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To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things
N.B. Each topic is titled with a familiar Bible term. The parenthesis ( ) which follows identifies either the actual or a counterfeit fulfillment of prophecy through the agency of the secret societies. Please see Introduction for protocols of this prophecy study.
14. NEW CRIMES A. Betrayal (Intelligence Operations) B. Book of Life (Computerized Databanks)
14-A. BETRAYAL (Intelligence Operations)
God's Plan |
Pre-Flood Era | Old Testament |
Church Age (Last Days) |
Tribulation |
Great Tribulation |
Millennium |
New Heavens & New Earth |
Satan's Counterfeit |
Pre-Flood Era | Old Testament |
Church Age |
Tribulation |
Great Tribulation |
Golden Age |
New Heavens & New Earth |
Church Age: God has given his people the Scriptures and a measure of spiritual discernment between good and evil.
The Millennium: The glorified saints will return to earth and discern clearly between the righteous and the wicked.
Church Age: Intelligence agents have already infiltrated the Christian community and are operating in various capacities.
Tribulation: Christians will be betrayed to intelligence organizations by friends, neighbors and family; intelligence organizations will assist the military to persecute God's people.
Great Tribulation: The Antichrist will use intelligence organizations to determine those who are against the covenant he establishes (a league of nations).
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. - Heb. 5:14
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. - Matt. 7:20
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. - I Cor. 2:14,15
And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. - Malachi 3:17,18
As agents provocateurs, intelligence agents are leading controlled opposition movements guaranteed not only to fail, but to justify repressive government measures against Christians. Intelligence operatives are trained to disseminate disinformation and strategically positioned to draw resisters into the occult agenda via the back door. These agents are also conducting surveillance and gathering information on individuals which will enable the intelligence organizations identify and locate religious and political dissidents.
Persecution of Christians will be conducted by a global military force. The Phoenix Project conducted by the CIA in Viet Nam was a precedent for similar projects in Latin America and future operations in the United States through the 'Office of Homeland Security'. The OHS was established by Pres. George W. Bush, a member of the Merovingian DeVere bloodline. (Dan.7:21, 11:33, 13:7)
"The French press, in a brief article on M. Plantard's election as Grand Master in 1981 had stated that 'the 121 high dignitaries of the Prieuré de Sion are all eminences grises of high finance and international political or philosophical organizations. Something very similar could clearly be said about the Knights of Malta. By virtue of their intrinsic natures, both Orders could be expected to function in much the same sphere, the twilight underworld where politics, finance, religion and the work of various intelligence organizations converge." - 232:362
"[T]he great English occultist Dr. John Dee...A man of many parts, not only was he Elizabeth I's astrologer and counsellor, but he was also a spymaster - and an alchemist and necromancer. (And something that is not generally known is that Dr Dee's codename as spy was '007'!)" - 268:136-7
"Crowley offered his services as an agent to MI6 after informing them that the head of the OTO, which he had joined in 1912, was a German Intelligence officer. In the 1920s and 1930s Crowley worked on an informal basis for MI6 supplying them with information about the European Communist movement and the links between the German nationalist groups, occult fraterniities and the Nazis. It is possible that Crowley's employment by the British Secret Service was well known to the Germans. While he was living in Berlin the bisexual magician shared a home with an Englishman who was a German agent." - 25:134
"Sophisticated totalitarian governments always use agents provocateurs to smoke out resisters. They send undercover agents into resistance groups to provoke them to violence, so that they can use that violence as 'proof' of the need for greater tyranny. Make no mistake: our American totalitarians are very sophisticated in controlling the public. I once heard something in an Establishment hanger-on's speech that I never forgot: It is easier to exert influence than to exercise control. This is the credo for today's totalitarians who abhor the crude, heavy-handed methods of Milner or Rhodes, Stalin or Hitler... A Big Crisis which galvanizes the public against the government is the very last thing the Insiders want. If a crisis emerges, the Insiders will have precipitated it themselves, so that they can impose their already-prepared 'solution'... It is easier to exert influence than to exercise control. The iron hand must remain in the velvet glove, never crude enough to arouse a general opposition." - 708
"...the Stanford Research Institute in California - better known as SRI International (i)n 1972 ... was recruited as the main consultant for the so-called remote viewing programmes run by the CIA and other government agencies including the US navy, the US army and the US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). These programmes were managed by a highly respected physicist, Dr Hal Puthoff, who sought out and employed renowned psychics (called 'remote viewers' in SRI jargon) to 'locate' enemy military targets and installations using extrasensory capabilities." - 132:304
"Echelon, a new and highly secret global surveillance system developed by America's National Security Agency, now in use monitoring all of the world's telephones, faxes and internet e-mails." - 78:4
"The secondary purpose [for the National Security Agency] was to monitor all communications and emissions from any and all electronic devices worldwide for the purpose of gathering intelligence." - 51:200
"This worldwide chunky-style data interception is purportedly run by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), under the rubric of Project Echelon. Sister intelligence agencies in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other like-minded governments or organizations are apparently in cahoots with the United States in operating this super-secret network of ground, airborne, and satellite gear." - 820
"The FBI won additional powers Thursday to conduct domestic counterterrorism surveillance-changes that critics say could trample on civil liberties. A quarter-century after the government imposed guidelines to curtail domestic spying, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced an overhaul of the rules. The changes lift FBI restrictions on surveillance at public gatherings, on religious and political organizations and on the Internet...
"FBI Director Robert Mueller called the changes 'important steps to help remove unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles to the effective investigation of terrorist cases.' His bureau has been under fire for failure to act on information that might have prevented the Sept. 11 attacks. Undercover FBI agents will now be able to attend public gatherings or enter places that are open to the public...But President George W. Bush said they were part of necessary changes at the FBI...
"'Apparently, Attorney General Ashcroft wants to get the FBI back in the business of spying on religious and political organizations,' said Margaret Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights. 'That alone would be unconstitutional, but history suggests the FBI won't stop at passive information gathering.'
"The old guidelines had been based on the principle that federal agents should not compile dossiers on people and groups without a reason to believe a crime had been committed. Ashcroft portrayed the changes as a preventive measure...
"But the American Civil Liberties Union blasted the action as the 'latest power grab by an administration that seems determined to undermine the bedrock values of liberty, equality and government accountability.'
"The ACLU and other groups have opposed measures implemented by Ashcroft since Sept. 11, including the creation of military tribunals.
"U.S. Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, also blasted the changes. 'The administration's continued defiance of constitutional safeguards seems to have no end in sight,' the Detroit congressman said in a statement." - 490
*See: Rise of the Fourth Reich*
New Crimes Defined as "Terrorism"*
Federal programs will reward citizens for informing on their neighbors, friends and family.
Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders. And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity. Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD. - Jer. 9:4-6
Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house. - Micah 7:5
Neighborhood Watch Program
"Buried in the details of President Bush’s new Freedom Corps is a plan to nationalize the Neighborhood Watch Program and train volunteers to 'report suspicious activity' to federal authorities. The new operation is to be called 'TIPS', and will involve training thousands of neighborhood volunteers to become the eyes and ears of the Homeland Security system, reporting on their friends and neighbors. The program shows obvious shades of the Nazi 'brown shirts' in Germany, the Soviets in Russia, and the neighborhood cadres in Communist Cuba, China, and North Korea." - 301
- Office of Homeland Security
- End of Posse Comitatus Act
“A Norfolk-based command apparently will lead the military's portion of the Bush administration's homeland defense plan, taking charge of efforts to train troops to supplement police, fire and other civilian ‘first responders’ to domestic terrorist attacks. The U.S. Joint Forces Command, which currently oversees the training of American forces deployed around the world, has created a 90-member ‘Homeland Security Directorate’ to spearhead the domestic effort. It will be led by a two-star Army general, a Senate committee was told Thursday…
“The Posse Comitatus Act, passed soon after the Civil War, generally prohibits military involvement in domestic policing. The military has been limited to support roles as the FBI and state and local police investigate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
“U.S. Sen. John W. Warner, R-Va., was among several senators arguing Thursday that the law needs to be re-examined. Others, led by Sen. Max Cleland, D-Ga., argued that after Sept. 11, the military should not be subordinate to the FBI or local police in responding to domestic threats. ‘This is war… The Department of Defense ought to be the lead dog here,’ Cleland asserted.” - 298
OHS modeled after Operation Phoenix
"Douglas Valentine, who has written extensively on the Phoenix program, says that the Bush Administration has begun to set up a 'counter-terrorist' organization similar to the Phoenix program that operated in Vietnam. It will operate as an integral part of Governor Tom Ridge's 'Office of Homeland Security' (OHS). If that is true, than God help us all.
"Valentine says that while the OHS appeared immediately after the tragic events of 11 September, 'like a rabbit pulled from a magician's star-spangled hat,' it's important to understand that it has been at least four years in the making. Based on studies and predictions that a catastrophic terror attack was inevitable, the U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century (co-chaired by former Senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman) had proposed an OHS-type entity patterned after Phoenix in January of 2001.
"The Phoenix Program originated out of the turmoil and confusion of the Vietnam War. Valentine says that the CIA believed that in order to win the war, it had to destroy the Viet Cong's political and administrative organization and root out its supporters throughout the country - kind of like the way the 'War on Terror' is doing now to the Taliban in Afghanistan. The CIA based this belief on the assumption that opposing ideological factions were battling for the loyalty of the 'complacent masses,' and that the VC were winning the war for the hearts and minds of the 'masses' through the use of propaganda and 'selective terror,' meaning the cold-blooded murder and mutilation of government officials.
"In response, according to Valentine, the CIA created its own counter-terror program - Phoenix. As part of this effort, the CIA began constructing a massive 'gulag archipelago' of secret interrogation centers throughout South Vietnam's 44 provinces. Four regional centers were also built, and an existing National Interrogation Center (NIC) was modernized in Saigon. I visited the NIC on 'intelligence matters' on many different occasions when I was in Saigon.
"Phoenix was run essentially by a cadre of 'secret police' advised by the CIA and American military intelligence officers. Informants were recruited in every district, village, and hamlet in Vietnam. On the basis of an accusation made by a single anonymous informant, a VC suspect or sympathizer could be arrested and detained indefinitely. They were held until they confessed (often under torture); and then they were sent to Stalinist internal security tribunals (like the ones Bush is proposing) for 'further disposition.'
"This is exactly what the OHS is proposing to set up in this country, and America has a lot of experience in such matters; the CIA has been operating Phoenix-like programs throughout its system of 'client states' for years now, so operating one now in the United States would be a cinch - we reap what we sow eventually. This is called 'blowback.' Valentine says that like the Phoenix program in Vietnam, the OHS will establish field offices in the 50 states and all of America's major cities. In order to achieve its elusive goal of 'internal security,' the OHS, like Phoenix, will need to extend its informants nets throughout the country. Inevitably, every town will probably be required to form an OHS Committee which will be comprised of citizens that the OHS has deemed politically suitable. The job of these committees will be to process reports by 'concerned citizens' (i.e., informants) about the activities of 'suspected citizens.' Perhaps once a week these reports will be forwarded to the OHS Committee at the county level. The country committee will review the reports and send the most urgent ones to the state committee. At each level, the reports will be filtered through an ideological filter.
"What makes such a system especially dangerous is that Attorney General John Ashcroft has vowed to 'arrest and detain any suspected terrorist who has violated the law,' and has further promised 'airtight surveillance' of them - but has yet to define what a 'suspected terrorist' is. This is what happened in Vietnam too. There was never any consensus about the definition of a VC sympathizer; at best, it was tacitly understood by the ideologues, and the security forces under their control, that a person was either 'for us' or 'against us.' Moreover, it wasn't enough to be just 'for us' in a passive sense; one had to be actively 'against them.'
"So the definition of a terrorist suspect is deliberately left open, paving the way for political repression. The anti-terror legislation passed by Congress and signed by Bush allows for secret searches of the homes of people who meet the nebulous criteria of 'suspected terrorist.'" - 385
KGB Consultants for OHS
"(March 17) You will be happy to learn that the former head of the KGB (the secret police of the former Soviet Union), General Yevgeni Primakov, has been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security. Do you think he will share his expertise in 'security' to prepare US citizens for domestic internal passports under the pretense of fighting the never-ending "War on Terrorism"?...
"And it's not only Primakov, who was, by the way the last general of the KGB, before the KGB was changed to RFSS. Look who else was hired. There's General Primakov. Then there's General Karpov, former KGB station chief of their Washington station at their embassy and the first director of the Russian Federal Security Service.
"You could call this the 'Sovietization of America.' Primakov said he can't wait to get on the payroll (he called it the 'pay corps,' referring to the
Heritage Foundation, the PNAC and all the other right wing foundations in the United States) He can't get over how many ex-KGB generals and colonels still want to come over to the United States and become consultants to get on the pay corps.
"It has been reported that Nikita Krushchev Jr works for the Heritage Foundation. Another right wing foundation has Elena Stalin. The Old Soviet
Brand names are all coming to Washington to get on the gravy train and teach the Bush administration how to further restrict the rights of the
American people." - 798See: Rise of the Fourth Reich: New Crimes Defined as “Terrorism”*
Another Jesus Revolution? Antipas' Phoenix/CIA Connections*
And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time. And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him. Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain. And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land. At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. - Dan.11:23-30
But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man. - John 2:24-5
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. - Psalm 27:10
...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. - Heb. 13:5
14-B. BOOK OF LIFE (Databanks)
God's Plan |
Pre-Flood Era | Old Testament |
Church Age (Last Days) |
Tribulation |
Great Tribulation |
Millennium> |
New Heavens/New Earth |
Satan's Counterfeit |
Pre-Flood Era | Old Testament |
Church Age |
Tribulation |
Great Tribulation |
Golden Age |
New Heavens & New Earth |
Old Testament: King Solomon warned that God will bring every work to judgment.
Great Tribulation: Those who are written in God's Book of Life will reject the Antichrist and his mark.
The Millennium (end): God will refer to the Book of Life at the White Throne Judgment.
Old Testament: King Solomon numbered all of the foreigners in Israel.
Church Age: Computer data systems have been developed which are presently collecting personal information on the world's population.
Tribulation: The Noahide Laws will be the basis of essential information gathering for trying the citizenry in tribunals/courts of law.
Great Tribulation: The Antichrist will utilize the database information to judge and exterminate his adversaries.
King Solomon warned that God will bring every work to judgment.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. - Eccles. 12:14
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. - Rev.13:8
...they that dwellest on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world ... - Rev.17:8
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works... And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. - Rev.20:12-15
And Solomon numbered all the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the numbering wherewith David his father had numbered them; and they were found an hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred. - II Chron. 2:17
“IBM Germany, known in those days as Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft, or Dehomag, did not simply sell the Reich machines and then walk away. IBM’s subsidiary, with the knowledge of its New York headquarters, enthusiastically custom-designed the complex devices and specialized applications as an official corporate undertaking. Dehomag’s top management was comprised of openly rabid Nazis who were arrested after the war for their Party affiliation. IBM NY always understood---from the outset in 1933---that it was courting and doing business with the upper echelon of the Nazi Party. The company leveraged its Nazi party connections to continuously enhance its business relationship with Hitler’s Reich, in Germany, and throughout Nazi-dominated Europe.
“Dehomag and other IBM subsidiaries custom-designed the applications. Its technicians sent mock-ups of punch cards back and forth to Reich offices until the data columns were acceptable, much as any software designer would today. Punch cards could only be designed, printed, and purchased from one source: IBM. The machines were not sold, they were leased and regularly maintained and upgraded by only one source: IBM. IBM subsidiaries trained Nazi officers and their surrogates throughout Europe, set up branch offices and local dealerships throughout Nazi Europe staffed by a revolving door of IBM employees, and scoured paper mills to produce as many as 1.5 billion punch cards a year in Germany alone. Moreover, the fragile machines were serviced on the site about once per month, even when that site was in or near a concentration camp. IBM’s headquarters in Berlin maintained duplicates of man code books, much as any IBM service bureau today would maintain data backups for computers.” - 796:9-10“President GW Bush's family spent a decade financing Hitler until in 1942 the US Congress seized many of their assets under the Trading with the Enemy Act. His father, former President George Bush, was exposed in 1988 for having numerous former Nazis and Nazi sympathizers in his presidential campaign. Recent revelations about IBM helping Hitler to categorize the German population [IBM donated the machinery for conducting a census which targeted Jewish families] in preparation for the Holocaust provide the latest evidence of how central the US corporations were to the Nazi effort.” - 797
"Today [Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching] and their proxies in federal and state governments co-control educational research...of test result data - including personal, non-academic information, opinions, and attitudes - which in 1988-89 were integrated into a supercomputer: the Elementary and Secondary Integrated Data System (ESIDS,...renamed 3 times)... 'Peering Into Private Lives' (N.Y. Times 1-20-91) provides additional insight. Particularly useful for marketers are huge databases that profile nearly all Americans. In the computers of TRW Inc. any one of 150 million Americans can be characterized in up to 600 different categories." - 133:127, 203
"On January 20, 1991, the Washington Post...confirmed...that non-secure data banks are linking information on...individuals...and that the newest wave of technology may soon make it possible to build dossiers that include information on lifestyles, personal habits, and just about anything else." - 133:201
"CAPPS II is the name of the new program which is technically under the auspices of the US Department of Transportation, but that's only technical
and the only reason they did that was to use the Transportation Department's budget to buy the computer hardware and software they need. The way it works is you give them your credit card and they slide it through like you would in a store and then they hit a button and the monitor reads: CAPPS II, SS CTF. The SS CTF evidently stands for State Security Citizen Threat File. But it has nothing to do with the Department of Transportation. It goes directly to a division, which has been established between the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the CIA and several other federal agencies. This is a new division, referred to as the Office of Internal Security, which is coordinating the effort to establish citizen threat files on every US citizen. It will be a huge database including credit files, medical files, political and religious affiliation, military history, attendance at anti-government rallies, etc." - 798
"[The] cell church structure (and software!) includes an integration technology that ties it to [Promise Keeper's] database, Bethany World Prayer Center, Brigada, et al...a global database that soon will include every man, women and child on the earth: where they are, what they are doing, and what ETHNICITY they are! Ethnic cleansing is at the root of this monster, and is part of a highly kept secret doctrine to eradicate many of those they happily 'embrace' at the moment. Millions of Christian workers are being utilized to bring about their own destruction, all in the name of evangelizing the world... How diabolical...satanic!
"Not only does this movement rationalize their need for this information based on a purported need to find the 'hidden people groups' and 'evangelize the world', but countless millions of Christians have been trained up in, and indoctrinated into their methods and mission... There is literally not one church organization that is not at least partially involved in this movement... Our most recent 'dose' of this movement is the 'Mission America' door to door data-basing in America...
"They have effectively data-based the entire globe in the door to door canvassing that has been going on for the past fifteen years under the guise of reaching the 'unreached' and 'hidden people groups' of the world. A thinly veiled desire to take over the world and implement biblical theocracy is pervading the entire AD2000 agenda, and they are ready to implement their next stage which is to 'cleanse the land' and unseat heavenly principalities and powers in high places that resist their efforts to take over. This is a political movement of the highest order and must not be confused with anything even remotely resembling Christianity. This is where George Otis Jr. and the Generals of Intercession come in! By 'spiritually mapping' every square inch of the globe in huge databases, they use a cell 'grid' to mark every pocket or person of 'resistance' to the move of the 'Holy Spirit'. This is where the database is effectively targeting each and every believer who resists the takeover. The spiritual mapping database was developed at, you guessed it, the US Center for World Mission!" - 298
Masonic Noahide Laws
Jewish Noachide Laws
1. To do justice 1. Civil justice (duty to establish a legal system) 2. Worship God [church membership/affiliation] 2. Prohibition of blasphemy (includes bearing false witness) 3. Abstain from idolatry [faith in Jesus Christ] 3. Abandonment of idolatry 4. Preserve chastity [all sexually-active people] 4. Prohibition of incest (including adultery and other sexual offenses) 5. Do not commit murder [military/legal system] 5. Prohibition of murder 6. Do not steal [litigation/income tax evasion] 6. Also that of theft 7. Do not eat the blood [meat eaters] - 112:409
7. Law against eating flesh [a limb cut from a living animal; cruelty in any shape or form] - 118
"At the point we have now reached, it is necessary to make a clarification on Jewish theology, which, on the subject of monotheism and how it is lived by Christianity, gives rise to a debate that is essentially a dilemma. The point in question is in view of establishing whether Jesus' divinity can be compatible, for a non-Jew (because for a Jew it is absolutely not) with the monotheistic concept.
"In other words: The Jew who would become a Christian, thus then believing in the divinity of Jesus, would cease to be a monotheist in order to become an idolater. Must one say the same thing of a non-Jew? Is believing in Jesus' divinity a sin of idolatry, a violation of the first precept of the Noachide law? Rabbi Di Segni advises:
"'As to be expected, in Jewish theology, the answer to this question is not unanimous: some firmly deny it, others place certain conditions on it. The consequence is that, according to the literal opinion, the Christian would not be on the path of salvation' since he is guilty of idolatry...
"Di Segni concludes: 'If one must literally apply the Noachide system of laws, it [the punishment of death] would be applied to all, so that the Noachides might observe it. Likewise, the punishment of death would apply to what treats forbidding the worship of strange gods,' in view of monotheism." - 559
"The Word is found when the Master [Mason] himself is ordained by the living hand of God, cleansed by living water, baptized by living fire, a Priest King after the Order of Melchisedek, who is above the law." - 111:148
"VeriChip is an implantable, 12mm by 2.1mm radio frequency device about the size of the point of a typical ballpoint pen. Each VeriChip will contain a unique identification number and other critical data. Utilizing an external scanner, radio frequency energy passes through the skin energizing the dormant VeriChip, which then emits a radio frequency signal transmitting the identification number and other data contained in the VeriChip. The scanner will display the identification number, but the VeriChip data can also be transmitted, via telephone or the Internet, to an FDA compliant, secure data-storage site. It will then be accessible by authorized personnel. Inserting the VeriChip device is a simple procedure performed in an outpatient, office setting. It requires only local anesthesia, a tiny incision and perhaps a small adhesive bandage. Sutures are not necessary." - 446
At the Antichrist's Judgment, the world will be tried by evidence that is presently being gathered and stored in super computers.
"[The National Security Agency] has the largest collection of supercomputers in the world. It has the largest collection of linguists, at least in the United States. And the building that houses the supercomputers is known as the Tordella Supercomputer Center. And it’s a place where time is measured in femtoseconds, one million billionth of a second. And they’re working on computers now that will do one septillion operations a second—which is one with 24 zeroes after it—because in order to break code, you need super fast, super powerful computers...
"I worry a lot about these new policies and procedures coming out of Washington, especially the creation of this new Office of Homeland Defense, which according to government officials will be the second largest government agency in the entire country—second only to the Pentagon. This is one enormous agency. One of the functions is supposed to be analysis of intelligence, but I thought that was what the CIA was supposed to be doing. And in addition to that, this is supposed to be analyzing all the intelligence from all the different agencies, to look for terrorism. But that’s why they set up the National Center for Counter-Terrorism at the CIA, to be an all-source analysis from all the different agencies.
"So, there are a lot of questions that have to be asked about all this new re-organization, and what it’s going to do, how much duplication. And one of the key questions is, how much is it going to eavesdrop, or how much of this intelligence is going to begin focusing on U.S. citizens? There’s a big problem of tearing down the firewall that was built up in the 1970s to separate the intelligence agencies from the American public, so it doesn’t go back to creating the oppressive situation that existed in the ’60s and ’70s that led to a lot of illegal spying on U.S. citizens..."What you have here is the “perfect storm.” You’ve got an administration where you have an enormous amount of secrecy coming in all of a sudden, enormous secrecy over everything. You’ve got an enormous new agency [Department of Homeland Security] being built up that’s going to be second only to the Pentagon, and largely what it’s going to deal with is domestic intelligence. And at the same time, you’ve got the tearing down of the reforms that came during the 1970s. All that’s a very dangerous time.
"Is NSA itself dangerous? It could be dangerous if a President decides to use it in a dangerous method. That’s the way it was done during the Nixon administration. So per se, and prior to September 11th, I would say, no, it wasn’t necessaily a very big danger because the people there don’t seem to be interested in creating a 1984 situation. Post-September 11th, who knows? That’s why I want more people like you, more journalists, and more people in Congress to take a closer look at this agency and keep it honest [if that’s at all possible]. - 819
Those who measure up to the Noachide Laws and other criteria favorable to the New World Order will be written up in the Antichrist's book of life; the rest of humanity will be sacrificed.
"Rosh-ha-Shanah is held in great reverence as the Day of Judgment ...the beginning of the 10-day period...during which, according to tradition, all the peoples of the earth pass before the Lord and are marked in the 'Book of Life' or in the 'Book of Death'," - 124:2361("Rosh ha-Shanah")
There will be no privacy in the Golden Age; even the intimate details of a person's life and thoughts will be revealed and recorded.
"Supposedly, when your light body exceeds your material body... You have perfect telepathy, how much more could you ever be judged, than for everyone to know your heart and your mind.... Everything about you is known, no more hidden agendas, no more lies, no more deceit. Everything is known, this is called the opening of the book of life." - 657