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Totus Tuus Ego Sum: Surrendering All To Mary

Lady Of Fatima: Name of Mohammed's Daughter

Message From Lady Of Medjugorje

Pope John Paul II On Medjugorje

St. Louis De Montfort's "True Devotion To Mary"







Colossians 2:18,19 cautions, "Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God."

Catholic prophecy and Pope John Paul II are calling for a Marian Church – a universal church under the headship of Mary, who must lead the faithful to Jesus.

The Catholic Eucharistic Miracles

The worship of the Eucharist and Mary will be the two pillars of the Marian Church. Some of the pictures referenced in these files are repulsive, so be prepared if you open these homepages.  


Name of Mohammed's Daughter

"FATIMA": The name of the daughter of Mohammed. When the Moors (Muslims) were defeated in Portugal, the name of the little village of Fatima was retained."


Message From The Lady Of Medjugorje


"Dear Children, today I am united with you in prayer in a special way--praying for the gift of the presence of my beloved Son in your home country. Pray, little Children, for the health of my most beloved son (Pope John Paul II), who suffers, and whom I have chosen for these times. I Pray and intercede before my Son Jesus, so that the dream that your fathers had may be fulfilled. Pray, little Children in a special way, because Satan is strong and wants to destroy hope in your hearts. I bless you. Thank you for having responded to my call."


Pope John Paul II On Medjugorje


Pope John Paul II, in response to a question asked by the Archbishop of Asuncion, La Paz, Bolivia. - Feb. 1995: AUTHORIZE EVERYTHING THAT REGARDS MEDJUGORJE

On March 22nd, 1995 Vicka accompanied 350 wounded and crippled Croatian soldiers to Rome where the Pope gave them a private audience. She was the translator (Italian-Croatian) and the Pope immediately recognized her: "ARE YOU NOT VICKA FROM MEDJUGORJE?" he asked her. Vicka then offered him a rosary saying: "I guess you have many rosaries already, but this one is special as it was blessed by the Gospa during an apparition." The Pope said to her: "PRAY TO THE MADONNA FOR ME, I PRAY FOR YOU." He prayed over her a long time & blessed her.

On April 6th, l995 a Croatian Delegation made an official visit to the Holy Father. The Delegation included the President Tudjman, the Vice President Radic and Cardinal Kuharic from Zagreb. The Pope read his official statement and afterwards, as he often does, he spontaneously added a few words of his own. "I WANT TO GO TO SPLIT, TO MARIA BISTRICA AND TO MEDJUGORJE!"

June 1986 response to a group of twelve Italian bishops seeking pastoral advice on people making pilgrimages to Medjugorje. "LET THE PEOPLE GO TO MEDJUGORJE IF THEY CONVERT, PRAY, CONFESS, DO PENANCE AND FAST."

On April 2, 1986 reported by Fr. Ivan Dugandzic, OFM, during a meeting with the Holy Father. The Holy Father told him that he follows the events continuously. "YOU CAN TELL EVERYONE THAT EACH DAY I PRAY FOR A HAPPY CONCLUSION TO THESE EVENTS."

From Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop of San Angelo, Texas, National Catholic Register, April 15,1990: "During my Ad Lumina visit to Rome with the Bishops of Texas in April 1988, I asked our Holy Father his opinion about Medjugorje during the private conversation I had with him. He spoke very favorably about the happenings there, pointing out the good which had been done for people. During the lunch which the Texan bishops later had with the Holy Father, Medjugorje came up for further discussion. Again His Holiness spoke of how it has changed the lives of people who visit it, and said that so far the messages are not contrary to the gospel."

August 1, 1989 address by the Pope to a group of Italian physicians dedicated to defending unborn life and to making scientific and medical studies on the apparition, as reported by Bishop Paul Hnilica, SJ, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome: "TODAY'S WORLD HAS LOST ITS SENSE OF THE SUPERNATURAL, BUT MANY ARE SEARCHING FOR IT - AND FIND IT IN MEDJUGORJE, THROUGH PRAYER, PENANCE AND FASTING."

"MEDJUGORJE IS A GREAT CENTRE OF SPIRITUALITY!" - The Holy Father's comment during a February 1990 conversation, as reported by Bishop Murilo Krieger, Auxiliary Bishop of Florianopolis, Brazil, made prior to His Grace's fourth Medjugorje pilgrimage. The Holy Father assented to Bishop Krieger's request and gave his papal blessing to the visionaries(National Catholic Register, April 29,1990)

"IF I WASN'T THE POPE, I'D BE IN MEDJUGORJE ALREADY!" - Reported April 21, 1989 by Bishop Paul Hnilica, SJ, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, after having been admonished by the Holy Father for not stopping in Medjugorje on his return trip to Rome from a meeting in Moscow on behalf of the Pope.

The Holy Father credits our Blessed Mother for interceding to save his life after being shot.

God Bless,

Annemarie Yeseta

Last Modified 04/25/96

 St. Louis De Montfort's

"True Devotion To Mary"

Ed Tarkowski


Part I: Totus Tuus Ego Sum: Surrendering All To Mary

"John Paul II has dedicated his papacy to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. His personal motto, Totus Tuus (Completely Yours), is a term illustrating the consecration of his life to the Blessed Virgin, a consecration that took place while he was still a Polish bishop."


"Consecration to Mary means 'set aside for Mary,' to be used by her to accomplish her holy purposes (which are the purposes of her divine Son")

(Soul, Special Issue, "Set Aside For Mary," 1981, p. 11).


St. Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth and to members of the continuing, universal Church:

2 Corinthians 9

9:3 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

9:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

The simplicity the Apostle Paul spoke of was simplicity of the mind in our attitude toward the Lord Jesus. "Simplicity" here means "singleness" (Strong's G572), something that the modern Church has lost. It has, in fact, done anything but keep to "the simplicity that is in Christ," foregoing that simplicity to become a now heavily structured, multi-faceted, complex organization. The Church has been beguiled through what were first subtle changes in the word of God, but these changes have now become blatant in their obvious corrupting of God's word and plan. This has escalated to the point where most of Christianity has forsaken that word and plan to unite with Rome for the sake of social reform, global evangelism and the up-coming world Jubilee 2000 celebrations. The unity desired and successfully being pursued by Rome for these celebrations are based on the unbiblical Catholic traditions and beliefs about the Eucharistic table and Marian devotion. It appears that Pope John Paul II is pursuing what was prophesied by the Catholic mystic St. John Bosco in 1862:

"There will be chaos in the Church. Tranquillity will not return until the Pope succeeds in anchoring the boat of Peter between the twin pillars of Eucharistic devotion and devotion to Our Lady. This will come about one year before the end of the (20th) century" (parenthesis in the original).

We should be quite aware by now of the Pope's call to global communion for all in the year 2000; but by accepting this call, something so subtle has happened to Christianity that it does not realize what has happened to it:

It has changed heads. The Pope is becoming head of a globally united Church. But, what is crucial to discern is the spirit that is guiding the Pope. Whatever spirit he is subjecting himself to is the same spirit that the Church is placing itself under by uniting with Rome in common causes and rituals.

Pope John Paul talks about Jesus in papal encyclicals, letters, commentaries and other writings, and the Catholic Church certainly has numerous doctrines and creeds about Jesus. But very few Christians are questioning the fact that the Pope's "Jesus" is sacrificed daily on the altars of Catholicism, bringing about a change, called transubstantiation, in the bread and wine to flesh and blood. Lately, when that meal is consumed at Communion time, the bread and wine sometimes change into literal flesh and literal blood. In fact, such occurrences are said to be on the increase. See our Home Page for a report of this phenomena of Eucharistic Miracles.

Plans are proceeding for a global communion service headed by Rome and the torn down walls of denominationalism apparently aren't keeping any of these denominations from participating. Is this the fulfillment of St. John Bosco's Catholic prophecy? It appears that it is.


In his encyclical, "Redemptoris Mater," delivered on March 25, 1987 , Pope John Paul II wrote,

"The piety of the Christian people has always very rightly sensed a profound link between devotion to the Blessed Virgin and worship of the Eucharist: . . . Mary guides the faithful to the Eucharist."

Any investigation of Marian appearances will show that this statement is true. We will discuss Mary and the Eucharist more in a later section of this series of articles when we discuss the original words of Mary at Fatima and compare them with those of Christ. What I want to discuss here is devotion to Mary and its resulting affect on seekers who desire to give themselves to her "Totos Tuus" as Pope John Paul II has done. It is in this total consecration of the Pope to Mary that Christianity is being brought, not under the headship of Christ, but the spirit of the Catholic Mary.


"I am all yours," "I am completely yours, O Mary"

The second aspect of Bosco's prophesy was the anchoring of the Papal boat to Marian devotion. Global Communion was the first. With inquiry and discernment seemingly disappearing in the winds of change, few seem to realize that the Pope's total guidance is coming from "Mary," and that this radical commitment to her has brought all who are uniting with him under the headship of Mary. They may not realize it, but that doesn't make it less true. Pope John Paul II is strongly committed to her and her guidance. To the Pope, Jesus is to be celebrated in the year 2000, but it is only Mary who can lead the united Church to Him.

Early Influences In The Life Of John Paul II Toward Marian Devotion

The first thing we must realize about Pope John II is that his early life as a Catholic was affected by Marian beliefs, centering finally in the devotions of Marian mystic, St. Louis De Montfort. In a "written interview" ("The Mother Of God") with Vittorio Messori about the Pope's book, "Crossing The Threshold Of Hope," Messori says of the Pope,

"The renewal of Marian theology and devotion - in continuity with Catholic tradition - is another distinctive characteristic of the teaching and pastoral activity of John Paul II. Totus Tuus ('I am completely yours, O Mary') is the motto you chose for your papacy. . ."

In a written response, Pope John Paul II explained that the phrase "Totus Tuus. . . . is not only an expression of piety, or simply an expression of devotion. It is more":

"During the Second World War, while I was employed as a factory worker, I came to be attracted to Marian devotion. At first, it had seemed to me that I should distance myself a bit from the Marian devotion of my childhood, in order to focus more on Christ.

"Thanks to Saint Louis of Montfort, I came to understand that true devotion to the Mother of God is actually Christocentric, indeed, it is very profoundly rooted in the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity, and the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption.

"And so, I rediscovered Marian piety, this time with a deeper understanding. This mature form of devotion to the Mother of God has stayed with me over the years, bearing fruit in the encyclicals Redemptoris Mater and Mulieris Dignitatem.

". . . Marian devotion . . . corresponds to the objective truth about the Mother of God. Mary is the new Eve, placed by God in close relation to Christ, the new Adam, beginning with the Annunciation, through the night of His birth in Bethlehem, through the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee, through the Cross at Calvary, and up to the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Mother of Christ the Redeemer is the Mother of the Church."

The Pope commented on Vatican II's "eighth chapter of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium," and then went on to discuss "those special bonds which continue to unite me to the Mother of God in ever new ways." Because of those "special bonds," the Pope said, "From my earliest years, my own devotion to Mary was deeply joined to my faith in Christ." This part of the interview was closed with this statement about his special bond with the "Lady" concerning seeking a "spiritual rebirth" from "the Black Madonna:

"Another chapter in my life is Jasna Fra, with its icon of the Black Madonna. Our Lady of Jasna Fra has been venerated for centuries as the Queen of Poland. This shrine belongs to the entire country. The Polish nation has sought for centuries, and continues to seek, support and strength for spiritual rebirth from its Lady and Queen. At Jasna Fra a special evangelization comes about. The great events in the life of Poland have always been tied to this place in some way. Both the ancient and modern history of my nation have their deepest roots there on the hill of Jasna Fra."

Where once Adam brought forth Eve, Marian doctrine proposes that Mary reversed what happened at the fall. Christ, the Man, now comes forth from His mother, and therefore so must we must seek union with her through Marian devotion so we, too, can experience the new birth. The conclusion: Mary is the Mother of Us All. Messori closed this part of the "written interview" by saying,

"I think what I have said sufficiently explains the Marian devotion of the present Pope and, above all, his attitude of total abandonment to Mary - his Totus Tuus"


Pope John Paul II

Has Placed Himself, His Ministry And The Church Under Mary

It's apparent that the Pope believes that spiritual rebirth comes through the Lady and Queen of Heaven. Missori said, "The renewal of Marian theology and devotion is another distinctive characteristic of the teaching and pastoral activity of John Paul II." The devotion Missori mentioned is based on De Montfort's "True Devotion To Mary." The Marian theology he mentioned is being renewed through his pastoral activity, which includes the post-denominational world of Christianity. The Pope is renewing this Marian emphasis because Totus Tuus (total surrender to Mary) is central to his personal life, an aspect of De Montfort's faith that the Pope said he added to his faith in Christ in his younger days. It was this faith, based on Marian devotion, that the Pope brought to the Vatican. In another section the Pope wrote to Missori about his papacy being founded on surrender to Mary:

"At this point we need once again to return to Totus Tuus. In your earlier question you [Missori] spoke of the Mother of God and of the numerous private revelations that have taken place, especially in the last two centuries. I responded by explaining how devotion to Mary developed in my own personal life, beginning in my home town, then in the shrine of Kalwaria, and finally at Jasna Fra. Jasna Fra became part of the history of my homeland in the seventeenth century, as a sort of 'Be not afraid!' spoken by Christ through the lips of His Mother. On October 22, 1978, when I inherited the Ministry of Peter in Rome, more than anything else, it was this experience and devotion to Mary in my native land which I carried with me."

In October, 1996, Pope John Paul II was in the Gemello Polyclinic for and appendectomy, and at that time renewed his consecration to Mary:

". . . . I entrust the Church and myself as well to (Mary)," the Pope went on. "I do so given the proximity of the anniversary of the start of my Petrine ministry 18 years ago as well as that of my priestly ordination, which occurred 50 years ago. In these days of illness, I was better able to understand the value of the service that the Lord called me to give the Church as a priest, bishop, as Successor of Peter.

"May the Holy Virgin receive the renewed offer of myself - Totus tuus ego sum (I am all yours) - and watch over with my ministry and the Church with care. . . ." (parenthesis in the original; VATICAN CITY, OCT 13, 1996 (VIS) POPE PRAYS ANGELUS FROM "VATICAN THREE").

On the Internet, there is an article about the "United For The Triumph Of The Immaculate Heart [Of Mary]," an apostolate founded to respond to Our Lady's plea for the Triumph under the guidance of Bishop Paolo Maria Hnilica, S.J.

It quotes Bishop Hnilica saying how the Pope "personally lives as 'Totus Tuus'," meaning, being totally united to the Mary of Catholic tradition, and that, "He [the Pope] wants Totus Tuus, to belong to Mary totally":

"On June 13, 1994, two months before Our Lady's call to be united with her in prayer for the Pope "whom I [Mary] have chosen for these times," Bishop Paolo Hnilica sent a "heartfelt appeal" to Mary's children throughout the world:

"Today we are convinced and we thank God that this position of Our Lady is fully recognized by our beloved Holy Father. But we ought to pray so that Mary's role can be fully communicated and accepted by all the successors of the apostles. We pray that each bishop can have in his heart and so communicate to his diocese that same intensity of consecration to Mary that the Vicar of Christ, our Father and Brother in faith, personally lives as "Totus Tuus".

Pope John Paul II Appeals to Bishops And Priests To Bring Mary To Their Dioceses For The Sake Of Marian Unity, Evangelization And A "New" Pentecost

Though a Christian is commanded to go forth and preach the good news of Jesus Christ through the Gospel delivered and once and for all to the saints, it is an intense consecration to Mary that is central to this papacy, and Totus Tuus is to be communicated to the Church hierarchical structure and then to each diocese, right down to each family. Noting that Mary is "the first evangelizer of Latin America," the pope referred to the preparations for the Great Jubilee of 2000 and asked the Blessed Virgin to "'visit' a 'pilgrim of faith,' each and every one of the dioceses, parishes, ecclesial communities and families of America... May she favor the unity of the Church by bringing together, as in a new Pentecost, those who believe in Jesus Christ and those who need to be renewed by the Spirit" (VIS, February 11, 1996).

The priests of each diocese are being prepared for this aspect of the "Marian Pentecost." Meeting are scheduled through the year 2000 and Mary is to be the center of these gatherings:

"Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe said that beginning this year there would be meetings of the world's priests in preparation for the Jubilee 2000. In 1996 one will be held in Fatima June 17-21; in1997 in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast; 1998 at the Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico; 1999 in Jerusalem and 2000 in Rome for the Jubilee of all priests with the Holy Father" (VIS, March 21, 1996).

The first of those meetings was held at Fatima in June, 1996, with a letter of encouragement sent by the Pope in which he "[underlined] the importance of this event . . . [and invited] priests to renew their personal consecration to the Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As a sign of his closeness, John Paul II sent a rosary to each priest" (Vatican City, June 18, 1996 VIS - Vatican Information Service):

"The 1st International Meeting of Priests, promoted by the Congregation for the Clergy as a start to preparations for the Jubilee Year 2000, ended this morning in Fatima, Portugal, with a eucharistic concelebration during which priests renewed their promises and consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

"The more than 1,000 priests from around the world, gathered at the foot of Our Lady of Fatima, committed themselves to the new evangelization in view of the Third Millennium, according to the final communiqué published today. . . ."(VATICAN CITY, June 20, 1996, VIS _ Vatican Information Service).


"Mary most holy, the highly favored daughter of the Father will appear before the eyes of believers [in "1999, the third and final year of preparation"] as the perfect model of love toward both God and neighbor... so that they will return to the house of the Father....The mother of fairest love, will be for Christians on the way to the Great Jubilee of the third millennium the star which safely guides their steps to the Lord" (Pope John Paul II, As The Third Millennium Draws Near).

Who, then, is in charge of the spiritual preparation for the global Jubilee called for by the Pope at the beginning of his papacy? In a letter written by John Paul II to Bishop Giovanni D'Ascenzi of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, Italy, the pope concludes by praying that the celebrations of the bicentennial of Our Lady of Comfort "may push all believers to reaffirm their own adhesion to Christ as a first and fundamental preparation for the Great Jubilee of 2000"

(VIS, February 14, 1996).

The Bishop encouraged all followers in the Marian organizations who have consecrated themselves to Mary with this call for prayer:

"I invite you to pray for the calling of John Paul II, who has been chosen from the land of the east, . . to realize the promise given at Fatima: 'In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.'

I invite you to reflect on the enormous significance that this pontificate, 'Totus Tuus - All for Mary', has for the entire Church and the world in this last part of the twentieth century, which, as the Pope has often said, we ought to live out in a spirit of a new Advent."

Consecration To Mary Has Now Been Extended To The World, It's Countries, Dioceses, Parishes And Families

In every part of the world, individuals, homes, parishes, dioceses, even entire countries have been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In 1981, John Haffert reminded the readers of Soul magazine that three modern popes have called for a universal consecration to Mary, including Pope John Paul II:

"And now John Paul II has repeatedly spoken of the importance of consecration to the Immaculate heart of Mary, and in each country where he has traveled he has repeated the Act of Consecration" (An Historic Parish Event, May-June 1981).

Jesus will Bring Victory To The Church Through Consecration To Mary

Wanting "'Totus Tuus - All for Mary' . . . for the entire Church and the world in this last part of the twentieth century," Pope John Paul II said such a return to devotion resulting in consecration to Mary will end in, not victory for Christ in His Second Coming, but in the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart:

"'Be not afraid!' Christ said to the apostles (cf. Lk 24:36) and to the women (cf. Mt 28:10) after the Resurrection. According to the Gospels, these words were not addressed to Mary. Strong in her faith, she had no fear. Mary's participation in the victory of Christ became clear to me above all from the experience of my people. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski told me that his predecessor, Cardinal August Hlond, had spoken these prophetic words as he was dying: 'The victory, if it comes, will come through Mary.' During my pastoral ministry in Poland, I saw for myself how those words were coming true.

"After my election as Pope, as I became more involved in the problems of the universal Church, I came to have a similar conviction: On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her, because He wants the Church's victories now and in the future to be linked to her" (Pope to Mossori).

That victory desired by the pope may come within the next three years, because "the celebration of the Great Jubilee 'will take place simultaneously in the Holy Land, in Rome and in the local Churches throughout the world'" (VIS, Thursday, 15 February 1996).


The Stars Of 2000