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The Global Prayer & Missions Movement Database

Strategic Partnerships for the Propagation of Another Gospel


The GPM Database is organized as follows:

Global Prayer & Missions Movement Database



Missions Mobilization

Early Streams of the Global Missions Movement

Current Streams of the Global Missions Movement

Prayer Mobilization

Lausanne/AD 2000 & Beyond/Mission America

Leaders of the Global Prayer Movement

Messianic & Discernment Ministries Facilitating the Transition to Lausanne

The Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism

The Hebrew Roots/British-Israel Movement

Cult Watch/Cult Apology/Prophecy/Discernment

Ministries under the Council for National Policy umbrella

Ministries associated with Council for National Policy  


Please note: Many links on the GPM Database lead to other material on the Watch Unto Prayer website.


* Single asterisk indicates profile on Council for National Policy (CNP) Database.

** Double asterisk indicates link to another article on this website.

*** Triple asterisk indicates link to another part of the Global Prayer & Missions Movement (GPM) Database.


Global Prayer & Missions Movement Database


Messianic and Discernment Ministries Facilitating the Transition to Lausanne


Ø     Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism** [LCJE] 2000


LCJE was formed by the Theological Statement of the Lausanne Covenant:

·         The Covenant has been translated locally into more than 20 languages.

·         It has been adopted by hundreds of churches and parachurch agencies as their basis of operations and cooperation.

·         It has led to formations of a number of national and regional movements in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America and Latin AmericaIt has stimulated movements such as the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE) and the Chinese Coordinating Committee for World Evangelization (CCCOWE).

·         It has been the basis for international consultations on more than 30 subjects, many of whose findings are published in Lausanne Occasional Papers.

All of this has meant that people worked at its concepts and made them their own locally. The Covenant has become a catalyst for many cooperative movements, mostly ad hoc and short term and non-competitive with others.

Mandatory Agreement with the Lausanne Covenant

“Joining the LCJE entitles you to receive the LCJE bulletin, participate in the North American and International LCJE consultations, and to be a part of a world-wide network of Jewish missions. To join you need to agree to the Lausanne Covenant (a broadly evangelical statement of basic doctrine and belief to preach the gospel)…”

See: The Lausanne Covenant Articles

        GPM Database: Lausanne Covenant

Article #5: Christian Social Responsibility: “…we affirm that evangelism and socio-political involvement are both part of our Christian duty.”

LCJE Position on Jewish Identity

“As we enter a new millennium we recognize that Jewish people express their identity in many ways and are affected by social, political and religious changes in the wider society. We also recognize that Jewish identity and therefore Jewish survival is once again being challenged. 

“Those of us who are Jewish share in the challenges confronting our people and stand with them in the need to strengthen and preserve our God-given identity. We also recognize that our faith in Yeshua is seen by many as a threat to Jewish identity and survival. Yet we believe that the core of Jewish identity is tied to a purpose and a divine calling that is fulfilled only in Yeshua--to be reconciled to God and to be a light to the nations for his glory. We therefore reject the commonly held view that Jews who believe in Jesus are no longer Jewish.

“Those of us who are Gentiles affirm that Jews who believe in Yeshua do not forfeit their Jewish identity; indeed, our own identity as Christians is also found in Yeshua the Jewish Messiah. Through him our identity is linked to the destiny of the people Israel. We do not wish to see our brothers and sisters lose their Jewish identity. We are enriched and encouraged by their distinct identity within the body of the Messiah.

As Jews and Gentiles united by faith in Yeshua, we recognize the right of Jewish believers in Yeshua to maintain a recognizable Jewish identity and to communicate faith in the Messiah to Jews and Gentiles alike.”


Speakers at LCJE 2000:

·           Stuart Dauerman – Director, Hashivenu / Fuller Theological Seminary

Messianic Jewish Theological Institute [MJTI]


“In the Fall of the year 2000, at the beginning of the new millenium, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (MJTI) will open its doors for the first time. MJTI is a new training center for leaders in the Messianic Jewish movement. Based in Pasadena, California, and in partnership with Fuller Theological Seminary, MJTI will provide a graduate-level education equipping congregational and movement leaders to serve the Jewish people with integrity and mature wisdom.”


Core Principles of Hashivenu:

1. Messianic Judaism is a Judaism, and not a cosmetically altered “Jewish-style” version of what is extant in the wider Christian community.
2. G-d's particular relationship with Israel is expressed in the Torah, G-d's unique covenant with the Jewish people.
3. Yeshua is the fullness of Torah.
4. The Jewish people are “us” not “them.”
5. The richness of the rabbinic tradition is a valuable part of our heritage as Jewish people.


Hashivenu links to Messianic Jewish Alliance of America [MJAA]

MJAA sponsored Messiah ‘99

Speakers: Rick Joyner** / Stephen Strang [liaison/Charismatics]**


·           Moshe Rosen – Director and founder, Jews for Jesus

JFJ part of ecumenical Worldwide Church of God conglomerate:

“…the real WCG, now called, United Church of God (International association)…and Global Church of God (GCG) carry on the work of Herbert W. Armstrong… sub-WCG organizationshave all been incorporated in 1995… Adventist groups that are considered part of the ecumenical agenda of the COG conglomerate are: Church of God, Seventh Day, Seventh Day Adventist, Messianic Jews (Jews for Jesus), Sacred Names…” [source: Exit & Support Network]

See: Worldwide Church of God, below]


·           Louis Goldberg - Chair of Jewish Studies, Moody Bible Institute

·           Daniel Juster - Governing Council, Apostolic of TIKKUN International.

Graduate of Wheaton College and McCormick Theological Seminary


·           Art Glasser  - Emeritus Dean, School of World Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary

1970 – Joined missions faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary
1971-1980 - Dean of the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary
1972, 1980 - Attended World Council of Church's Commission of World Mission & Evangelism
1974 - Attended the International Congress on World Evangelization in
Lausanne, Switzerland

 Contributor to the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Curriculum


·           Arnold Fructenbaum, Director, Ariel Ministries

Coordinator of North American LCJE [7 years]

“The LCJE is connected with the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization… To join, you need to agree to the Lausanne Covenant…”


Arnold Fructenbaum’s Response to exposure/criticism of his membership in LCWE/LCJE and defense of the LCWE:


“Speaking of the LCWE, they state that it is an ‘international movement that was formed for the purpose of uniting Christian churches to evangelize the world before the year A.D. 2000.’

I am not a member of the LCWE, but my question is: What’s wrong with that purpose? Do they object to churches coming together for the purpose of evangelizing the world? Is not that the Church’s calling? 

[Note: LCJE web site states, “To join you need to agree to the Lausanne Covenant…”]

“Furthermore, the word ‘uniting’ is not quite correct in the way they use it. LCWE was not trying to get all churches to become one; what they were trying to do is to get evangelical churches to come together for a cooperative purpose only, and the goal is to evangelize the world. No church denomination was asked to forget their unique distinctives. My question again is: What essentially is wrong with that purpose?…

[Note: Attendance of Roman Catholic priests at Lausanne II in Manila]

“On page 30 they quote a Lausanne Covenant paragraph, pointing out that it calls for believers to ‘enter into a solid covenant with God and with each other to pray, to plan and to work together for the evangelization of the whole world.’ Here, again, what is wrong with this statement? There is no statement here that calls for the churches to unite into a one world church. It is simply encouraging churches ‘to work together,’ and the purpose of working together is not to unite all churches into one, but the purpose is ‘for the evangelization of the whole world.’ What is wrong with this goal? It seems to me that the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 gave us that goal and all the Lausanne Covenant is doing is reaffirming a commitment to fulfill what Jesus Himself commanded the Church to fulfill.”


Ariel Ministries – Recipient of Messianic Jewish Top 100 Award from Messianic Bureau International

MBI Statement: The Unity of the Messianic Jewish Movement
...Our message to Gentile believers is that this movement is Jewish led according to that ability given to us by Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit). Gentiles are free to join as equals into one Body of Messiah, but in no way will it any more be identified as led by Gentiles, or by ‘traditional Christianity.’ The way of Messiah Yeshua must remain clearly identified as from and for Jews, then for Gentiles. As G-d chose the tribes of Israel to bring His Word to, and the Jewish Apostles to testify of His Word, so in this late hour has G-d chosen to usher in His Kingdom using the leadership of Messianic Jews. To be jealous of this fact is to be jealous of the Apostles and the Lion of Judah Himself...”
International Messianic Directory


Ø      Hebrew Roots Movement** / British Israel Movement**


·           Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research [JSSR]

JSSR offers no Statement of Faith. JSSR view of Jesus Christ does not include His position in the Godhead:

Jesus was an organic part of the diverse social and religious landscape of Second Temple-period Judaism… like other Jewish sages of his time…”


s         Brad Young, JSSR founding member

Associate professor of Judaic-Christian Studies, Graduate School of Theology, Oral Roberts University

Gospel Research Foundation

“Dr. Young has prepared Christian leaders and pastors for effective ministry and many of his former students are working on Ph.D. degrees at Jewish academic institutions.”

“Though the New Testament in its original setting was a Jewish book, the church has been influenced by anti-Judaism. The new Bible translation being prepared by GRF seeks to uphold the authenticity of the text while dealing with the historic anti-Semitism in the New Testament interpretation. The new translation prepared by GRF will be the basis for the Hebrew Heritage Study Bible and the Rabbinic Commentary on the New Testament.” [See: The Semitic New Testament**]


s         David Bivin, JSSR director/chairman of Executive Board, 1985-1999

Co-author with Roy Blizzard, Understanding The Difficult Words Of Jesus [1984]

            Understanding The Difficult Words Of Jesus rejects the divine inspiration of Scripture.

[See: The Hebrew Roots Movement**]

Founder, Director The Jerusalem Perspective

“JP…disseminates the results of Bivin’s research and that of many of his colleagues ­ into the life and teaching of Jesus.”


Recipients of the research of David Bivin and JSSR “into the life and teaching of Jesus” include:


Focus on the Family [James Dobson/CNP]

• Strang Communications [Stephen Strang/Charisma Magazine]

• Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics [SIL]

• Christian Friends of Israel, UK [Derek White/JSSR-affiliate]

Caspari Center [The Park, Moggerhanger UK]

Prophetic Word Ministries [The Park, Moggerhanger UK]

• Centre for the Study of Biblical Research [Bill Bean/JSSR-affiliate]


Focus on the Family [James Dobson/CNP]


“Articles that were first published in Jerusalem Perspective magazine have appeared in the publications of many Christian ministries: Focus on the Family, Strang Communications Co., International Christian Embassy, Bridges for Peace, Christian Friends of Israel, Caspari Center, Prophetic Word Ministries, Centre for the Study of Biblical Research, First Fruits of Zion, Biblical Faith Ministries, Israel Vistas, HaKesher, Arkansas Institute of Holy Land Studies, Ahava Ministries, Issachar Ministries, and others.

“In 1996 Focus on the Family (James Dobson) purchased the rights to fifty-seven articles that first appeared in Jerusalem Perspective magazine. Focus on the Family selected these articles as background material for their sterling multimedia CD-ROM “Jesus: The Man, The Message, The Messiah.”

Focus on the Family’s CD-Rom: Jesus: The Man, the Message, the Messiah

FOTF obtained their information for this CD-Rom from two sources: David Bivin’s Jerusalem Perspective and Biblical Archaeological Review [BAR], which is the publication of the Biblical Archaeological Society [BAS].  The BAS position on the inerrancy of the Bible:

Archaeology, which endeavors to pursue scientific method and to follow evidence wherever it leads, cannot-and should not-be expected to support the Biblical record in every respect or to bolster religious faith.”

Joseph Aviram, a scholar of the Biblical Archaeological Review, directs the Israel Exploration Society, which is the Israeli subsidiary of the Palestine Exploration Fund. The PEF was created by the archaeology lodge of the United Grand Lodge of England [UGLE]***, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge. Through the PEF, Quatuor Coronati has directed exploration of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for 100+ years:

See: The Israel Exploration Society, Palestine Exploration Fund & United Grand Lodge of England***

Also: Focus on the Family & The Theosophical Society**


Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics [SIL]


“Last year Jerusalem Perspective signed an agreement with Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics** to provide a large number of articles for their ‘Translator’s Workplace,’ the outstanding resource on CD utilized by Bible translators around the world.

“The second edition of ‘Translator’s Workplace’ is currently being used by over 2,000 translators. The translators utilizing ‘Translator’s Workplace’ have tremendous influence on the Church world-wide because they are involved in more than a thousand translation projects, including new Bible translations for some of the world’s major languages, for example, the new revisions of the Bible in Italian and Turkish.”


[Note: Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics assisted Nelson Rockefeller’s genocidal campaign in South America. 

          See: The Council for National Policy: Wycliffe Bible Translators**; New Bibles for a New World Order**.]


Christian Friends of Israel UK  


With the particular help of Lance Lambert and David Bivin, the principles and aims of CFI were worked through word by word, and these Foundation Principles stand unchanged today. They are:


* As Christians who have received from God a love for Israel and the Jewish people, we want, in the name of Messiah Jesus, to bless them.

* The early Church was Jewish. Christianity sprang from Jewish roots and has never ceased to depend upon and be indebted to the Jewish people.

* We believe that the restoration of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel is in accordance with promises contained in the Old and New Testaments, and that God's time to ‘favour Zion’ has begun.

* We believe that Israel (people, land and nation) has a Divinely ordained and glorious future, and that God has neither rejected nor replaced His Jewish people. We acknowledge that the barriers that exist today between Jews and Christians are largely due to Christian anti-semitism and Christian persecution of the Jews.

* We believe in the Jewishness of Jesus and the Jewishness of the New Testament.

* Although we believe our Lord Jesus is both the Messiah of Israel and the Saviour of the world, our stand alongside Israel is not conditional upon her acceptance of our belief.”


·        Moriel -- Jacob Prasch**

“I again wish to note I have no objections to the arguments of the Jerusalem School being considered for purely scholarly purposes within an academic format, or being researched and investigated by Christians with an interest in the Jewish roots of their faith. Indeed in our own newsletter we have advertised seminars with David Bivin.”


Hawaii Discernment Conference 2001 Speakers

Jacob Prasch - Moriel

            Jewel van der Merwe - Discernment Ministries**

            Dave Hunt - The Berean Call 

Sandy Simpson - Deception in the Church 

Bill Randles - Believers in Grace Ministries


·        The Park, Moggerhanger, UK

            Tricia Tillin - Cross + Word**

Banner Ministries link to The Park


[Note The Park Sidebar: Christian Organisations: Ecumenical, Education, Evangelism, Social Action]


Ministries hosted at The Park, Moggerhanger:


s         British Church Growth Association (BCGA)

Background History: “Following the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation in 1974 much interest was aroused in church growth thinking which led to the first UK Church Growth Consultation in 1978... The Bible Society had also begun to develop Church Growth Courses...and developments in the work of the Evangelical Alliance had led to the setting up of a Church Growth Unit... This Unit drew together a number of leaders involved in the church growth field but it was agreed to widen its impact by the formation of an Association which would be even more comprehensive and effective. So the British Church Growth Association was formed in September 1981...”

Officers and Council Members of BCGA:

Executive Officer -Philip Walker took up this position in 1999… He studied Church Growth under Peter Wagner.”

BCGA President - Derek Tidball, Principal, London Bible College [Alma Mater of Jacob Prasch]

Director of Christian Research - BCGA Research Officer - Dr Peter Brierley [Lausanne Consultation 2003 Committee member]


Paul Harris - Evangelism director for the Evangelical Alliance

Wolfgang Simson - Director of DAWN International Network

David Spriggs - Evangelical Alliance's Secretary for Evangelism and Prayer


s         Prophetic Word Ministries (PWM)

Publication: Prophecy Today

Feature Articles & Regulars: Dr. Peter Brierley [The Factsheet]


The Lausanne Committee is led by: Chair, Paul Cedar of the USA; Vice Chair, Chongnahm Cho of Korea; Vice Chair, Robyn Claydon of Australia; Theology and Strategy Working Group Chair, Peter Kuzmic of Croatia; Communications Working Group Chair, Horst Marquardt of Germany; Leadership Development Working Group Chair, Doug Birdsall of USA/Japan; Secretary, Christina Ryden of Sweden; Treasurer, Roger Parrott, of the USA, Peter Brierley of the UK; and Ulrich Eggers of Germany.”


s         The Pardes Centre for Biblical and Hebraic Studies

Recovering the Jewish roots of the Christian faith

Pardes: An acronym; last letter ‘sod’ = “a ‘secret’ or mystical meaning hidden in the text as a code


Jerusalem 2000 Convention: The One New Man in Christ / uniting Jew and Gentile in Christ

Speakers include: Bishara Awad, Clifford Hill, Cecil Kerr, Lance Lambert


Publication: Pardes Journal

[selected articles]

Did Paul Invent Christianity at the Expense of Jesus?

A Study of the Word Repentance, as it Relates to the Church's Attitude to the Jewish People
Book Review - Messianic Christology by
Arnold Fruchtenbaum

Jesus' Jewish Parents - Reproduced from Jerusalem Perspective


Partner organisations in Hebraic Roots study:

The Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research

The Caspari Centre

The Tantur Ecumenical Centre


In October 1963 Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant observers at the Second Vatican Council shared with Pope Paul VI the dream of an international ecumenical institute for theological research and pastoral studies. After his 1964 pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the Vatican purchased Tantur (Arabic for "hilltop"), then leased it to the University of Notre Dame (USA) for fifty years…Under the guidance of both Protestant and Roman Catholic rectors, the Institute has welcomed over 3,500 Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Roman Catholic participants to its programs.


s         The Thornton Institute for Business Ethics

Part of the original vision for The Park, Moggerhanger, was that it would become a place where industry and commerce could come for training courses that would help reaffirm the need for business and commerce to be conducted according to biblical principles. This Vision was seen in the context of the very specific historic connections between Moggerhanger House and the City, being the former home of Godfrey Thornton, a former Governor of The Bank of England. Similarly, the house itself has a significant spiritual heritage, being the home for meetings of the Clapham Sect, the early 19th Century group of evangelical Christians who were instrumental in introducing many of the great social reforms of that time. 

The Thornton Institute, sponsored by the Centre for Contemporary Ministry, has been established to facilitate residential training courses which will be open to middle and senior managers of all companies. The courses will not be overtly ‘Christian’. They will nevertheless seek to teach the merits of basing a company ethos on a system of ethics that has its roots in biblical principles. Participants, whether they be Christians or not, will be encouraged to use these principles as their measure when conducting business. 

This will not be anew departure for the City of London. For some hundreds of years, commercial practice in the City has had biblically based principles as the foundation of the life of the whole business community. The booklet 'Rules for the Conduct of Life', given to Freemen in the City since the seventeenth century, bears testimony to this rich heritage that was instrumental in establishing the integrity of the City in which a person’s word was his bond.

See: Charter Schools, Character Education & the Eugenics Establishment**


·        Messengers of Messiah - Peter Michas**


Peter Michas on the originality and inspiration of the Greek New Testament:


“Like most Christians, I had been taught that the New Testament was originally written in Greek and the Old Testament in Hebrew. However, as I continued to study, I found that the wording of the first four gospels of the New Testament seemed to be an attempt to express ideas from a language and culture other than Greek. I wondered: If the Gospels were originally written in Judea (or possibly Antioch, the largest Christian community of the early Church), by Jews, about a Jew in Jewish culture, could it be that the Greek was, in fact, attempting to express the Hebrew language and Jewish culture? This required further investigation. …I ended up going into a place called the Chabbad House which was run by the Lubovich, the ultra-orthodox rabbis. This was the beginning of my education in the Hebraic roots of the Bible.”  [Peter Michas, The Rod of an Almond Tree in Gods Master Plan, WinePress Publishing, 1997, p. 19.]


See also: Is The New Testament Hebrew/Aramaic or Greek?” by Peter Michas

Under the Law: The Lubavitch Movement** [Kabbalah/ Noahide Laws] by Watch Unto Prayer


Lynn and Sarah Leslie – The Christian Conscience **


Lynn Leslie’s [Christian Conscience] endorsement of The Rod of an Almond Tree in God’s Master Plan at

Lynn Leslie’s review of The Rod of an Almond Tree in Gods Master Plan in The Christian Conscience [Jan/Feb. 1998]:


“So how well have Michas et al. filled in the blanks [of the Greatest Story Ever Told]? Quite well, actually.  Starting with the premise that Gods plan should be examined within its Hebraic context… the authors draw upon an assortment of other references of Jewish history and tradition. These include, among others, the Talmud…The Gemara…the Midrash…and the Torah Anthology…

“Obviously, the Michases and Vander Maten are left open to criticism for relying on extrabiblical references in order to delineate Gods Master Plan. However, they do an excellent job of resting on the ultimate authority of the Bible in making their case… Their presentation is both thought-provoking and compelling and a must-read for anyone desiring a more thorough understanding of God’s provision for the redemption of His fallen creation.” 


Watch Unto Prayer review of The Rod of an Almond Tree in God’s Master Plan** documents 18 Kabbalistic [occult] doctrines taught in this book.


·        Embrace Israel -- Reuven Doron

Reuven Doron – Formerly co-pastor with Francis Frangipane of River of Life Ministries

“From 1990 to 1997 Reuven pastored River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, alongside Francis Frangipane.

Both men ministered widely while overseeing the expanding local congregation and training center.”

Leadership of  “Whistler” Gathering / named a “Father” (apostle)/ priest to the nations

Major player in Global Mission Movement

“Embrace Israel” newsletter is computer-networked with the US Center for World Mission [USCWM/Ralph Winter]

    Author of book “One New Man in Christ” – Mystical union of Jews and Christians in the end time:


“The drawing together of both Jew and Gentile into the one new man company is the harbinger of the age that is to come. As the spiritual and natural seed of God's elect unite in Christ, so shall the spiritual and natural realms unite in unhindered flow of divine life. Free exchange of Heaven's substance will transpire between heavenly and earthly realms as the gates between the spiritual and physical places open wide!
      “This ultimate and mutual humbling of both Jew and Gentile,
laying aside those things that divide us while being poured into God's new mold, will result in the ultimate exultation and glory that is promised to characterize the completed house of our God!
      “How magnificent and wonderful our God is who kept the best until the end! This house of God, this dwelling of God in the Spirit, will have as its building material God's best creation; His newest and His final one. This creation embodies His very nature and life through the mediation of Christ, indestructible and incorruptible, unable to fail! The wonder of it all is that the quality and virtue which God produces in
His one new man creation will be branded onto the fabric of Jew and Gentile as God weaves us into perfect unity centering around Christ.”


Related Ministries

River of Life Ministries [Francis Frangipane]
Ministries of Francis Frangipane (ACM/Arrow Publications/In Christ's Image)
Echad Ministry – “Hebrew word for ‘one’. This ‘oneness’ is often derived from a unity of parts. The goal of this ministry is to bring into oneness the  body of Messiah, a body that is comprised of both Jew and Gentile that we may become the ‘One New Man’ spoken of in Ephesians 2:15.”
MorningStar Publications & Ministries [Rick Joyner]

Embrace Israel Conference, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, August 8-11, 2001

Speakers include: Reuven Doron, Francis Frangipane, Rick Joyner, David Demian, and Marcel Rebiai


Feast of Tabernacles, Special Prophetic Biblical Celebration in Jerusalem, October 2-5, 2001

Speakers include:

Both Israeli and international speakers (pending confirmation) will share the Word, including Dwight Pryor [JSSR, see above], Mahesh Chavda, Jim Goll, Michael Brown, John Mulinde, Francis Frangipane, Lance Lambert [David Bivin/JSSR, see above], Derek Prince, Reuven Doron, Ofer Amitai, Marcel Rebai, Tom Hess [CNP], Barry Segal, and Reuven Berger.


Michael Brown – ICN Ministries “devoted to taking the message of repentance and revival to Israel, the Church, and the Nations”

“In 1996, he became part of the ministry team at the Brownsville Revival, holding weekly sessions for leaders and heading up the revival's intensive two-year School of Ministry…

“In 1997, he was appointed Visiting Professor of Jewish Apologetics at Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Mission and has been affiliated with Regent University Divinity School as an Adjunct Professor of Old Testament and Jewish Studies.”

Author, Revolution! The Call to Holy War

The Jesus Manifesto: A Call to Revolution*

Revolution means upheaval. Revolution means the overthrowing of the status quo. We dare not downplay the significance of the word. Revolution is a matter of life and death, and our revolution flows from the blood of the Savior to the blood of the martyr…

“There are pockets of spiritual renewal throughout the country, and the tides of a radical youth revival are rapidly rising. Another Jesus people movement could be near, a heaven-sent revolution far greater than the worldwide Jesus movement of 1971-1975, when hundreds of thousands of hippies and radicals were swept into the kingdom. Even now, it is at the door.”

*The Jesus Manifesto: A Call to Revolution (Copyright © 2000, Michael L. Brown) is distributed by ICN Ministries ( and is released in conjunction with The Call DC (September 2, 2000). It may be reproduced and distributed freely in any form, provided that it is copied unedited, in its entirety, and with proper attribution, and is not sold or distributed for profit. Some material in The Jesus Manifesto has been adapted and excerpted from Michael L. Brown, Revolution! The Call to Holy War (Ventura, CA: Gospel Light, 2000).

[Note: Gospel Light is publishing house started by Henrietta Mears]


See: The Elijah Revolution** and Another Jesus Revolution?**


Tom HessDirector, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, All Nations Convocations Jerusalem

Council for National Policy, Board of Governors (1996)

Author of Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and Let My People Go, “an impassioned appeal to U.S. Jewry to leave the ‘flesh pots’ of America, return to Israel, and resume their God-given role as ‘a light to the nations.’” [MorningStar Publications/Rick Joyner]

Ø     Cult Watch/ Cult Apology/ Prophecy/ Discernment


·        Christian Research Institute/CRI–– Hank Hanegraaff


CRI's Bible Answer Man program guests:                       

• Chuck Colson CNP – Accepts office of “prophet” from Hank Hanegraaff

• Lee Stroebel Saddleback Community Church

• Richard Abanes Saddleback Community Church 

• Michael Youseff contributor to the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Curriculum

[U.S. Center for World Mission/Ralph Winter & Jay Gary]   


Equip University CRI's Online Learning Center]


Philip Yancey – editor at large of Christianity Today

Dr. Craig Blomberg – Professor of New Testament Denver Seminary [ATS member]

Dr. Douglas Stuart – Faculty Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary [ATS member]


CRI's Equip University [Hank Hanegraff] is a division of Christian University/Global Net


Hank Hanegraaff/CRI & Worldwide Church of God**

1994 Secret meetings between CRI and WCG officials

1995 Hanegraaff began PR campaign to change image of heretical WCG

Hanegraaff announced on radio that WCG embraced orthodox Christian doctrine [due to WCG/CRI dialogue]

1995-97 Hanegraaff acted as a $Paid Consultant$ to WCG; Tkach/WCG officials were guests on Bible Answer Man

WCG members were not informed by Tkach/WCG leaders of doctrinal changes [source: Exit & Support Network]

1997 WCG accepted as a member of the National Association of Evangelicals [NAE] 


“Christian Research Institute (CRI) in Irvine, CA previously held a pristine reputation under the direction of Walter Martin. Following the sudden death of Mr. Martin in 1987, CRI management was assumed by Hank Hanegraaff. CRI sponsors a radio show, called The Bible Answer Man. On their international broadcast in early May the CRI stated that the ‘WCG has repented and has come around to affirming the Trinity.’ They go on to say, ‘This is cause for rejoicing of all of God's people, and we are thoroughly persuaded, that contrary to the speculations of some, this is not some public relations maneuver, not some sort of window dressing or attempt to deceive people or dissuade their detractors. This is TRUE repentance, true submission to the word of God.’ Anyone who has been affiliated with the [Worldwide Church of God/Armstrong/Tkach organization] in the past ten years would term the CRI statement as bizarre and totally ungrounded.” [source: Exit & Support Network]


See: Hank Hanegraaff/CRI Facilitate NAE Acceptance of Worldwide Church of God


WCG’s Sir Anthony F. Buzzzard - Church of God, General Counsel

            Unitarian minister, President of Atlanta Bible College

            Nominee for Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion [1996]

            Son of Sir Anthony Wass Buzzard – Head of British Naval Intelligence; Bilderberger

            Formerly on staff of WCG Ambassador College [Herbert Armstrong]

Invited to Discernment Ministries Conference [1997] and Atlanta pre-conference retreat for leaders/speakers

See: The Conspiracy Was Strong** for details of the British-Israel operation disguised as “discernment ministries.”


·        Spiritual Counterfeits Project [S.C.P.]


Christian World Liberation Front [CWLF]

CWLF evolved into the Spiritual Counterfeits Project

CWLF was a front for Campus Crusade which split off and became a leading ministry in the Jesus People movement.

Founders of CWLF – Bill Bright* [CNP], Pat Matrisciana* [CNP/former CIA agent] and Fr. Jack N. Sparks

See: Pat Matrisciana, below


“Christian World Liberation Front was originally a part of the Jesus People Movement in the San Francisco Bay area. It started in Southern California and spread up the coast. That movement had a crisis in the mid-seventies and split into several factions, one part of which became what today we know as the Evangelical Orthodox Church [Fr. Jack Sparks]. Another part became the Berkeley Christian Coalition, and Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP-- was a part of the Berkeley Christian Coalition and gradually emerged as the dominant part, as the Christian Coalition faded away.”


Tal Brooke, SCP President

Reflections on a Trip to Cambridge: See picture at bottom of page: Tal Brooke with good friends, Lindsay Brown and George Verwer.

Lindsay Brown – General Secretary, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students [IFES]

John Stott, framer of the Lausanne Covenant, is the Vice President of IFES

“World mission is often seen as an option, but the Great Commission isn't just those last few verses in Matthew’s Gospel. It is radically bigger than that, as IFES Vice-President John Stott explains.” [Our Missionsry God]

George Verwer – Head of Operation Mobilization [OM is an Associate member of World Evangelical Fellowship];

Frequent speaker at URBANA/ InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Ralph Winter [USCWM/author of the Perspectives Course] on Moody and Urbana:

“Not well known is the fact that the Urbana phenomenon is the direct result of the momentous impact of an impulsive and impetuous young genius whose heart boiled for God: D. L. Moody… The Urbana phenomenon (and it really is an amazing phenomenon) is actually no more than the continuation of the Student Volunteer Movement. Moody initially (and for years) had more to do with that movement, behind the scenes, than any other person. …after he got to England, he was invited to speak at Cambridge… Seven of the top Cambridge athletes set out for China as missionaries… The older brother (later mayor of London) of one of those students was urged by Moody to visit YMCA groups on U.S. campuses. He did. The brother’s efforts not only won over John R. Mott, but made possible the first ‘Urbana,’ which was a month-long Bible study presided over by Moody.”

See: The World Christian Movement: Student Volunteer Movement

       John Mott: The Link Between the Rockefellers and Wycliffe Bible Translators


Rich Hagler, former SCP Business Manager

Now works with OC International [Overseas Crusades] - WEF associate member and USCWM member

Education: Regent College, Vancouver B.C., Princeton, Fuller Theological Seminary, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary


                        Golden Lake Conference [1987] Constance Cumbey on EMNR/Golden Lake Conference***

“…in 1987 it was a combination of Doug Coe (a Mark Hatfield associate), EMNR, SCP (Spiritual Counterfeits Project), Regent College (Vancouver, B.C.), Denver Seminary forces combining to host the Gold Lake Conference in Boulder, Colorado. Barbara Marx Hubbard was invited to chair that event at their invitation.”


·        EMNR [Evangelical Ministries to New Religions]


EMNR membership requirement - Signing the Lausanne Covenant


EMNR LogoTwo opposing equilateral triangles [Masonic phallic symbol representing union of male and female principles/666]

“…[EMNR] members receive… authorization to display the EMNR logo on your letterhead or products…”

See: Sects, Symbolism and the Mark of the Beast


EMNR Doctrinal Statement

Evangelical Ministries to New Religions adheres to the doctrinal standards and practices as set forth in the Lausanne Covenant the Manila Manifesto and the Amsterdam Affirmations.


Apologetics Index

“Founded in 1982 as a fellowship of evangelical Christian ministries in North America to the cults and new religions. EMNR was born in an effort to practically implement Affirmation 7 of the Lausanne Covenant: ‘We urge the development of regional and functional cooperation for the furtherance of the Church's mission, for strategic planning, for mutual encouragement, and for the sharing of resources and experience.’”


                        Gordon R. Lewis - Founder, EMNR; Board Member Emeritus

Senior Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Denver Seminary [ATS]

“…a Lausanne Associate of the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization participating at Consultation on World Evangelization, Thailand, 1980 and World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Commission in Wheaton, 1990 and London, 1995. Having founded Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR) and serving as its first president.

 Vernon C. Grounds – Board Member Emeritus

Professor, Denver Seminary [ATS]

Dr. Grounds received his Ph.D. degree from Drew University [ATS]. Wheaton College awarded him the D.D. and Gordon College [Gordon-Conwell/ATS]… He is contributing editor of Christianity Today.”


                        Golden Lake Conference [1987] – Constance Cumbey on EMNR/Golden Lake Conference***


Jewel van der Merwe EMNR Conference speaker [1994/1996]


Watchman Fellowship


·        Sandy Simpson – Deception in the Church

                        Full-time missionary, Liebenzell Mission USA

Liebenzell Mission USA – member, Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association [IFMA]

John Orme, Th.D., IFMA Executive Director on Saving Souls? Saving Society? - The Cultural Mandate

“For our own reflection, particularly for those of us in mission, we must return to the doctrine of the two mandates… The cultural mandate…involves the whole of human culture and includes the natural and social aspects of man such as habitat, agriculture, industrialization, commerce, political, social and moral order, academic and scientific achievement, health, education, and physical care…Nowhere does Scripture say that this mandate is revoked... In our IFMA mission agencies and across the missions world, we find entire agencies and some departments within other agencies, who specialize in one mandate or the other.

IFMA conference: Godmission.comUNITY


Tom Houston – former CEO, British & Foreign Bible Society, World Vision International, and The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (1972-1994).

Patrick McDonald - Founder and Director of Viva Network; Senior Associate on children-at-risk for the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization

Landa L. Cope – Founder, International Dean of the College of Communication, University of the Nations, a ministry of YWAM

Peter Chao – founder and president, Eagles Communications, Singapore; holds degrees from the University of London, UK;

Trinity Theological College, Singapore, and the School of World Missions, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA

Michael Cassidy – Head of African Enterprise; educated at Cambridge University and Fuller Theological Seminary;

Organized the first Pan-African Christian Leadership Assembly attended by leaders from 43 nations; started South African National Initiative for Reconciliation, representing 45 denominations

Valdir Steuernagel – Chair, World Vision International Board of Directors


Note: World Vision is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)


·        Antipas – Dene McGriff / Stevan Shearer


See: Another Jesus Revolution?


·        Prophecy Central - Ron Graf

                        Lighthouse Link

                        Lambert Dolphin**

Calvary Chapel Jerusalem

Ø     Ministries under the Council for National Policy umbrella


·        John Ankerberg - Ankerberg Institute for Theological Studies

                        Council for National Policy member

Speaker on CNP-packed platforms of The Steeling of the Mind Conference

Speaker at Promise Keepers, Tacoma WA, October 12-13, 2001

Drafting Committee for Evangelical Celebration [EC]

                        Harbor Lighthouse website features “On Amsterdam 2000” by Ted Baehr (CNP) [scroll to Media Wise – October 2000]

Dr. Theodore BaehrPublisher of MOVIEGUIDE: A Family Guide to Entertainment based on biblical values

“Baehr decided to attend seminary at the Institute of Theology at the Cathedral of St. John The Divine.

…at an annual awards ceremony in Hollywood. Dr. Baehr also presents the coveted $25,000 Epiphany Prizes for the Most Inspiring Movies and Television Programs. These are cash prizes granted by Sir John Templeton for movies and television programs which help people to know and understand God and His love.”

Amsterdam 2000 funded by Pew Charitable Trusts [Sun Oil, also funds CFR]

Harbor Lighthouse Archives [December 21, 2000]

Note Ankerberg’s [CNP] associate writers: John Weldon [speaker at EMNR], Gary Kah [speaker at CNP],

Craig Branch [EMNR Board member], Dave Hunt, and Carl Teichrib [researcher/writer for Gary Kah]


·        Chuck and Nancy Missler* - Executive Director, Koinonia House

                        Council for National Policy member

Organizer of annual Steeling of the Mind Conference [many CNP members serve as speakers]

In the 1970s, Chuck began leading weekly Bible studies at the 30,000-member Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, in California.”

Through Christian author and speaker Henrietta Mears, Nancy became a Christian…”

Critiques/exposes of the Misslers:

Missler's House Salad Should be Tossed by Willy Peterson

“Issue after issue, interview after interview (at the mic of CNP'er, John Ankerberg), Missler keeps on expounding ‘progressive’ ‘new paradigm’ thinking, as espoused in Aquarian sources, such as Marilyn Ferguson.  The August issue of his Personal Update has Missler promoting the new age physicist, David Bohm, in an article titled, Is Our Reality Only Virtual?  According to Missler, Bohm is the hottest thing since sliced geometry: ‘There also seems to be evidence to suggest that our world...consists of...projections from a level of reality so beyond our own that the real reality is literally beyond both space and time.  The main architect of this astonishing idea includes one of the world's most eminent thinkers...David Bohm, a protégé of Einstein's and one of the world's most respected quantum physicists.’ That whole idea of an illusory material world is very well known to new agers like Marilyn Ferguson as the Eastern doctrine of MAYA.”

Chuck Missler & Calvary Chapel – See Sidebar

            Y2K $$$

            Missler’s Lies

Other subjects

Nancy Missler & PsychoHeresy [PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries]


·        Patrick Matrisciana*

                        Council for National Policy member

Jeremiah Films, Owner and president

                        Let My Children Go video for Exodus 2000 -- a CNP-related project

Citizens for Honest Government, Chairman

CHG produced The Clinton Chronicles, The Death of Vince Foster: What Really Happened? and Obstruction of Justice, an Academy Award nominee. A board member of Citizens for Honest Government, Carol Steinke, also sits on the board of Scientology front, Citizens Commission for Human Rights (CCHR). Following a 60 Minutes exposé of Scientology, Pat Matrisciana produced a video against 60 Minutes.

Former CIA agent; co-founded Christian World Liberation Front at UC Berkeley campus [front for Campus Crusade] and invented “Jesus Freaks”

“I’ve been to Berkeley, too… I was ‘detailed’ to Berkeley in 1965, to establish a countervailing force to Mario Savio's Free Speech Movement. While there I founded the Campus Crusade for Christ… I invented ‘Jesus freaks.’”


See Watch Unto Prayer report: Another Jesus Revolution?


Ø     Ministries associated with Council for National Policy 


·        Gary Kah - Hope for the World

Kah has appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network [TBN] & addressed the Council for National Policy [CNP]

“Since the release of his first book Gary has appeared on more than 700 television and radio talk shows, including programs such as: Point -of-View [Marlin Maddoux, CNP], For the People, It's a New Day (Canada), Crosstalk, Beverly LaHaye Live [CNP], Voice of America, CBN Radio and Television [Pat Robertson, CNP], Messianic Vision,* WMCA-New York, Religion in the News (CBS), This Week in Bible Prophecy (Peter & Paul Lalonde**) and other major network affiliates.” [This Week in Bible Prophecy…aired on TBN]


Please see: Gary Kah & CNP “Briefing”*** for information on Mr. Kah’s very compromised speaking engagements.


Endorsement of Pat Buchanan, candidate of the liberal, pro-abortion Reform Party:

Some researchers caution against Buchanan, as he was schooled by the Jesuits and awarded an ‘honorary membership’ in the Knights of Malta, a powerful order of Roman Catholicism. We can only ‘hope’ that any influence of these organizations over Buchanan is limited.”

Who's Who in America [1995] states:

            “Buchanan, Patrick Joseph, journalist. b. Washington, Nov. 2, 1938:... Named Knight of Malta, 1987...”

            See also: Project Megiddo & The Next Revolution: The House of Buchanan


Contributor to Ankerberg’s [CNP] Harbor Lighthouse

See: Contributing Writers to Ankerberg’s Harbor Lighthouse


·        Jewel van der Merwe - Discernment Ministries

EMNR Conference speaker [1994/1996] - EMNR membership requirement: Sign the Lausanne Covenant [See EMNR, above]

Evangelical Ministries to New Religions adheres to the doctrinal standards and practices as set forth in the Lausanne Covenant the Manila Manifesto and the Amsterdam Affirmations.


Organizer of 1997 Discernment Conference [East Lansing, MI]

In attendance “by invitation only” [partial listing]:

Sir Anthony Buzzard - Unitarian minister / Templeton Prize nominee

See: The Discernment Ministries**

• Don Classen - Kansas City Fellowship prophet

See: Another Jesus Revolution? The Counterfeit Revival**

• Dene McGriff – Antipas Ministries; National Association of Evangelicals World Relief; former CIA agent

See: Another Jesus Revolution**


·        Berit Kjos - Kjos Ministries / Crossroads

            Speaker on CNP-packed platforms of The Steeling of the Mind Conference

Frequent speaker on other conference platforms which included CNP members 
Prophezine Prophecy Alliance profile on Berit listed CNP member organizations which have provided speaking/writing platforms for Berit Kjos: 
                 Constitutional Coalition [Donna Hearne], 
  Concerned Women for America/Beverly LaHaye Live [Beverly and Tim LaHaye] 
  The 700 Club [Pat Robertson]
  Point of View [Marlin Maddoux] 
  Citizens for Excellence in Education / Robert Simonds [Coalition on Revival])
Compass Magazine [July, 1998 / Vol.11 No.1] featured Berit Kjos and Larry Burkett on the cover. Advertisements inside for:
            Dallas Seminary, Pres. Chuck Swindoll
            Steeling of the Mind Conference with CNP members: 
  Alan Sears (Alliance Defense Fund) 
  John Ankerberg (Theological Research Institute)
  Chuck Missler (Koinonia)

Speaker at 1997 Discernment Conference

This conference was under the direction of a Unitarian minister, Anthony Buzzard, a nominee for the Templeton Prize and the son of Sir Anthony Wass Buzzard, Director of British Naval Intelligence who collaborated with early Bilderburgers

Signer, Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship / Interfaith Coalition for Environmental Stewardship [ICES]

The Cornwall Declaration is a “Christianized” version of the United Nations Earth Charter – an environmental statement of faith signed by Roman Catholics, Jews and Protestants.  

The Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship and the coalition built after it, the Interfaith Coalition for Environmental Stewardship, are ecumenical initiatives which make environmental stewardship a religious issue and incorporate the New Age philosophy and agenda in the programs of Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism.

...25 leading theologians, economists, environmental scientists and policy experts got together in October, 1999, in West Cornwall, Connecticut.  They recognized that:

The 20th Century brought unprecedented improvement in human health, nutrition, life expectancy, and environmental quality.

    We have an opportunity, and a moral obligation, to build on these advances, and share them with less fortunate people in America and developing nations.

    None of this would be possible, were it not for the religious, economic, and scientific traditions which are now under assault.

    Out of that October meeting came a vitally important document: The Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship.  Designed to spark debate on these critical issues of humanity and the environment, it has already been signed by over 1,000 leading clergy, theologians, scholars, and other people of good will and is supported by three scholarly monographs entitled Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition that offer unique Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant perspectives on this important issue.

    Also out of that meeting grew an impressive coalition of like-minded individuals and organizations which recently formed the Interfaith Coalition for Environmental Stewardship (ICES) — a group dedicated to demonstrating widespread support for traditional principles of stewardship.

  Through the Cornwall Declaration campaign, ICES is building a network of religious, academic and community leaders who can offer sound theological, scientific and economic perspectives on these issues.  Soon, they will provide a credible alternative to liberal environmental advocacy for people in congregations, schools, government, and the religious and secular media.

   And over time, they will ensure that sound theology, science and economics guide the principles of stewardship for people around the globe.

ICES has removed the names of all but the “Notable Signers” of this document, such as James Dobson, Bill Bright, Chuck Colson, D. James Kennedy and Don Wildmon, all members of the CNP.  However, the list of “Other Signers” is available on our website: 

Under “Protestant Signers” see Berit Kjos, Christian Author” along with Jay Grimstead (Coalition on Revival) and Herb Titus (CNP)   


·        Dave Hunt - Berean Call

Speaker on CNP-packed platforms of The Steeling of the Mind Conference

EMNR Conference speaker [1994/1996] - EMNR membership requirement: Sign the Lausanne Covenant [See EMNR, above]

Evangelical Ministries to New Religions adheres to the doctrinal standards and practices as set forth in the Lausanne Covenant the Manila Manifesto and the Amsterdam Affirmations.


·        Chuck Smith - Calvary Chapel


·        Robert Simonds - NACE/CEE



The Global Prayer & Missions Movement Database