the mini-consultations included “Reaching Marxists,” “Reaching Jews,” “Reaching Refugees,” “Reaching Nominal Protestants,” “Reaching Hindus,” “Reaching Secularists,” etc., etc. Each group produced a paper of presumably safe advice on its assigned topic by the end of the conference.


Alexander reported that the composition of the “New Religious movements” group reflected the breadth of COWE as a whole: the 17 participants represented ten nations and five continents. This turned out to be both a strength and a weakness: “The extreme diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints in our group, the scope of our subject and the limitations of time combined to create extraordinary pressures for the participants…”


The paper produced by the “New Religious Movements” group was 53 pages of typed, single-spaced manuscript, the longest of those from the Thailand conference. All papers from the mini-consultations which met at Pattaya will be published in booklet form sometime in the fall. Alexander made a major contribution to the report drafted by this group. The material he prepared will form the basis for an expanded paper on evangelism to be published by SCP later this fall.


More info on Lausanne Consultation––Pattaya, Thailand, 1980 in EMNR section which follows (EMNR founded at Lausanne).


SCP Newsletter July-Sept. 1980 Vol. 6, No. 3

SCP Hosts Conference on New Religious Trends


The Spiritual Counterfeits Project hosted a three-day conference on new religious movements and related subjects November 2-4, 1979. Approximately 60 people were present, representing a number of Christian organizations with ministries similar to the SCP’s. Also attending were a number of seminary and college professors whose expertise was of great value. Top representatives of the major evangelical media (Christianity Today, Eternity and InterVarsity Press) and several European delegates were also present. [i.e. LCOWE]


Spiritual Counterfeits Project Announces Conference on New Religious Trends

SCP Newsletter February – March 1980 VI/1

Of Lakes and Lilies ––Welcome to the 1980’s …By Mark Albrecht…


A Book Review

The Emerging Order: God in an Age of Scarcity by Jeremy Rifkin with Ted Howard (…1979)… Reviewed by Neil Duddy.



Editor’s Note:


The SCP book review above was written by Neil Duddy.


Duddy would be the defendant named in the Witness Lee lawsuit (Lee v. Duddy et al) over Duddy’s book The God-Men, published by InterVarsity Press. SCP filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the early 1980s. Gordon Melton, head of the Institute for the Study of American Religion, testified on behalf of the Local Church/Witness Lee.


Lee v. Duddy Punitive Damages Awarded

Total:          $11,900,000.00


It is curious that the publisher of The God-Men, InterVarsity Press/IVP, was not named in the lawsuit. However, James Sire, Senior Editor of InterVarsity Press was named as a defendant with Neil Duddy.


Lee v. Duddy Lawsuit


Gordon Melton testified as ‘expert witness’ for the Local Church [Witness Lee]. His testimony [partial] is included here. Melton, who is on the board of CESNUR, was a speaker at the recent EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions 2002 Conference Louisville, KY.


Returning to SCP newsletters…


SCP Newsletter February – March 1980 VI/1…

SCP Hosts Conference on New Religious Trends


The Spiritual Counterfeits Project hosted a three-day conference on new religious movements and related subjects November 2-4. Approximately 60 people were present, representing a number of Christian organizations with ministries similar to the SCP’s. Also attending were a number of seminary and college professors whose expertise was of great value. Top representatives of the major evangelical media (Christianity Today, Eternity and InterVarsity Press) and several European delegates were also present.


While some time was devoted to the larger and more influential cults, the majority of the sessions concentrated on areas of broader philosophical and theological concerns. Some were: (1) The acceptance of occult philosophy and mystical experience in western society; (2) the hermeneutics (i.e., the misuse and/or reinterpretations of Scripture) of cultic groups; (3) psychics and psychic phenomena, including reincarnation; (4) the role that spiritism and demonology play in false religion; (50 legal and constitutional ramifications of the emerging new religious movements and the penetration of their philosophies into public life; (6) a look at the trend toward increasing authoritarianism within contemporary evangelicalism; and (7) how to present the gospel to cultists, with a discussion of rescue and rehabilitation techniques and methods.


As a result of the conference, we are establishing a loose network for sharing information and counseling services. We hope to convene further confabs in the future, as the ‘80s will undoubtedly see burgeoning psychic/cultic activity, alternative new religions and occult philosophy. Perhaps one of the most succinct and pregnant conclusions came in the form of an off-hand wisecrack by Brooks Alexander. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a blue-chip business –– spiritual error is a growth industry.”




J.I Packer at the 1983 Spiritual Counterfeits Project Retreat


“J.I. Packer’s “Meeting God”…was presented by Dr. Packer at SCP’s last staff retreat…”


Source: J. Isamu Yamamoto, Spiritual Counterfeits Project Special Journal, December 1983.


J.I. Packer is an Executive Director of Christianity Today and on the faculty of Regent College* where SCP’s Earl Palmer is on the Regent College Board of Governors.


Packer was present at the Willowbank 1978 gathering to hammer out the world evangelization plan with Lausanne’s Theology and Education Group.  [Scroll to bottom of LCWE/Willowbank page for those in attendance.]  He was also chairman of the theologians task group for the Amsterdam Declaration (2000). Packer was a signer of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together Document (ECT I /1994) and served on the steering committee which wrote ECT II (1997).


*Regent College is a member of the Rockefeller-affiliated Association of Theological Schools/ATS [serving as the accrediting agency to seminaries]



SPC/EMNR Joint Discernment Conference announced…


Spiritual Counterfeits Project NEWSLETTER  Fall 1985 Vol. 11, No. 3


Cover article

Green Politics: Biblical or Buddhist? By Ronald J. Sider


“Ronald J. Sider is Professor of Theology at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Chairperson for Evangelicals for Social Action.”


Conference on Deception and Discernment

March 7-8, 1986

First Presbyterian Church

Berkeley, California

• What is spiritual deception?

• How can you know it when you see it?

• What is a Christian response?


These and many other questions will be answered as SCP and EMNR (Evangelical Ministries to New Religions) co-sponsor a conference on deception and discernment this coming spring. This conference is open to the public.


Danny Korem, world renown magician and Christian, will be the keynote speaker and will discuss psychic deception. Plenary sessions featuring SCP researchers and other competent speakers will examine spiritual deception in its various forms and will suggest tools for discernment. All this will be complimented by workshops on a variety of topics such as self-help groups (est, Lifespring et al), hypnosis, metaphysics and the New age.


NOTE: Pre-conference professional seminars for persons involved vocationally in dealing with new religious movements, spiritual trends and cults will take place on March 6-7 before the larger conference. Neo-paganism will be the focus. (This smaller conference will not be open to the public.)



About Ronald Sider:


Ronald Sider is an advisor to Center for Public Justice, a strategist for Faith-Based Welfare Reform which gives tax dollars to (control) the churches. Sider is also Corresponding Editor for Christianity Today. He is on the faculty of Eastern College which has a partnership with World Vision (NGO/UN) and has a Templeton honors college on campus.  Sider’s org, Evangelicals for Social Action, is funded by grants from Pew Charitable Trusts. See below.


Sider was a chairman with Bruce Nicholls on the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship [WEF] – the shadow government for Lausanne – in 1969. See the NAE/WEF/Lausanne Timeline. The Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship was later established in 1974. The first WEF Theological Commission Director was Dr Bruce J. Nicholls, 1969-1986.


“Over the past two decades-plus, Evangelicals for Social Action has become the primary organizational leader for progressive evangelical voices and a primary inspiration of renewed evangelical concern for the poor, equality for women and minorities, and care for the environment.”


In recent years, ESA has played a key role in the founding and development of Call to Renewal (a progressive network of evangelicals, Catholics, mainline Protestants, and historic black and Hispanic Christians coordinated by Jim Wallis), and continues to be a leader of the evangelical wing of the Call to Renewal. [According to Constance Cumbey, “Wallis’ group has clearly been mainstream New Age from way back.” See: SCP: Point of Entry to the Aquarian Frontier] See also: The Call To Renewal & Global Roundtable


Ron Sider also represents INFEMIT USA at the Oxford Centre for Missions Studies (OMCS). INFEMIT stands for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians. OCmS is the Study and Research Centre for the INFEMIT Network and an international hub for control of theological education.


For more information on OCMS and ESA, see The Oxford Centre for Missions Studies.


Pew Charitable Trusts grants to Ron Sider’s Evangelicals for Social Action/ESA


Evangelicals For Social Action, Inc.

06/08/1995 - Wynnewood, PA

In support of the Crossroads Program to foster evangelical scholarship in political thought and develop younger scholars in this field: $72,000 outright, and $112,000 on a matching basis, over three years.

$ 184,000/41 mos.


Evangelicals For Social Action, Inc.

06/12/1997 - Wynnewood, PA

To plan the organizational restructuring and expansion of the program.

$ 54,000/6 mos.



SCP NEWSLETTER Vol. 12, No. 1, February 1987




SCP recommends a conference…




In addition to her duties as SCP Executive Director Karen Hoyt is on the national committee of “The Congress on the Bible-II: A Call to Action.” The purpose of the congress is to challenge Christians to apply their commitment to Christ and belief in scripture to every area of their lives, both personally and nationally.


The dates for the congress are Sept 23-27, 1987 in Washington, D.C. SCP encourages you to write for the information concerning this important event. Write: Congress on the Bible-II…


[PHOTO with caption]

Karen Hoyt at a recent committee meeting of The Congress on the Bible-II in Washington, DC along with (left to right) Dr. Richard Halverson, chaplain to the U.S. Senate; Chuck Colson [CNP], founder/director of Prison Fellowship*; and Dr. James Boice, pastor, author and editor of Eternity Magazine.



Editor’s notes:

Richard Halverson has been long associated with World Vision, an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN. [See: UN/NGO Database] He was WV President 1967–1969. He was Chairman of the Board of World Vision-U.S. from 1966 to 1983. As a World Vision representative he worked with the National Prayer Breakfast Movement directed by Abraham Vereide and later Doug Coe. See: New Age “Bridging Through Christ” Gold Lake Retreat [1986], Doug Coe and SCP’s Art Lindsley; and Prayer Breakfast Movement history; See short Richard Halverson BIO in next section.


Prison Fellowship International is also an NGO in Special Consultative Statues with the United Nations. 

See: PFI: Who We Are and UN/NGO Database


Eternity Magazine [various sources]


Dr. James Montgomery Boice [deceased] was associate editor at Christianity Today [1967] and editor/author for Eternity.


Cult expert Walter Martin [deceased] was for five years a contributing editor to Eternity magazine and served for ten years as an editor of Zondervan Publishing House, heading up its Division of Cult Apologetics which he founded in 1955. He worked as editorial research associate of Action Magazine, official organ of the National Association of Evangelicals. He has frequently contributed to leading Christian magazines and has published articles in Christianity Today, Christian Life, Action [NAE's publication], Eternity…


Boice served as Chairman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, from its founding (by Jay Grimstead, president of Coalition on Revival/COR) in 1977 to its completion in 1988. Dr. Boice was Pastor of the historic Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for more than 30 years, having followed the pastorate of Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse—a close associate of Walter Martin. Barnhouse was the founder and first president of Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals/ACE; followed by Boice who was acting ACE president until his death. ACE is a sponsoring org of James Warwick Montgomery's International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights, Strasbourg, France which interfaces with the United Nations.


See: Ministries to NU Religions, Christian Research Institute, Walter Martin, founding of Simon Greenleaf School of Law/ Trinity Law School, participation at the Int’l Institute of Human Rights—annual summer seminar, Strassbourg, France since 1980––interfaces with the United Nations.


See also: Miles J. Stanford’s critique: Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse & Neo-Evangelicalism


"In 1940, Norman Vincent Peale (33rd degree Mason) formed the psychologically-oriented ‘Foundation for Christian Living,’ which in 1988 purchased Eternity magazine; by the end of that year, Eternity had ceased to exist." (Source: quote from Biblical Discernment Ministries exposé on Norman Vincent Peale.) "…And indeed as the Reverend Doctor Norman Vincent Peale, one of the best known Christian and Masonic authors of today has remarked, there can never be conflict between Christianity and any other organization which constantly urges its members to live a moral life…" Source: Conscience and the Craft, Question on Religion and Freemasonry, by Jim Tresner, Ph.D., 33rd degree


Eternity magazine March, 1988 featured a full-page advertisement promoting Fuller Theological Seminary: “Unity in Diversity,” featuring a picture of Lewis B. Smedes, Fuller Professor of Theology & Ethics.


Eternity magazine named Piety and Politics one of the twenty-five best books of 1988. Michael Cromartie was co-editor, with Richard John Neuhaus, of Piety and Politics: Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Confront the World (1987; now in its fifth printing)…He formerly worked as a special assistant to Charles W. Colson [member of the secret CNP] at Prison Fellowship Ministries [an NGO of the UN]. Michael Cromartie is Vice President at the Ethics and Public Policy Center/EPPC directing the Evangelical Studies Project. The Ethics and Public Policy Center was “established in 1976 to clarify and reinforce the bond between the Judeo-Christian moral tradition and domestic and foreign policy issues.”


EPPC was instrumental in the passage of Freedom from Religious Persecution Act which set up the US Commission for Int’l Religious Freedom/USCIRF orchestrated by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations/CFR. Until recently, Elliot Abrams, a member of the CFR, was president of EPPC and served as the first USCIRF Chairman when the commission was first established.


1950s - Eternity favorably reports compromise of

Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse & Dr. Walter Martin

with Liberalism, Pentecostalism & Seventh Day Adventism


Source: Miles J. Stanford


1920s -- Dr. Barnhouse graduated from Princeton Seminary, and was ordained as a Presbyterian minister.  In the late 20s he was installed as pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church, in Philadelphia.  By that time Liberalism had taken over the Denomination, which Dr. Barnhouse forcefully attacked from the inside.


Dr. J. Gresham Machen, as president of Princeton Seminary, along with a number of students, fought Liberalism both in the Seminary and Denomination.  As a result, they left the school in 1929, while remaining in the Denomination.


1936 -- But the Presbytery finally took the initiative, and brought these dissenters to trial: Drs. Machen, Macartney, MacIntire, Ockenga, Woodbridge, Woolley, and others.  They were summarily defrocked and dismissed from the Denomination.  Despite his blistering remonstrance against Presbyterian Liberalism, Dr. Barnhouse was not brought to trial, and he chose not to follow his now deposed friends and colleagues.


Actually, Liberalism didn't mind the Barnhouse rhetoric--they had the man!  He was put to good use as their Exhibit A, their conservative front man.  Despite all that he said and wrote to the contrary, his ordination yoke with the Liberals was a distinct service to their cause for over 25 years--while constituting a distinct disservice to the cause of conservative Christianity.


1954 -- In November Dr. Barnhouse capitulated to his Denomination, and his Philadelphia Presbytery in particular.  Many were astounded by his seemingly sudden surrender.  The Philadelphia Bulletin for November 12, 1954, reported:


A 22-year-old break between the Presbytery of Philadelphia and Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse has been healed by the latter's recent appearance before the Presbytery expressing the desire for closer fellowship with the alienated group.


Presbytery immediately responded in an open-armed gesture of welcome.... Dr. Barnhouse said, "I have come to realize that some of my personal relationships have suffered because of these past differences, and I now recognize that this has been a mistake.  For my part I want to work in a much closer fellowship with you in the Presbytery.


1956 -- Dr. Barnhouse and the charismatic Dr. Walter Martin entered into "sweet fellowship," as they put it, with the leaders of Seventh-Day Adventism.  As a result there appeared a series of laudatory articles, beginning in the September issue of Eternity magazine.  Dr. Barnhouse wrote, "They are as orthodox on the great fundamentals of the Person of Christ as anyone in the world could be."


Sure enough, the very next month the Adventist monthly, Signs of the Times magazine, came forth with an editorial entitled "Adventists Vindicated!":


As the effect of Dr. Barnhouse's courageous reappraisal of Seventh-Day Adventism, we are convinced that it will not only create a sensation in evangelical circles, but it will lead thousands to restudy the "message" which Seventh-Day Adventism feels called to give to the world in these last days.


This from an anti-security, law-enslaving cult, whose heretical "message" includes: 1) The Sanctuary-investigative judgment; 2) Christ's assumption of a sinful nature; 3) Sabbath-keeping; 4) OT dietary restrictions; 5) Partial atonement at Calvary; 6) Conditional immortality; 7) Soul sleep; and 8) Annihilation of the lost.


Dr. Robert Brinsmead, long-time SDA leader, now deposed, said:


Mrs. Ellen G. White's [SDA founder] intrusion into a supposed word from the Lord has robbed intelligent people of their personhood, imprisoned them in a vast system of legalism, emasculated them spiritually, and made pious zombies out of them.


1958 -- This year witnessed Drs. Barnhouse and Martin entering into "close fellowship" with the Pentecostals.  Eternity for April reported their visit with the leaders of the Assembly of God at their headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, stating:


We found total disagreement of two percent of our doctrine, and absolute agreement of 95 to 98 percent.


1959 -- In the June issue of Eternity Dr. Barnhouse declared:


Karl Barth is in the camp of the true believers even though some of his forms of expression differ from traditional statements of theology.  Much as we reject what some of his followers have made of him, he must be considered as a brother in Christ.


It was at this time that Dr. Norman F. Langford (Secretary of the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.) was being mentored by "brother" Barth:


Dr. Barth has shown me that theology can never come to repose in a fixed theology--not even neo-orthodoxy!--but must ever be moving on with no knowledge of where the journey will lead.


back to SCP/EMNR…


An unannounced, behind-the-scenes NEW AGE conference (for leaders only)…


The secret Gold Lake Retreat, 1987

“Bridging Through Christ”––Christians and New Agers Together

EMNR and Spiritual Counterfeits Project were there!


New Age Monitor  ~ Constance Cumbey

Volume 2, Nos. 8-12

Published Quarterly at Centerline, Michigan

Pointe Publishers, Inc.…

July 1988 (last issue was December, 1987)


Holy Watergate! The Missing Eighteen and One Half Hour Tapes!


Gold Lake Conference Secrecy Pact Revealed.


David Spangler, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Vernon Grounds, Gordon Lewis, Art Lindsley, Doug Coe, et al cavort at Gold Lake Retreat! 


A Goldlake lady (or gentleman) never tells. New agers and Christians make secrecy covenant. Details Inside Current New age Monitor:


*MUST READING*---Constance Cumbey’s expose of the Gold Lake Conference:


     HOLY WATERGATE! The Missing Eighteen and One Half Hour Tapes!


Letter of Invitation sent to the “Bridging Through Christ” Gold Lake conference participants…


October 5, 1987

Name withheld

Stanford CA, 94025




We are writing to invite you to join us for the gathering we are hosting at Gold Lake on October 24-27, entitled “Bridging Through Christ.” The conference will be held at Gold Lake Ranch, an executive retreat conference center, educational foundation, and community initiative located in the mountains outside Boulder, Colorado.


We plan to meet in dialogue and prayer, with our daily roles and titles, to form deep personal bonds that will last beyond this weekend. We hope to come out of this meeting with a clearer sense of direction and set a course for further contact and dialogue. The meeting will be structured so that it can change according to the needs and interests of the group. We have asked two close friends, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Doug Coe to serve as co-hosts for this event, as well as Robin’s parents, Paul and Diane Temple. All of them are deeply dedicated and have each, in their own way, become powerful catalysts for bringing people around the globe together in the Spirit of Christ. More about them is enclosed. We are planning to limit the participants to about 30 lay people in order to create the opportunity for deeper communication and sharing.


We are eagerly looking forward to being with you at Gold Lake in October and getting to know you in person. Enclosed is the logistics sheet and registration form which we would appreciate you filling out and returning it [sic] as soon as possible.



Robin and Logan Kline



Note: Summing up the “Bridging for Christ” Gold Lake Conference, Cumbey said that the approach the Christian leaders were taking was:


“’Let’s [identify] the good things [on which we can agree] about the New age Movement and things on which we can agree with New Agers.’ That just happens to be the political agenda of the New Age Movement––the agenda they must implement if they are to make their forced global spiritual change a reality.” [Constance Cumbey’s NEW AGE MONITOR © 1991, JUNE]




Barbara Marx Hubbard who is more and more a recognized spokeswoman for the New Age and has written, among other things, “The Manual for Co-Creation – An Alternative to Armageddon.”


Doug Coe is the inspirational leader behind one of the largest international Christian lay ministries, “The Fellowship” centered in Washington, D.C. The Fellowship is the organization which puts together the Presidential and Congressional Prayer Breakfasts and is dedicated to serving international political leaders of all faiths.


Paul and Diane Temple are both on the Board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of which Paul is the Chairman. They have been extremely involved in the New Age, Traditional and Evangelical Christian groups, and are dedicated to bridging the gaps between the three through their own personal lives.


Ed. note: The Temples were also masters of ceremonies at the Soviet/American Citizen’s Summit.


Logan and Robin Kline are the founders of Gold Lake Foundation, an educational center dedicated [to] exploring and developing ideas on the cutting edge of today’s society.




EMNR and CRI do Damage Control after the New Age “Bridging Through Christ”, Gold Lake Conference, 1987…


EMNR’s Gordon Lewis writes Why I Talk to New Agers


Witnessing Tips column of the Christian Research Journal, Summer 1989, page 7.


Dr. Lewis has sometimes been questioned about his practice of holding unpublicized dialogues with New Agers (as though in some way this implies a compromise of the faith). —Elliot Miller, CRI Journal editor.


“In October, 1987, I was invited without restrictions to converse with several local and national New Age leaders at Gold Lake, Colorado. My participation was sponsored neither by Evangelical Ministries to New Religions nor Denver Seminary. As a researcher I accepted the opportunity for firsthand information, and as a Christian I went having put on all the biblical ‘armor’ (Eph. 6:10-18) and having prayed for discernment and opportunities to honor my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ…”



Ed. Note: Gordon Lewis is founding member of EMNR with Walter Martin, Ronald Enroth and James Bjornstad. He has been a Christian Research Institute/CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1987.


See: CRI JOURNAL masthead


Follow-up Notes from Constance Cumbey on the New Age “Bridging Through Christ” Gold Lake Retreat…


New Age Monitor ~ July 1988 ~ Constance Cumbey


…People I respect such as Pat Matrisciana tell me they were active in the formation of SCP and the Berkeley Christian Coalition. I have tried on numerous occasions to reach Pat Matrisciana to discuss this article and the entire Gold Lake affair. I have been un-successful in obtaining a return call. Perhaps this is because he didn’t get the message, or, perhaps he was traveling. But I have decided it more important that this information be withheld no longer from the Christian community –– not even for reasons personal friendship.


Post-Gold Lake Events


“An Evening With David Spangler”

October 26, 1987

Boulder Epsicopalian Church, Boulder, Colorado

Part I of II


Since the “Christians” who were there aren’t talking about Gold Lake and some of the New Agers have freely boasted about the event, we thought we would transcribe, for your benefit, David Spangler’s immediate post-gold Lake talk remarks.


See Cumbey’s New Age Monitor:




More Smoke, Mirrors and Disinformation…

The Compromised Ties of the Apologetics Ministries

        Spiritual Counterfeits Project – Part 4