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“The concept of a one-world community stretches back far beyond the twentieth century, but became concentrated in the granddaddy of the modern American secret societies---the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

“The council began as an outgrowth of a series of meetings conducted during World War I. In 1917 New York, Colonel Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson’s confidential adviser, had gathered about one hundred prominent men to discuss the postwar world. Dubbing themselves ‘the Inquiry,’ they made plans for a peace settlement which eventually evolved into Wilson’s famous ‘fourteen points,’ which he first presented to Congress on January 8, 1918. They were globalist in nature, calling for the removal of ‘all economic barriers’ between nations, ‘equality of trade conditions,’ and the formation of ‘a general association of nations.

“Colonel House, who once described himself as a Marxist socialist but whose actions more reflected Fabian socialism, was the author of a 1912 book entitled Philip Dru: Administrator. In this work, House described a ‘conspiracy’ within the United States with the goals of establishing a central bank, a graduated income tax, and the control of both political parties. Two years after the publication of this book, two, if not all three, of his literary goals had been met in reality.

“By late 1918, stalemate on the Western Front and the entry of America into the war forced Germany and the Central Powers to accept Wilson’s terms for peace. The subsequent Paris Peace Conference of 1919 resulted in the harsh Treaty of Versailles, which forced Germany to pay heavy reparations to the Allies. This ruined the German economy, leading to depression and the eventual rise of Adolph Hitler and his Nazis.

“Attending the Paris peace conference were President Woodrow Wilson and his closest advisors, Colonel House, bankers Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch, and almost two dozen members of ‘the Inquiry.’ The conference attendees embraced Wilson’s plan for peace, including the formation of a League of Nations. However, under American law, the covenant had to be ratified by the U.S. Senate, which failed to do so, apparently distrusting any supernational organization.

“Undaunted, Colonel House, along with both British and American peace conference delegates, met in Paris’s Majestic Hotel on May 30, 1919, and resolved to form an ‘Institute of International Affairs,’ with one branch in the United States and one in England. The English branch became the Royal Institute of International Affairs. This institute was to guide public opinion toward acceptance of one-world government or globalism.

“The U.S. branch was incorporated on July 21, 1921, as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). It was built upon an existing, but lackluster, New York dinner club of the same name which had been created in 1918 by prominent bankers and lawyers for discussions on trade and international finance. Article II of the new CFR’s bylaws stated that anyone revealing details of CFR meetings in contravention of the CFR’s rules could be dropped from membership, thus qualifying the CFR as a secret society.

“This secrecy has been assiduously protected by America’s major media [ed. whose upper echelon are CFR members]. ‘Analysts of the Soviet press say the Council crops up more regularly in Pravda and Izvestia than it does in the New York Times,’ noted journalist J. Anthony Lucas in 1971.

“Since 1945, the CFR has been headquartered in the elegant Harold Pratt House in New York City. The building was donated by the Pratt family of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.” 

~ Jim Marrs, Rule By Secrecy (HarperCollins Publishers, 2000, pp. 31-33)




Compiled by Eric Samuelson


THE INQUIRY (f. Fall of 1918)


George Louis Beer--Regional Specialist for Colonial Problems. Formerly of Columbia University. U.S. Round Table Member. Nelly Beer (1886-1945) married Robert Philipe Rothschild (1880-1946). Samuel H. Beer was author of The Communist Manifesto. S.H. Beer, Rhodes Scholar (1932) (Michigan).


Dr. Isaiah Bowman (CFR21)--Chief Territorial Specialist. American Geographical Society. Became executive officer in summer of 1918 after Walter Lippmann resigned to undertake

intelligence work of the army in France. VP, CFR; Director (1921-1950). College President. Century Association. Contributed $50,000 to CFR at his death.


Dr. Clive Day (11 Feb 1871-27 Jul 1951) (CFR21/S&B 1892)--Regional Specialist for the Balkans. Yale University. Participant in Paris Majestic Hotel meeting (May 1919).


*Allen Dulles


*John Foster Dulles (CFR21)


Dr. Charles H. Haskins (CFR21)--Regional Specialist for the northwestern frontiers. Harvard University. Caryl P. Haskins (no known relationship) (RAND Trustee, Trustee,

Carnegie Corporation of New York, Member, Secret Study Group on Alien Question, 1954, Director, Eleventh Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, NYC).


*Christian Herter


Capt. S. K. Hombeck---Regional Specialist for the Far East. U.S.A.


Mark Jefferson--Chief Cartographer, Prof. State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan.


Maj. Douglas W. Johnson (CFR21)--Specialist in Boundary Geography. Columbia University.


*Walter Lippman (CFR21)


Dr. Robert H. Lord (CFR21)--Regional Specialist for Poland and Russia. Harvard University.


Dr. W. E. Lunt--Regional Specialist for Italian boundaries. Haverford College. Stover Boardman Lunt (S&B 1921).


Dr. S. E. Mezes Director. College of the City of New York. Father-in-law of Col. House. First reviewer of Philip Dru: Administrator. Former President of University of Texas.


Dr. Charles Seymour (1 Jan 1885-11 Aug 1963) (CFR21/S&B 1908)---Regional Specialist for Austria-Hungary. Yale University. Author of House's Intimate Papers.


*Whitney Shepardson (CFR21)


Dr. James Thomson Shotwell (1874-1965)--Librarian and Specialist in History. Columbia University. Born in Ontario, Canada. Came to U.S. (1898) and taught history at Columbia University (1905-1942). Trustee, CEIP (1930). President, League of Nations Associates (1935-1939). Member of NYC socialist "X" Club with John Dewey.

Participant at Majestic Hotel Meeting (5-30-1919). Chairman of the consultants to the U.S. delegation to the UN Conference. President, CEIP (1949-1950). Editor of



*Norman Thomas


Dr. W. L. Westermann--Regional Specialist for Western Asia. University of Wisconsin.


Dr. Allyn A. Young (CFR21)--Economic Specialist. Cornell University.


Besides The Inquiry proper, and affiliated with although distinct from it, were the experts in international law, Mr. David Hunter Miller (CFR21) and Major James Brown

(1863-1935) (Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman and Company, 1901- ). Miller helped House draft the 1st American version of a covenant for the League of Nations (July

13-14, 1918).


Source: Col. Edward Mandel House, WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN PARIS, p. 7. Those listed with a "*" were not listed by House.





“The Rockefeller ‘philanthropies’ were conceived and planned as the nucleus of the political control and government of the projected Rockefeller Empire during its formative period of world conquest by propaganda of a ‘new social order’, in other words, subversion. They are superbly organized to serve to the best advantage all the purposes of Bismarck’s ‘New Deal’. They constitute the most Machiavellian conspiracy in all human history.

“The ‘philanthropies’ were shrewdly designed to retain control for the Rockefellers of all the activities fostered and all profits, actual and potential, tangible and intangible, derived therefrom, while forcing others to assume the bulk of the costs….

“The program of monopolistic control of foundations, philanthropies, and charities was initiated by John D. Rockefeller himself in the ‘merger’ of Carnegie ‘philanthropies’ with his own, by direct arrangement with old Andrew Carnegie… Nevins points out (JDR v. 2, p. 39)

‘As a matter of fact, Rockefeller and Carnegie were personally always on the best of terms…’ William S. Dutton, Rockefeller propagandist, writing for Collier’s magazine, issue of April 28, 1951, relates that though there were antitrust laws that barred Rockefeller from attaining his objective of monopoly in business, there was no barrier to his attaining it through ‘philanthropy’. He relates that Rockefeller and Carnegie merged their foundations, in effect, with an agreement to collaborate, not to compete or overlap, an understanding, he reports, that is still effective between their foundations. Thus did John D. Sr. lay the basis for a ‘Philanthropy Trust’ that was destined to attain for himself and his descendants the subjugation of the world that he sought.

“The pro-British slant of the Carnegie philanthropies was made to fit into the Rockefeller scheme of things, when the Marxist Labor Party, that was heavily subsidized by them, took over the government. On the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, one of the most important of the Carnegie group from the viewpoint of propaganda in international affairs, sit David Rockefeller and his kinsman John Foster Dulles, chairman of the Board, along with Alger Hiss as President as late as 1949, General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ambassador at Large Philip Jessup. It is also noteworthy that Senator Robert A. Taft served as Trustee, in the years 1935-1938, on the Board of this Rockefeller-dominated ‘internationalist’ outfit.”

---Emanuel M  Josephson, Rockefeller “Internationalist” (Chedney Press, 1952, pp. 90-93.)




Robert Somers Brookings (22 Jan 1850-15 Nov 1932) (1910-1932). Toured Europe (1880). President, Corporation of Washington University (1897-1928). Partner, Cupples and Mastron (St. Louis). Organized St. Louis World's Fair (1904). Chairman, Price Fixing Committee, War Industries Board. Accompanied Carnegie on peace visit to the Kaiser prior to WWI. Consultant to Commission on Economy and Efficiency (Taft Administration). Founder and VC, Institute for Government Research (3-25-1916). Began Institute of Economics (6-1922) (got $1.65 million from the Carnegie Corporation). Incorporated Robert S. Bookings School of Economics and Government (1924). Eponym of Brookings Institution (consolidated in 1927). Chairman, Brookings Institution (7-1-1928). Timber and Mining interests. Married Isabel Valle (1927). She pledged $350,000 for Robert Brookings Graduate School of Economics and Government (1924).


Thomas Burke (1910-1925)


Nicholas Murray Butler (2 Apr 1862-7 Dec 1947) (1910- ) Student in Berlin and Paris. Doctoral thesis was “The History of Logical Doctrine.” J.P. Morgan mouthpiece in academic world. Head of American branch of Association for International Conciliation (1906) (parent was located in Paris). President, Columbia University (1902-1945). Republican VP candidate (1912). President, CEIP (1925-1945). Director, New York Life Ins. Co. (1929-1939). Nobel Prize in Peace (1931) with Jane Addams (for Kellogg-Briand Pact). Trustee, The Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teach (3-10-1906). Married Susanna Edwards Schuyler (7 Feb 1877) (daughter of Jacob Rutzan Schuyler). Daughter: Sarah Schuyler Butler.


John L. Cadwalder (1910-1914) Lawyer. A founder of the Metropolitan Club (2-20-1891); Governor. Member, Union Club.


Joseph A. Choate (1910-1917)


Cleveland Hoadley Dodge (26 Jan 1860-24 Jun 1926) (M$T1912) (1) (1910-1919) Original Trustee, Russell Sage Foundation (4-11-1907). Wilson intimate. Original Trustee,

Institute for Government Research (IGR) (late 1915). VP, Phelps Dodge Corporation. NY 2001 Society. National City Company (1st securities affiliate) (illegal according to A.G. opinion suppressed by President Taft). Owned 2,500 shares of National City Bank of New York (1-22-1913); Director (1917-1918 Period). Winchester Arms Co., Union Metallic Cartridges, Remington Arms Co., Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., National City Bank and Kuhn Loeb & Co. married Grace Parish (11 Oct 1883).


Charles William Eliot (1910-1919)--Educated in Germany. Original Trustee, Institute for Government Research (IGR) late 1915). 21st President Emeritus, Harvard University

(1869-1909). Incorporator, Rockefeller Foundation (1913); Trustee (1914-1917). Member of the Lyman family (like Henry Pratt Johnson). Married Ellen Peabody. Nephew of

George Ticknor.


Arthur William Foster (1910-1925)


John Watson Foster (1910-1917)--Secretary of State (1892-1893). Father of Mother of Dulles Brothers.


Austen George Fox (1910-1937)--Officer of the "Brandeis" Celebration of June 25, 1895, Harvard University School of Law.


Robert A. Franks (1910-1935) Trustee, The Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching (3-10-1906).


William M. Howard (1910-1930)


Samuel Mather (1910-1919) Son of Samuel Livingston Mather (Co-Founder of Pickands Mather). Lawyer. Founder of the Cleveland Iron Mining Co. and Iron Cliffs Mining Co. (became the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Mining Co.). Trustee, Brookings Institute (7-1-1928). Original Trustee, Institute for Government Research (IGR) (late 1915). Original Trustee, Institute of Economics (4-21-1922).


Andrew J. Montague (1910-1937)


George Walbridge Perkins (31 Jan 1862-18 Jun 1920) (M$T 1912)(1910-1920) U.S. Financier. Clerk, New York Life Insurance Co.; Chairman of the Finance Committee (1898); VP (1903). Chairman, National Executive Committee, Progressive Party. Partner, J.P. Morgan (1900) (also Drexel, Morgan & Co. of Philadelphia and Morgan, Harjes & Co. of Paris) (resigned 1910). Owned 1,240 shares in Bankers Trust Co. Director and member of the finance committee, U.S. Steel Corp. Director: International Harvester Corporation, German-American Insurance Co. and German Alliance Insurance Co., New York Trust Co., etc. Married Evelina Ball (daughter of Flamen Ball). Children: George Walbridge Perkins, Jr. (1895-1960) (U.S. Ambassador to NATO, 1955-1957) and Dorothy Perkins.


Henry S. Pritchett (1910-1939) Suggested idea to Andrew Carnegie that he support a free, noncontributory pension fund for college faculty (1904). Trustee, The Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching (3-10-1906); President (1905-1929). Approved $1.65 million grant to found the Institute of Economics. President, M.I.T. (1904). Manager, Franklin Fund of Boston (1904). Director, American International Corporation, (1917-1918 Period ?). President, Carnegie Corporation of New York (1921-1923).


Elihu Root (15 Feb 1845-7 Feb 1937) (CFR21) (1910-1937) --Lawyer/Diplomat/Politician. Member, Metropolitan Club. U.S. District Attorney for Southern District NYC (1883-1885). Secretary of War (1899-1904). Hired Henry Lewis Stimson (S&B) out of law school. Secretary of State (1905-1909). Legal adviser to Theodore Roosevelt. Senator from New York (1909- 1915). Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan (1908). 1st President, CEIP (1910-1925). President, American Bar Association (1915-1916). Honorary President, Council on Foreign Relations (1921- ). Nobel Peace Prize (1912). Leader in movement for world peace. Trustee, Institute for Government Research (IGR). NY Social Register. Century Association. Honorary President, American law institute (1923-1937). Son: Elihu Root, Jr. (Director: AT&T and Mutual Life Insurance Co. 12-16-1928-1939).


Jacob G. Schmidlapp (1910-1919)


James Brown Scott (1910- ) 1st President, American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes (1906). Member, Union Club.


James L. Slayden (1910-1924) U.S. Representative (San Antonio, Texas). Called for a world court.


Albert K. Smiley (1910-1912)--Kin to Donald Smiley (Chairman, Macy Co.?).


Oscar S. Straus (CFR21) (1910-1926) 1st President, New York Peace Society.


Charles L. Taylor (1910-1922)


Charlemange Tower (1910-1923)


Andrew Dickson White (7 Nov 1832-4 Nov 1918) (S&B 1854) (1910-1918)--Son of railroad millionaire. Educator. Educated in Hegelian philosophy at U. of Berlin. Professor of History and English Literature, University of Michigan (1857-1866). Early Member, Society for Psychic Research (Venetian-trained Theological Expert). 1st President, Cornell University (1866-1885). Gave Cornell $300,000 to set up School of Government. Professor of history, Cornell University (1855-1885). Advised Hoover on establishing the Hoover Institution. Founder, Carnegie Institution of Washington. U.S. Minister to Germany (1879-1881) (1897-1902). U.S. Minister to Russia (1892-1894) (intimate of Russian aristocracy). Founder and 1st President, American Historical Association. Regent, Smithsonian Institution. Episcopalian. Helped establish Russell Trust at Yale (1856).


John Sharp Williams (1910-1922)


Robert S. Woodward (d. 1985) (1910-1924) Original Trustee, Institute for Government Research (IGR) (late 1915). President, Carnegie Institution of Washington.


Luke E. Wright (1910-1918)


The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was founded on December 14, 1910 by transferring $10 million in bonds to the 28 trustees. Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Summary of Organization and Work 1911-1941 v, ix-x (1941).