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Continued from Part I:

The Cult of the Black Virgin










"A number of times the Scripture refers to Jesus as 'The Branch.' Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH' (Zechariah 6:12). That is one of the names in the Old Testament for the coming of the Messiah. Also, concerning the Branch, we read in Zechariah 3:8, For, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.' Also 'In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious.' (Isaiah 4:2a). He is the servant, He is a man, He is God; He is the God-man, Jesus, who has come... A confirmatory of this is that the brightest star in Virgo is called Spica, which has the ancient meaning of 'The Branch'—a picture of the coming of Christ.” (D. James Kennedy) - 872:20-21


Although the constellations in the heavens do not form configurations that are definitively human, animal or vegetable, promoters of the false 'Gospel in the Stars' are of the same opinion as astrologers that Virgo holds a Branch, and that this Branch represents 'the Christ' who will come to redeem the world.  E.W. Bullinger actually stated: "The day has here come to fulfill the prophecies concerning Him who is 'the Branch,' 'the Branch of Jehovah,' 'the man whose name is the Branch.'” (939)  Knowing that Virgo is the Great Mother Goddess of pagan religions, the Scriptures cited by Kennedy and Bullinger will undoubtedly be used to validate a false Christ, who will be promoted as 'The Branch' and whose name will actually mean "branch".

And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD: - Zech. 6:12

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous BRANCH, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. - Jer. 23:5,6

In that day shall the BRANCH of the LORD be beautiful and glorious... - Is. 4:2

 Isaiah 14 also mentions a branch. In the King James Version, this chapter describes the fall of Lucifer who will one day incarnate the Antichrist in his attempt to destroy the world:

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an ABOMINABLE BRANCH, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. - Is. 14:12-19

The Rev'd. Bullinger, Kennedy and fellow 'Biblical' astrologers inform us that "Spica, which has the ancient meaning of 'The Branch',” is "a picture of the coming of Christ.” Now in the ancient zodiacs, Spica, the 'branch,' was portrayed as a serpent. Note that in the sculpture of Hathor (right), the goddess is holding the ears of grain in her right hand and a serpent in her left hand.  This 'serpent' (Spica) is the 'branch' or 'coming son' of the Egyptians. Hathor stands upon a lion (Leo) and, as the woman who rides the beast (Rev.17), is representative of the Mother Goddess -- Virgo, Eve and Isis:

"Eve or Hawwah is explained by Robert Graves as possibly being the Hebrew version of Heba, Hebat, Khebat, or Khilba. She is depicted as riding a lion in a sculpture. She was worshipped in Jerusalem. Her Greek name was Heba, Heracles' goddess-wife.
     “Eve is similar to Demeter or Ceres as the grain goddess, or the goddess of the garden. This is Spica, an ear of corn. On Denerah Virgo is Isis. Spica in Hebrew astrology is named Tsemech or 'branch'. This name is symbolic of a coming son or branch. Al Mureddin another star in Virgo is 'the branch that cometh' and is associated with a grape gatherer (Noah) who would redeem man from the curse of the earth by giving us wine.” (1067)


Hathor as Qadesh the Syrian fertility goddess with phallic Min. Note the Hathor crown and headdress. She stands on a lion, holding a serpent and ears of grain (Graves 1946, Pritchard 1954) - 1060


From the 5th to the 8th centuries, the Merovingian dynasty ruled Europe and, from the Middle Ages until the present day, most of Europe's monarchs have been of Jewish descent.  The Merovingians kings claimed Jewish descent from King David, King Solomon and, posturing as Christians, from Jesus Christ through Mary Magdalene. The first Merovingian king of France, Clovis I, feigned conversion to Christianity in 496 A.D. along with his Jewish household and 3,000 of his Jewish warriors.

“The royal emblem of the Merovingian king Clovis was the fleur-de-lis (the iris)...a masculine symbol. In fact, it is a graphic image of the covenant of circumcision... This three-pronged 'lily' is an ancient symbol for Israel: the capitals of the two phallic pillars of Solomon's Temple, Jachin and Boaz, were carved with 'lily work' (I Kings 7:22).” (936:62)

In 679 A.D., the Roman Catholic Church collaborated with the Carolingians to assassinate the Merovingian King Dagobert II. Dagobert's nephew, Childeric III, was deposed in 751 by Pepin III, the first of the Carolingian dynasty. In 800, Pepin's son, Charlemagne, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor, although his kingdom actually was the Frankish Empire. Charlemagne and the Carolingians married Merovingian Jews.

In fact, to consolidate his claim to the throne of the Franks, Charlemagne had himself married a Merovingian princess. - 936

Charlemagne was also Jewish, his descendants claiming the pedigree of tribe of Judah, whereas the Merovingians were of the apostate tribe of Dan:

Incredibly, Charlemagne's Jewish name was David Kalonymus...

“The Carolingian Dynasty were the direct descends of the House of David of the tribe of Judah on their male lineage. The Merovingian Kings were direct descendants of the Tribe of Dan through their ancestress' rape by the Prince of Dan (also called the Beast of Poseidan/ Neptune). Queen Argotta was raped by Dan the Sea King and her son Clodion the Hairy was adopted and brought up by Pharamond (Faramund) who was a Davidic descendant of St Joseph of Arimathea. It was Clodion who brought the custom of Long hair in to the Frankish Kingdom as descendants of Samson of the Tribe of Dan. Like Samson their long hair was invested with mystic power. Clodius was also called Merovee I (from the Sea). From him the dynasty took its name of Merovingian. It was believed that a Danite descendant of the Merovingians would claim Davidic descent and be an antichrist figure opposed by a true Great Davidic King descended from Constantine, Arthur and Charlemagne from among the lands of Joseph and Ephraim (the Lost Tribes in the Western Refuge or Exile of Zarephath).” (The Trojan House of Charlemagne)

After the death of Dagobert II, the Merovingian bloodline continued in the personage of Sigisbert IV, who fled to the south of France, to the village of Rennes le Chateau in Razes. Sigisbert assumed the name of "the Plant-Ard", which means "sapling" or "branch" and the title of the Count of Razes. "Plant-Ard" evolved into the surname Plantard:

"...Dagobert II climbed on the throne but he was assassinated in 679 as well as his son Sigebert IV according to the official history...

"The Merovingian dynasty continued formally with Thierry IV and Childéric III who was removed in 751 and this was the end of the dynasty. According to the parchment found by Saunière, and this could be true according to some historians, Sigebert IV escaped and arrived in the Razes on the 17 of January 681 where he took refuge with his grand father.  Dagobert II had as a second wife Gisèle, the daughter of Béra II the count of Razès. The Merovingian line included, after Sigebert IV (676-758) also known as the 'Plant-Ard' - from whom Mr Plantard took his name!-: Sigebert V (695-768), Bera III (715-771), Guillemon, Bera IV (755-836), Bera V (794-860), Hildéric I and finally Sigebert VI known as 'Ursus'. From this lineage came the Blanchefort family who gave three centuries later a Templar Grand Master, Bertrand de Blanchefort... According to the parchment found by Saunière the lineage did not stop with Sigebert VI but continued up to this date although nobody claimed the French throne."- 856

"According to the latest documents the Merovingian dynasty is now alive in the Plantard family (we must remember that Saint Dagobert II' son, Sigebert IV was also known as "Plant Ard or Rejeton Ardent")."  The phrase means Burning Kid!

Another prophecy pertaining to the Messiah is Isaiah 53:2: For he shall grow up before him as a tender PLANT, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.


To further authenticate their pseudo-divine lineage, the Merovingian genealogies have Sigisbert IV, the 'Plant-Ard' or Branch, married to "Magdala", who is blasphemously identified as a descendant of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ.

"...the marriage of Dagobert II and Giselle of Razes combined the two bloodlines, that of the Holy Family and that of a pagan divine beast, the Quinotaur. The connection between the Merovingians and the Holy Family seems to have been hind-shadowed by this union of the bloodlines, when indeed they would seem from contemporary sources to be a kind of Pendragon lineage, such as Vortigern and Arthur in Britain. In Sigisbert IV, it appears the bloodlines of the divine king and the world teacher combined.

"Given the events of his childhood, it is natural that Sigsbert, the new Count of Rhedae, kept a low profile. The only solid evidence of his existence is a charter for a monastery signed in 718 by 'Sigebert, Comte de Rhedae, and his wife Magdala'." - 873 (Book 1, Chap. 9)

Sigisbert and Magdala were most assuredly not descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene; rather their Pendragon lineage refers to descent from Uther Pendragon, the father of King Arthur and Head Dragon of the Druidic Dragon Court:

"The Pendragon, or 'Head Dragon of the Island'...was the King-of-Kings and 'Guardian of the Celtic Isle'. The title was not dynastic; Pendragons were appointed from Celtic royal stock by a Druidic council of elders...

"The concept of the dragon in Celtic mythology emerged directly from the holy crocodile (the Messeh) of the ancient Egyptians. The Pharaohs were anointed with crocodile fat, and thereby attained the fortitude of the Messeh (Thus Messiah—Anointed One). The image of the intrepid Messeh evolved to become the Dragon, which in turn became emblematic of mighty kingship." - 29:183


And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan... Rev. 12:9


Jesus said unto them...Ye are of your father the devil... John 8:42,44  

The Merovingian dynasty was deposed in 800 A.D., but perpetuated itself in a direct line from Dagobert II through his son Sigisbert IV.  From this Jewish bloodline came Godfroi de Bouillon, who captured Jerusalem in 1099 and formed the Knights Templars (Military Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon), as well as the Prieuré de Sion, known today as the Learned Elders of Sion, authors of the Protocols of Zion.

“The Prieuré de Sion – the Elders of Sion also relates to the Rothschilds who are reported to serve on a Jewish council of Elders of Sion.” (Fritz Springmeier, The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p. 171)

“A veritable secret society of 121 dignitaries, the Prieuré de Sion, founded by Godfroi de Bouillon in Jerusalem in 1099, has numbered among its Grand Masters Leonardo da Vinci, Victor Hugo and Jean Cocteau. ...the 121 dignitaries of the Prieuré de Sion are all éminences grises of high finance and of international political or philosophical societies...” (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p. 214)

Recall that the Society of Ormus which originated in Alexandria, Egypt had relocated to Calabria, Italy and that, in 1070 AD, twenty-nine years before the first Crusade, the Calabrian monks removed to Ardennes Forrest in France, part of the domains of Godfroi de Bouillon who was the duke of Lorraine.

"The First Crusade (A.D. 1098) could then conceivably have been an attempt to restore an heir of the Davidic bloodline to the throne of Jerusalem in the person of Godfroi of Bouillon (also known as Godfroi of Lorraine), who was, according to legend, of Merovingian lineage... This secret cabal called the Priory of Sion, was reputed to have been formed by Godfroi of Lorraine to protect the interests of the bloodline." - 936:63

The Templar Revelation lists the Jewish families who strategized the First Crusade:  

    "The picture that was emerging was of a group of European noble families, descended from the Jewish lines of David and Aaron, who had escaped from Jerusalem shortly before, or possible even just after, the fall of the Temple.  They had passed down the knowledge of the artifacts concealed within the Temple to a chosen son...of each family.  Some of the families involved were the Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payen, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouillon, St. Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinville, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs...

    "By 1095, the members of the Rex Deus families group were almost certainly fully Christianised, yet each of them must have had at least one male member who held the traditional history of their high-born Jewish roots close to his heart. No doubt they saw themselves as 'super-Christians', descendants of the very first Church, and privy to the greatest secret this side of heaven. They were a silent elite -- 'the kings of God'." -  96:79-83

Godfroi de Bouillon who became the King of Jerusalem and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar was a descendant of King Dagobert through Hugues de Plantard. From these Jewish families descended the Saint-Clair (Sinclair) and Plantard bloodlines, as well as the Hapsburg dynasty which is allied with Plantard through the House of Lorraine.

"...Although it was deposed in the eighth century, the Merovingian bloodline did not become extinct... By dint of dynastic alliances and intermarriages, this line came to include Godfroi de Bouillon, who captured Jerusalem in 1099, and various other noble and royal families, past and present—Blanchefort, Gisors, SAINT-CLAIR—SINCLAIR in England...PLANTARD, and Habsburg-Lorraine...

" the tenth century a certain Hugues de Plantard...a literal descendant of both Dagobert and Guillem de Gellon—became the father of Eustache, the first count of Boulogne. Eustache's grandson was Godfroi de Bouillon, duke of Lorraine and conqueror of Jerusalem. And from Godfroi there issued a dynasty and a 'royal tradition' that, by virtue of being founded on 'the rock of Sion,' was equal to those presiding over France, England, and Germany. If the Merovingians were indeed descended from Jesus, then Godfroi—scion of the Merovingian blood royal—had, in his conquest of Jerusalem, regained his rightful heritage...

"There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today—with numerous collateral branches—who are of Merovingian lineage. These include the houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine (present titular dukes of Lorraine and kings of Jerusalem), PLANTARD, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, and various others. According to the 'Prieuré documents,' the SINCLAIR family in Britain is also allied to the bloodline, as are various branches of the Stuarts..." - 31:107, 396, 409-10

The first Angevin dynasty was known from the 12th century as the Plantagenet dynasty through the House of Anjou which produced King Henry II and subsequent kings:

"Geoffrey Plante Genest, count of Anjou and Maine was the father of king Henry II of England and, amongst others, Hamelyn (Plantagenet), Warren earl of Surrey (London). The first evidence for the Pl(a/e)nte name in England is found in 1219, just after the times of Henry II's son, the lecherous king John.

"In 1200, king John married Isabella of Angouleme in Aquitaine who subsequently married Hugh de Lusignan, the most prominent baron of Aquitaine. In 1247, John (Plantagenet) (de Warenne) married Alice Lusignan (de Brien) and English resentments of favouritism towards the `foreign' Lusignans led on to the Baron's revolt in England, leading to the capture of king Henry III at Lewes (1264), though the king was freed by John (Plantagenet) (de Warenne) at Evesham (1265)." - 950

"The Plantagenets were themselves a junior branch of the House of Anjou, whose senior branch was the House of Vere [whose] ancestry was jointly Pictish and Merovingian descending from the ancient Grail House of Scythia." - 248:8

"According to the 'Prieuré documents' the lords of Anjou-Plantagenet family were thus allied to the Merovingian bloodline. And the name of Plantagenet may even have been intended to echo 'Plant-ard' or Plantard.'" - 31:302

According to Fritz Springmeier's Top Thirteen Illuminati Bloodlines, "The original start of the Prieuré de Sion appears to have been the idea of a number of powerful bloodlines, and included various descendants of the Merovingians, including the House of Lorraine, the House of Guise, the Medicis, Sforzas, the Estes, the Gonzagas, and the St. Clairs (Sinclairs). The Medicis are tied to the Black Nobility.

    "From the beginning the Prieuré de Sion has been committed to Hermetic Magic... René d' Anjou, a descendant of the Merovingians persuaded Cosimo de Medici to establish in c. 1444 a non-church library at San Marco where Plato, Pythagorean works, and books on Hermetic Magic were translated. Up until this time, the Catholic church had control of all the libraries. It was from Cosimo de Medici's library that the spark of Greek and Egyptian teachings set off what developed into the Renaissance, which was a revival of humanism and the occult. It appears that during the Middle Ages, witchcraft and the mystery religions had seriously dissolved to the point that these modes of thought had to be relearned from the ancient writings. Interestingly, the Middle Ages when witchcraft and paganism were dissolving have been branded the 'Dark Ages' by the establishment, and inaccurately painted as a time when learning went out." - 77:79

The Merovingian families which ruled France, England and Germany included the Hapsburg-Lorraine dynasty which, in the twentieth century, played a major role in the formation of the European Union.

"Prominent in the Wars of Religion was the noble French family of de Guise... [T]hey disputed the legitimacy of the Valois succession, and claimed their own right to the throne by virtue of descent from the Emperor Charlemagne through the House of Lorraine." - 29:307

    "The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is the ancient Household Court and Order of the senior Angevin descendants of the Imperial and Royal House of Vere of Caledonia, Anjou and Lorraine, and the physical embodiment of the sovereign Princedom of Drakenberg, which is recognized under European Law as a sovereign ethnic racial group; the principal nation states of the Draconian peoples:...
    "Furthermore, the royal and ambassadorial nature of the title of the Prince of Drakenberg (Princeps Draconis) is recognised under the 'Official Observations' of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Government of its state of origin within the European Union." - 357


There are compelling reasons for our conviction that the Antichrist will come from the Plantard and Saint-Clair bloodlines. Supporting evidence for this view will be presented throughout this series, as well as information leading to discovery of the identity of the False Prophet, a Merovingian as well.

According to The Messianic Legacy by Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh, Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire joined the Prieuré de Sion on July 10, 1943 and, from 1963 to 1981, shared the position of Grand Master with Gaylord Freeman, also of an Illuminati bloodline. (232:319;235-6)  According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Plantard de Saint-Claire was Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion from 1981 to 1984.

"A veritable secret society of 121 dignitaries, the Prieuré de Sion, founded by Godfroi de Bouillon in Jerusalem in 1099, has numbered among its Grand Masters Leonardo da Vinci, Victor Hugo and Jean Cocteau. This Order convened its Convent at Blois on 17 January 1981... As a result of this recent Convent at Blois, Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire was elected grand master of the Order... This choice of grand master marks a decisive step in the evolution of the Order's conception and spirit in relation to the world; for the 121 dignitaries of the Prieuré de Sion are all éminences grises of high finance and of international political or philosophical societies; and Pierre Plantard is the direct descendant, through Dagobert II, of the Merovingian kings. His descent has been proved legally by the parchments of Queen Blanche of Castile, discovered by the Abbe Sauniére in the church at Rennes-le-Château (Aude) in 1891. These documents were sold by the priest's niece in 1965 to Captain Roland Stanmore and Sir Thomas Frazer, and were deposited in a safe-deposit box of Lloyds Bank Europe Limited of London." (31:214-15)

It seems that, following World War II, the Prieuré de Sion, and particularly Pierre Plantard, were intimately involved with the rise of Charles De Gaulle rise to the presidency of France. (232:318) According to The Messianic Legacy, "Under the German occupation and the Vichy regime, secret societies, including freemasonry, had been strictly banned and membership of any such organisation was subject to severe penalties."  Springmeier states:

"It is hard for people to grasp that the Illuminati controlled Russia, Great Britain, Germany and France during World War II, but they did. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin were all Masons. DeGaulle of France was closely linked with several esoteric groups, and the Prieuré de Sion and Grand Orient Masons helped him to power in the 50s... the people of the world weren't ready for a world government, and most not even a united Europe. W.W. II was carried out to adjust people's thinking toward wanting European unity." (77:168)

Front organizations were formed to agitate for change, and the Prieuré de Sion assisted in the military coup that overthrew the Vichy government, clearing the way for DeGaulle.


    "Modelled on the Committees of Public Safety during the French Revolution...the Committees [of Public Safety] began to agitate for a strong guiding hand in France which would be sympathetic to their cause. Only one person was deemed capable of providing such a hand—Charles de Gaulle. Thus the Committees of Algeria began to press insistently for De Gaulle to assume power in France, if necessary by means of a military coup. They received support from a number of high-ranking military men, including Marshal Alphonse Juin, who is alleged to have been an important member of the Prieuré de Sion. They also received support from a coalescing pro-Gaullist movement in France...whose leaders included Michel Debre--who became De Gaulle's Minister of Justice and, shortly after, between 1959 and 1962, Prime Minister of France. Another important pro-Gaullist figure was Geoges Bidault... Between 1945 and 1954, Bidault had worked closely with Robert drawing up plans for the EEC..." (232:330)

After De Gaulle was installed as President, however, he granted Algeria independence from France, which weakened France as an imperial power. Therefore, DeGaulle appointed Pierre Plantard secretary of a national 'Movement' for the defense of liberty to succeed the Committees. As "minister of propaganda," Plantard proceeded to dismantle and thereby defuse the Committees of Public Safety which might turn against DeGaulle. The announcement was published by Plantard's first wife, Anne Lea Hisler:

    "When we first met M. Plantard in 1979, he told us that Charles de Gaulle had personally requested him to direct the French Committees of Public Safety and, when their task of installing the General in power had been completed, to preside over their dissolution. In a mimeographed pamphlet deposited with the Bibliothèque Nationale in 1964, Anne Lea Hisler—M. Plantard's first wife—states:

    "Under the authority of Marshal Alphonse Juin, the seat of the Secretariat-General of the Committees of Public Safety in metropolitan France was at Aulnay-sous-Bois [Paris suburb]. This Committee was directed by Michel Debré, Pierre Plantard known as Way, and André Malraux...a member of the Prieure de Sion." (232:333,256)

Anne Lea Hisler, Plantard's wife, worked with her husband on the magazine of the Prieuré de Sion, CIRCUIT, an acronym for "Chivalry of Catholic Rules and Institutions of the Independent and Traditionalist Union." 

"...the Prieuré de Sion was using its magazine for something other than its own internal business.

    "The 1959 series of Circuit [contained] articles by Anne Lea Hisler and others, including Pierre Plantard, sometimes writing under his own name, sometimes under the pseudonym of 'Chyren'." (232:339-40)

The name "Hisler" happens to be an adaptation of "Hitler." The Decatur Daily reported in 2002, "Fifty-seven years after his death, Hitler's name still has shock value, which may explain why so many people named Hitler - both in the United States and abroad - had their names legally changed during World War II. (I know a man named Hisler whose family name was spelled with a 't' instead of an 's' 60 years ago.) (1055)


The prophecies of Nostradamus included "...a number of detailed prophecies concerning Hitler (whom he calls Hisler), naming him as the 'second antiChrist'."

Was Anne Lea Hisler really Anne Lea Hitler?  Is it possible that the wife of Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire was related to the infamous Adolf Hitler?


The Templar Revelation confirms other reports of that Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire had Nazi sympathies:

"Born in 1920, he first came to public notice in the Occupied France of 1942 as the editor of a journal called Vaincre pour une Jeune cehvalerie (Conquest for a Young Knighthood)—which was markedly uncritical of the Nazi oppressors, and which was actually published with their approval.  This was officially the organ of the Order Alpha Galates, a quasi-Masonic and chivalric society, based in Paris, of which Plantard became the Grand Master at the age of just twenty-two...Vaincre is now [1998] the title of the Priory's internal bulletin, which Pierre de Saint-Clair edits with his son Thomas." (242:43)

Were the Nazis secretly under the direction of the Priory of Sion?

"The SS was regarded by some ideologues as a supranational order, along the lines of the Templars. These ideas, which were in opposition to Hitler's policies, made up the core of a document known as the SS Charter. It was signed by Himmler himself, future leader of Eurasia according to the charter's designs. Hitler, burdened by narrow national prejudices, was to inherit the lesser role of pan-German Fuhrer. Among the principles of the SS Charter were rights of the individual and ethnic group, division of labor in Europe and freedom of religion. The term 'United States of Europe' was employed.

"A new Merovingian empire? Maybe that hypothesis is too bold, but the fact remains: In France the SS carried out a very active search for the dynastic heirs of the long-haired kings." (The Metaphysical Roots of World Politics)

Will the predicted revived Holy Roman Empire instead be a revived Merovingian Empire?

"The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." Daniel 7:23

According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Priory of Sion is directing the effort to establish a United States of Europe:

"During the nineteenth century the Prieuré de Sion...attempted to establish a revived and 'updated' Holy Roman Empire -- a kind of theocratic United States of Europe, ruled simultaneously by the Hapsburgs and by a radically reformed Church. This enterprise was thwarted by the First World War and the fall of Europe's reigning dynasties. But it not unreasonable to suppose that Sion's present objectives are basically similar..." (31:410-11)


The Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion since 1989 has been Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair. According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Thomas is the son of the former Grand Master, the late Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair. The  following announcement of Thomas' election as Grand Master was published in the internal bulletin of the Prieuré de Sion in 1989, and only recently posted on the Internet.

Vaincre No. 3, September 1989, page 1
Managing Editor: Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair
110 Rue Henri Dunant, 92700 COLOMBES


becomes Grandmaster of the PRIORY OF SION

By virtue of Article XIV OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE PRIORY OF SION: "their titles shall fall as of right to one of their children to be designated by them without consideration of sex."


By virtue of article XVI "the various duties and titles of Grandmaster of the Priory of Sion shall be transmissible to their successor according to the same prerogatives."


By act dated 6 JULY 1989, Pierre PLANTARD de SAINT-CLAIR, the present Grandmaster, informed the 121 Masters that, in view of the favourable response of 107 votes in favour, 5 abstentions and 9 votes against accepting the proposed succession of title and prerogative, ratification had been made on 6 AUGUST 1989 in PARIS, at 10 o'clock solar time, and that THOMAS PLANTARD de Saint-Clair had been proclaimed Grandmaster. Information has been sent to all members of the ORDER. - 836:1

Merovingian sources collectively point to the Plantards and Saint-Clairs as the bloodlines that will produce the Grail King, the divine ruler, at once god and king, who will bring mankind into a utopian age of peace and prosperity. One piece of evidence for this choice is found in a recent best-seller, The Da Vinci Code: "Only two direct lines of Merovingians remain. Their family names are Plantard and Saint-Clair. Both families live in hiding, probably protected by the Priory." - 935:260

According to Marjorie Reeves' Joachim of Fiore and the Prophetic Future, a second Charlemagne will arise whose surname begins with 'P'.

"It was a Burgundian World Emperor that [Johann] Lichtenberger expected to arise as a Second Charlemagne. His hint as to who this will be is quite plain: 'And it is said in the book of the kings of the Franks that from the stock of King Charles of France [Charlemagne] will arise in the last days an Emperor, 'nomine P.', who will be the monarch of all Europe and reform Church and clergy. After him there shall be no ruler.'" - 823:110-111

E. W. Bullinger wrote in The Witness of the Stars, after which recent pseudo-Christian books have been patterned: "The day has here come to fulfill the prophecies concerning Him who is 'the Branch,' 'the Branch of Jehovah,' 'the man whose name is the Branch.'"- 939

The Prieuré de Sion was formed and has been directed by individuals related to the Saint-Clair bloodline. In Great Britain, the surname of this so-called sacred lineage is Sinclair. According to at least two Masonic sources, the Saint-Clairs are Grand Masters of Freemasonry by right of birth and they have historically controlled the Prieuré de Sion.

"Through marriage the family of Marie Levis St. Clair was connected to the de Gisors, the family from which the first and third grand masters of the Prieuré de Sion came. Without question, Prieuré de Sion was created and run by individuals related to the St. Clairs. The third grand master was in charge in the year that the Templars were ordered arrested and the treasure fleet set sail for Scotland to escape the agents of the French king. Did one St. Clair (from France) correspond with another Sinclair (from Scotland) for this express purpose?  Most likely the answer is yes." (Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar) - 281:178

"Their domain [the Sinclair family—Scottish branch of the Norman Saint-Clair Gisors family] at Rosslyn was only a few miles from the former Scottish headquarters of the Knights Templar, and the chapel at Rosslyn—built between 1446 and 1486—has long been associated with both Freemasonry and the Rose-Croix. In a charter believed to date from 1601, moreover, the Sinclairs are recognized as 'hereditary' grand masters of Scottish Masonry.' This is the earliest specifically Masonic document on record. According to Masonic sources, however, the hereditary grand mastership was conferred on the Sinclairs by James II, who ruled between 1437 and 1460—the age of René d'Anjou." (Holy Blood, Holy Grail) - 31:183

In addition to conditioning the masses to believe their New Age propaganda, another objective of best-selling New Age books such as Holy Blood, Holy Grail is to covertly communicate secret information from the Prieuré de Sion to a specific audience—the global network of secret societies and New Age cults, all of which eagerly await the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. At that point in time, the much despised Church Age will come to a close and Lucifer, in the person of the Antichrist, will reign over a Golden Age, having destroyed the Harlot Church which no longer serves his purposes. 

In Holy Blood, Holy Grail, there is a childhood photo of Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair seated on the lap of Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair.

This peculiar photograph of Thomas Plantard, seated on the lap of Pierre, is conveying an esoteric message to the occultist. Please take note of the pose, Thomas sitting on the lap of Pierre.  Below are some photographs of famous Black Virgins, also called Black Madonnas.  Note the striking similarity of the poses of Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair with Thomas and the Black Virgins with their sons who were child gods. Notice also the masculine appearance of the 'Madonnas' and the placement of their sons between their legs:

Notre-Dame de Marsat

Marsat Puy-de-Dôme, France

   "Our ancient, battered, much-loved, little-understood Black Virgins are a still-living archetypal image that lies at the heart of our civilization and has a message for us.... The light of nature tells us that life is a pilgrimage, a journey to the stars along the Milky Way, her hero-path, a voyage across the great water in which she is the ship, rudder, and guiding star.

    "There is clearly no return to the twelfth century, the third century or the third millennium BC. Inanna, Sophia, the Holy Grail and the Church of Amor [Catharism] are no longer available as living realities for us today. There are signs that the goddess now requires to be worshipped in spirit and in truth through the law written in our hearts, rather than in temples built with hands. One old truth is that man and woman, though different, are equal parts of a consciously androgynous whole that is each person's potential reality. Many people, shown photographs of the Black Virgin for the first time, comment on how masculine some of them look." (Ean Begg, The Cult of the Black Virgin) - 272:13,134

Notre Dame de Clermont

Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, France

Notre Dame de Laval (Loire) France

Brought back from Crusades by St. Louis

Notre Dame de Meymac

Meymac, Correze, France

Notre Dame de Meymac, also known as the Black Madonna of Meymac is believed to have been carved sometime during the 11th century. The Black Virgin has very large hands and a red cloak; and has been called one of the strangest and most interesting Black Madonnas to date. The Child is dressed in red with bare feet, and sits between the Madonna's knees, holding a closed book in his left hand.

This Black Virgin was once part of the 11th century treasure of Benedictine priory of Saint Andrew, originally a hermitage in and during the Merovingian Dynasty...

This is one of the Madonnas of the Fisher Kings, the Merovingian line of Mystic Kings, keepers of the Grail Bloodline.

Black Madonnas are believed to be pre-Christian archetypes whose child-nurturing focus is the embodiment of the pre-historic Great Mother.
     A very powerful and important Madonna, She regally sits an impressive 8.5 inches tall. This gothic style icon is found in the French village of Correze.- 925




Notre-Dame de Montserrat

La Moreneta * Montserrat Katalonien, Spain


"Beyond general style, the genre of the statue is certainly that of an 'enthroned virgin', typical of the earliest icons of Mary. On behalf of Madonna and Child representations, Stephen Benko notes: It is well known that the iconography of Isis and [her son] Horus was basically adopted by Christians when they started to portray Mary and Jesus as Mother and Child.' Benko adds that Isis was sometimes 'pictured as black'... the Montserrat figures [and] over 1,000 of the world's better known Madonnas are black...

"...Montserrat is located in Spain, not in France where St. Bernard of Clairvaux (the nephew of one of the original nine Knight Templars) and others produced well-known commentaries on the Canticles. Perhaps the image was created black to represent some esoteric religious symbolism. Ean Begg notes that the Shrine of Montserrat is among the best candidates for former sanctuaries for the Holy Grail. Further, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries esoteric Christian sects proliferated, though not primarily in Spain." - 925


    "Whoever the enigmatic Black Virgin may be, she holds a powerful attraction for her millions of devotees around the world.  Her sacred sites stand on highly charged earth energy centers, enhanced by megalithic ley-lines and sacred architecture.        

    "From ancient times to present, people have undertaken pilgrimages to her shrines as a way to explore her mysteries and to enable her to do her miraculous work of healing, transformation and inspiration.  France has more than 300 Black Virgin sites, with over 150 Black Virgins still in existence."

Will Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair be revealed as the reincarnation of Horus, i.e. Nimrod, who will at last unite the world under Lucifer?  Recall that the myth of Horus is a distortion of the Genesis account of God's judgment on the Tower of Babel. (Gen. 10 and 11) Not happy with this arrangement, New Agers anticipate the return of Horus as the reincarnation of Nimrod who will finally unite mankind in a glorious revolution which dethrones God.

"Like the goddess Isis, who found and restored all of the lost pieces of her husband, Osiris, many are restoring the unity of all life, bringing together the separate parts of humanity—different races, religions and cultures." - 42:62