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The schism in the 5th century separated the Syrian Church into the Nestorian and Jacobite traditions. According to the Britannica Online, the Syriac Peshitta was identified with both traditions, which were major heretical sects.

"Following the split in the Syriac Church in the 5th century into Nestorian (East Syrian) and Jacobite (West Syrian) traditions, the textual history of the Peshitta became bifurcated. Because the Nestorian Church was relatively isolated, its manuscripts are considered to be superior..."
The Church of Antioch, origin of the Syriac Peshitta, would continue in these two traditions. The East Syrian or Nestorian Church and the West Syrian or Jacobite Church, whose Patriarchates still reside in Antioch, would also comprise the Celtic Church which occupied the British Isles. According to The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders, the Celtic Church retained the unorthodox doctrines of Syria:

"The Celtic Church - closer in doctrine and in its rituals and ceremonies to Syria than to Rome, still exists. Although it is not a secret society, it may be regarded as such by many western Christians because of the infusion of pre-Christian and non-Christian Celtic beliefs.

"As with many of the secular groups in the present book, the Celtic Church is not in fact a true survival, but a restoration.

"The archbishop of Dol and the Celts is of still more recent origin dating from 1952 and related directly to the Syrian Patriarchate of Antioch; the other branch derives from the Jacobite Patriarch of Antioch." 57.

The term "Jacobite" derives from a Merovingian fable that the stone upon which the Patriarch Jacob slept was an anointed Stone of the Covenant which determined the legitimate kings of Scotland and England. These kings were believed to be lineal descendants in the messianic bloodline of Jesus Christ, as explained in Bloodline of the Holy Grail:

"Not only were the Grail Knights and Templars appointed Guardians of the Stewart Sangreal (Holy Grail) in Scotland, they also became protectors of the Stone of Destiny (the Stone of Scone). This most sacred of Scots treasures had been brought to Scotland from Ireland by Fergus Mor mac Erc, the first King of Dalriada, in the 5th century, having originally been carried to Ireland from Judah in about 586 BC. The venerated holy relic was said to be the Stone of the Covenant, known as 'Jacob's Pillow' (Gen. 28:18-22), on which Jacob laid his head and saw the ladder reaching up to Heaven at Beth-el. In a dream God promised Jacob that his seed would generate the line of kingship to follow - the line which in due course became the Davidic succession.

"When the Jews were persecuted by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Mattaniah, the son of King Josiah (and a direct descendant of David), was installed in Judah. Known as King Zedekiah, he acceded to the throne of Jerusalem in 598 BC. Twelve years later Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar, whereupon Zedekiah was taken to Babylon and blinded (Jer. 39:6-7, 52:10-11). His sons were murdered, but his daughter Tamar was removed to Ireland (via Egypt and Spain) by the prophet Jeremiah. He also brought the anointed Stone of the Covenant, which became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny). In Latin it was the Saxum Fatale.

"Princess Tamar (Teamhair) gave her name to Tara, the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, and she married Ard Ri (High King) Eochaid, ancestor of Ugaine Mar (Ugaine the Great). Subsequently, over a millenium, Eochaid's successors were crowned in the presence of the sacred Stone. The Irish heritage then progressed to Scotland, where the relic of Judah became synonymous with the Kings of Dalriada. King Kenneth (MacAlpin (844-859) later moved the Stone to Scone Abbey when he united the Scots and the Picts. By the time of William the Lion (d. 1214), the Stone of Destiny bore witness to nearly a hundred coronations in sovereign descent from King Zedekiah." 58.

The Messianic Legacy boasts of the various heretics par excellence in the early Church era, who were considered to be the founding fathers of Celtic Christianity:
"If Celtic Christianity drew heavily on Egypt, it also drew heavily on the more explicitly heretical traditions of Syria, Asia Minor and Mesopotamia. We have already discussed how Nestorian thought served as a repository for certain Nazarean traditions. As early as 430 - the time of Saint Patrick - a book explaining the teachings of Nestorius was being circulated in the West. Nestorius himself had studied at the theological school of Antioch, where his mentor was a man known as Theodore of Mopsuestia. At the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 553, Theodore and all his works were officially anathematised and declared heretical. In consequence, most of his teachings have long since vanquished. And yet much of what we know of him today comes from Ireland. One of his major scriptural commentaries survives only in an old Irish manuscript. Additional material from Theodore turns up in other Irish manuscripts, dating from the eighth century, the ninth century and, in one case, from the late tenth century - more than four hundred years after Theodore was condemned. It has been suggested that Theodore's works were translated and brought to Ireland by no less a figure than Saint Columba..." 59.
Authors Baigent and Leigh also identify the Celtic Church as the repository of the Nazarean tradition of Syria:
"In its organization, then, in its use of certain texts, in many of its outward aspects, the Celtic Church circumvented the Church of Rome and functioned as a repository for elements of Nazarean tradition transmitted from Egypt, Syria, and Asia Minor." 60.
The Celtic Church used various heretical texts to support their doctrines:
"As we have noted, the Celtic Church drew upon a broad spectrum of texts beyond Rome's sphere of influence - Nazarean texts, Nestorian texts, Priscillianist texts, Gnostic and Manichean texts, books of both Judaic and 'Christian' apocrypha. In one instance, the Book of Cerne, a prayer is found ultimately deriving from a work in the corpus found at Nag Hammadi." 61.
The Celtic Church has always claimed to represent true Christianity and post-modern culture has been inundated with popular literature designed to create that image. For example, The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland, by Prince Michael Stewart always frames the issue in terms of the Roman Church as the antagonist, which persecutes the true Christian Celtic Church. The reader will notice in the following excerpt that the fabled King Arthur and St. Augustine would have been contemporaries in Britain, albeit on opposing sides of doctrinal issues. This was Augustine of Canterbury, not to be confused with Augustine of Hippo who opposed the Manicheans two centuries earlier.

The "Christian message" in this Stewart claim to orthodoxy was the body of doctrine preserved by the heretic Nestorius, who denied the union of the two natures of God and man in the person of Christ:

"St. Columba had brought the original Christian message (preserved by the Syrian bishop Nestorius) into Ireland and Scotland from the Middle East, so that both the Old and New Testaments received equal status within the Celtic Church. In deed it was Columba who, in 574, had crowned and anointed King Aedan mac Garan of Dalraida (Celtic Pendragon and father of King Arthur) - the first British monarch to be installed by priestly ordination - and this greatly upset the Church of Rome. Following Columba's death in 597, the Pope sent St Augustine to dismantle the Celtic Church in Britain, but although he became England's new Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, his mission failed in Scotland, Ireland and Wales, where the Celtic Church prevailed." 62.
Sounding much like the various and sundry rebbes which have inundated the Church to teach the Christians their Hebrew Roots, Prince Michael laments the removal of Jewish traditions by the Roman Church:

"Early Celtic Christianity was the closest of all religious teachings to the original doctrines of Jesus, and it had emerged within a few years of the Crucifixion as the foremost Church of the Christian world. Christians of the Celtic Church were recorded in Ireland in the latter reign of Emperor Tiberius (AD 14-37), long before St Peter went to Rome. Given that Jesus' own teachings formed the basis of the faith, the Mosaic structure of the Old Testament was duly incorporated. Judaic marriage laws were observed, together with the celebrations of the Sabbath and Passover, while Easter was correctly held as the traditional feast-day of the Spring goddess, Eostre, long before the Roman Church foisted a new significance on the old Celtic festival at the Synod of Whitby in 644.

"Contrary to traditional belief, Emperor Constantine the Great (AD 274-337) did not embrace Christianity as the religion of Rome; he adapted Christianity into a new form which was implemented as the religion of Rome. Constantine's reign as Emperor was actually related to the Syrian Sol Invictus cult of sun worship, but he determined to create a purpose-built religion to divert Christianity from its Judaic origins. He redefined Jesus' birthday to comply with the Sun Festival on 25 December, and substituted the sacred Sabbath (Saturday) with the Sun-day. Indeed by a series of such manoevres, the high-points of Judaic Christianity were conveniently merged with the pagan tradition, and the Persian cult of Mithras, which stressed the concept of final judgement, was also partially enveloped.

"The outcome, from a purely political base, was the uniquely contrived and controllable State 'hybrid' of the Roman Church. On being formalized at the Councils of Nicaea and Constantinople, the new Roman doctrine proclaimed all alternative faiths heretical, all except for the Celtic Church, which was too well-established to provoke. Any such attempt would have been tantamount to a declaration of war, particularly against Ireland; and at that time Rome did not have the military capability to confront the fierce troops of the Irish kings." 63.

Laurence Gardiner, author of Bloodline of the Holy Grail, describes Celtic Christianity as Torah observant, the type of mixture which would have developed out of the Judaized Syrian Church. Celtic spirituality is frequently characterized by the term "Nazarene" - a name also given to the Essene Community at Qumran:
"A unique and indigenous culture thus developed in the form of Celtic Christianity. It derived primarily from Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia, and its precepts were distinctly Nazarene. The liturgy was largely Alexandrian and, because Jesus's own teachings formed the basis of the faith, the Mosaic content of the Old Testament was duly retained. The old Jewish marriage laws were observed, together with the celebration of the Sabbath and Passover, while the divinity of Jesus and the Roman dogma of the Trinity played no part in the doctrine. The Celtic Church had no diocesan bishops but was essentially under the direction of abbots (monastic elders). The whole was organized on a clan structure, with its activities focused on scholarship and learning." 64.
James Trimm, encourages students of the Hebrew Roots Movement to move beyond Rabbinic sources to the Dead Sea Scrolls which contained the writings of the Essene Community of Qumran, sources which have likely influenced his translation of the Semitic New Testament.
Nazarenes Qumran and the Essenes
"The modern efforts to restore New Testament understanding to its Nazarene Jewish origins has often focused on parallels with Rabbinic Judaism (which descends from Pharisaic Judaism). There is much to be said for such parallels and I do not oppose these comparisons. However many of the Nazarene movement have neglected the very significant parallels between the New Testament, the Nazarenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls and Essene Judaism..."
Authors of The Messianic Legacy mention the Celts' alternative scriptures, most likely based on the Syriac Peshitta:
"(The Celtic Church) even had its own translation of the Bible - a translation which Rome deemed unacceptable." 65.
Where do we find a disproportionately large number of Syriac Peshitta manuscripts today? Forever Settled by Jack Moorman, locates them -- where else? -- in the British Museum...
"In 1950, Kenyon stated that there were 250 extant Peshitta manuscripts, of which more than 100 were in the British Museum." 66.

For some mysterious reason, many Fundamentalist scholars identify as "Christian" the Celtic Church and certain other religious sects that are historically known to be Gnostic and even deeply occultic. Following are two examples of this type of misinformation as they are found in the books of David Otis Fuller and D.A. Waite. David Otis Fuller wrote in Which Bible?:

"The first stream (of manuscripts) which carried the Received Text in Hebrew and Greek, began with the apostolic churches, and reappearing at intervals down the Christian Era among enlightened believers, was protected by the wisdom and scholarship of the pure church in her different phases: precious manuscripts were preserved by...the Syrian Church of Antioch which produced eminent scholarship; by the Italic Church in northern Italy; and also at the same time by the Gallic Church in southern France and by the Celtic Church in Great Britain; by the pre-Waldensian, the Waldensian, and the churches of the Reformation." 67.
Defending the King James Bible, by D.A. Waite, catalogues various churches which used the Old Latin and Syriac Peshitta as translations of the Textus Receptus:
a. Historical Evidences for the Received Text During the Apostolic Age (33-100 A.D.)
(1) All of the Apostolic Churches used the Received Text.
(2) The churches in Palestine used the Received Text.
(3) The Syrian Church at Antioch used the Received Text
b. Historical Evidences for the Received Text During the Early Church Period (100-312 A.D.)...
(4) The Peshitta Syriac Version, (150 A.D....) This was based on the Received Text
(5) Papyrus #66 used the Received Text
(6) The Italic Church in Northern Italy (157 A.D)
(7) The Gallic Church of Southern France (177 A.D.)
(8) The Celtic Church in Great Britain used the Received Text
"Why did all these have their Bibles based on the Received Text? -- the churches in Italy, France, and Great Britain -- why? Because that was the true Word of God, and they knew it. That was the Received Text...The Churches used this text and not any other....
(9) Church of Scotland and Ireland used the Received Text
(10) The Pre-Waldensian churches used the Received Text
(11) The Waldensian (120 A.D. and onward) used the Received Text. 68.

Fundamentalists are fond of listing the Waldensians and pre-Waldensians as the "true Christians" who preserved the stream of manuscripts that would later be called the Textus Receptus. In his outstanding book, Baptist Successionism: A Crucial Question in Baptist History, James Edward McGoldrick documented the doctrines held by the Waldenses:

“In 1179 a small delegation of Waldenses appeared at Rome during the Third Lateran Council and asked Pope Alexander III (1159-81) for his approval of the Waldenses’ ministry. At that time the Waldenses gave the pope a copy of their Bible translation. The pope and council recognized the Waldenses’ right to practice evangelical perfection but denied them the right to preach… As of yet the Waldenses had issued no pronouncements which could have been rightly construed as heresy, and in 1180 Waldo signed a statement of faith dictated by a papal legate in which the popular exponent of apostolic living subscribed to all of the major tenets of traditional Catholicism…

“…Because Waldo’s confession of faith is quite specific in its affirmation of loyalty to traditional Catholicism, it bears quoting at length:

“‘…We believe in one Church, Catholic, Holy, Apostolic and Immaculate, apart from which no one can be saved, and in the sacraments therein administered through the invisible and incomprehensible power of the Holy Spirit, sacraments which may be rightly administered by a sinful priest…’”

“…Waldo’s outlook on the Christian life was at least semimonastic… When Waldo adopted a life of poverty, he left his family after giving some of his possessions to his wife and come to a convent of nuns, to which he entrusted the care of his daughters…

“In a statement of faith…Peter Waldo affirmed his belief in transubstantiation, prayers for the dead and infant baptism. The famed Baptist historian A.H. Newman drew the only conclusion warranted by the evidence. ‘ Waldo and his early followers had more in common with…Roman Catholicism than with any evangelical party. His views of life and doctrine were scarcely in advance of many earnest Catholics of the time.’

“…the early  generations of the sect maintained the essentially Catholic view that salvation comes by grace plus human works of merit… in the early phase of their history they retained a priest-centered, sacramental view of salvation. They accepted all seven sacraments of the medieval church, including infant baptism, the real presence of Christ in the eucharist, and priestly absolution from sin. In fact, a Waldense confession of faith composed at a relatively late date of 1508 espoused all of these tenets.” (McGoldrick, pp. 71-80)

Moreover, Peter Waldo translated the bible used by the Waldenses from the Latin Vulgate, rather than manuscripts in the line of the Received Text:

“The Latin Vulgate Bible was the only edition of the Scriptures at that time in Europe; but that language was inaccessible to all, except one in an hundred of its inhabitants. Happily for Waldo, his situation in life enabled him to surmount that obstacle…. [H]e either himself translated, or procured some one else to translate the four Gospels into French…” (William Jones, History of the Christian Church, Vol. II, pp.7, 9, 10; 5th Ed., 1826).


“He [Waldo] employed Stephen of Ansa and Bernard Ydross to translate the Gospels from the Latin Vulgate of Jerome into the Romance dialect for the common people.’ (Thomas Armitage, History of the Baptists, Traced by their Vital Principles and Practices, from the Time of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the Year 1886, p.295).

There can be no question that the Celtic Church and those sects described as pre-Waldensian - the Cathari, Bogomils and Albigenses - were Gnostic in the extreme.  David Cloud has written volumes of anti-Catholic material to vindicate these heretical sects which were the object of the Papal Inquisition:

"The persecutions which were poured out upon these Bible-believing people beginning in the 7th century caused them to be scattered throughout Europe, everywhere carrying with them the New Testament faith. The Lutheran historian Mosheim, writing in the 17th century, says:...They were later known by many names, including Paterini, Cathari, Bulgarians, Patarins, Gazarians, Turlupins, Runcarians, and Albigenses... The term 'Albigenses' probably derived from a Council which was held in the year 1176 at the town of Lombers near Albi, "for the purpose of examining certain reputed heretics" (Faber, p. 221)...

"The Bogomiles, possibly an offshoot from the Paulicians, were condemned as heretics and suffered great persecution...The Alibgenses rejected the Roman Church and esteemed the New Testament above all its traditions and ceremonies... Reineriou also falsely accused the Waldensians with Manicheanism. This Reinerius is probably the same persecutor employed by Pope Innocent III to hunt out the 'heretical' Waldenses and Cathari throughout southern France and northern Spain..." 69.

"We have now seen that the Baptists, who were formerly called Anabaptists. ... were the original Waldenses, and have long in the history of the Church received the honor of that origin. On this account, the Baptists may be considered the only Christian community which has stood since the apostles, and as a Christian society which has preserved pure the doctrines of the Gospel through all ages." 70.
Examination of historical records unveils a far different picture of the Waldensian and pre-Waldensian churches, which are found to be instead among the guardians of the Gnostic heresies.  Space does not permit a full treatment of this subject, but a sampling of encyclopedias and other sources bears witness to this assertion:

International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies & Fraternal Orders:

"The Waldenses were part of the Manichean-Bogomil-Cathari-Albigensian tradition... They first came to prominence in the south of France in the late 12th century..." 71.

Occult Theocrasy, Edith Starr Miller:

...Peter of Bruys (died 1126) and the monk Henri (died (1148)…gained many adherents and left numerous disciples whose Manichean opposition to the Church was identical with that of the Cathares. Upon such grounds fell the preaching of Peter Waldo who, although he repudiated the dualist doctrine of the Manicheans, formed a serious opposition to the Church. He created the sect of the Waldenses divided in two degrees, Perfect and Believers. The former made a vow of Poverty and as such took the names of Poor Brethren, the latter formed the Outer or Third Order.... From the South of France and Northern Italy, persecution drove the Waldenses to the Central and Northern provinces of France, thence to England, then from Lombardy to Germany and Bohemia. John Wickliffe (1324-1384) in England and John Huss (1369-1415) in Bohemia, were their foremost representatives and in the latter country they formed the Bohemian Brethren who later took the name of Moravian Brethren or Religious Masons." (Chap. XXIII, 143:163-64)

A Concise History of Foreign Baptists, G.H. Orchard:

“Dissenters were called by various names, as the Poor of Lyons, Lionists, Paterines, Puritans, Arnoldists, Petrobrussians, Albigenses, Waldenses, etc…, different names, expressive of one and the same class of Christians. ‘However various their names, they may be‘ says Mezeray, ‘reduces to two, that is, the Albigenses…and the Vaudois, and these two held almost the same opinions as we call Calvinists.’… The Albigenses, ‘whose religious views had been a considerable time established,’ (Dr. D.R. Alexis’s Rem. Albig. Ch., c.11, p.116) gave their entire support to Waldo, so soon as he appeared in public.”  (p.192)

Joachim of Fiore and the Myth of the Eternal Evangel in the 19th Century, Marjorie Reeves & Warwick Gould:

“Leroux saw the thirteenth century as one of extraordinary religious ferment and, with a fine disregard for doctrinal differences, put all the heretics into one basket - Amalricians, Albigensians, Waldensians, Cathars, Apostolic Begards, Followers of Eon de L’Etoile and Pierre de Bruys, Joachites, and so on - for according to him they were all preaching the doctrine of the new evangel, of a religion superior to Christianity... (George Sand) echoes Leroux in pointing to all those earlier ‘voices of St John’ who sustained the heresy of the Evangel, including Joachim of Fiore, John of Parma, St Francis, …In other lists she names the Poor of Lyons, Wycliffites, Picards, Taborites Adamites, Fraticelli, Begards, Waldensians… Here, she says, is the key to all the convulsions and mysteries of the Middle Ages, and she asks the question: Where shall we find another key to open the problems of this present time?’” (256:88,100)

The Dictionary of Bible and Religion, William Gentz:

“The Waldenses were ascetics who believed in visions, prophecies, spirit possession. They also were committed to millenarian views.” (234:1097)

Columbia Encyclopedia, "Manichaeism":
"Little is heard of the Manichees in the West after the 6th cent., but their doctrines reappear in the medieval heresies of the Cathari, Albigenses, and Bogomils. It was the practice in the Middle Ages to call by the name of Manicheaism any dualistic Christian heresy." 72.
Glossary of Christian History

"Albigenses: A group commonly called Cathari, meaning "pure ones." Since they were especially influential in and about the town of Albi in southern France some people called them Albigenses. Although most of what we know about the Albigenses comes from their enemies, it is likely that they filtered into Europe from Bulgaria. Like the Gnostics in the early church, the Cathari held that the universe is the scene of an eternal conflict between two powers, the one good, the other evil. Matter, including the human body, is the work of this evil power, the god of the Old Testament. He had imprisoned the human soul in its earthly body. To escape from the power of the flesh the true Cathar was supposed to avoid marriage, sexual intercourse, eating of meat, and material possessions. Here was a radical poverty, but not one based on the example of Jesus so much as on the perceived nature of the universe. The Cathari rejected not only popes and bishops, but basic Christianity. They tried to escape from evil, not by repentance and faith but by dividing the self in two. Not only did the Cathari succeed in reviving the ancient dualist heresy, by 1200 they had gained the protection of the princes of Toulouse, a cultural area in southern France, and were spreading at an alarming rate. The Roman church eventually unleashed the Inquisition against the Cathari to rout them out and destroy them and the movement was brought to an end before the thirteenth century closed."

Occult Theocrasy, Edith Starr Miller:

"Manicheism, with its hierarchy and missionary system, had taken root in Europe and, with its chief seat in Bulgaria, had thus found it way into Northern Italy and the southern part of France. Unquestionably Manicheans in their beliefs and teachings, the Cathares (purifiers or pure) held the unadulterated tradition of Manes. Their hierarchy was that established by their founder. In the 12th century, their chief supreme chief was in Bulgaria having under him, bishops, priests, deacons and simple Perfects. These composed the class of Perfects who were distinguished from the second degree of Believers...

"As to the Albigenses, their name derived from Albi, a town of Languedoc, covered not one but many sects issued form Manicheism and Arianism, and counted also many Jews or Judaised Christians. Under this appellation of Albigenses, historians, whether political or religious, have almost unanimously included the Cathares." 73.

Languedoc, the home of the Catharis and Albigenses in southern France, was linked to the Albigensian heresy and the Grail treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau by authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail -- and also to the Cabala:

"The Languedoc had much in common with Byzantium. Learning, for example, was highly esteemed... Greek, Arabic and Hebrew were enthusiastically studied; and at Lunel and Narbonne, schools devoted to the Cabala - the ancient esoteric tradition of Judaism - were thriving... And while culture flourished in the Languedoc, something else flourished as well - the major heresy of medieval Christendom. In the words of Church authorities the Languedoc was 'infected' by the Albigensian heresy, 'the foul leprosy of the south.' ...Not infrequently they were branded or stigmatized with the names of Arian, Marcionite, and Manichean...

"Elusive though it is, there does seem to be some link between the Cathars and the whole cult of the Grail as it evolved during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. A number of writers have argued that the Grail romances - those of Chretien de Troyes and Wolfram von Eschenbach, for example - are an interpolation of Cathar thought...Something had been smuggled out of Montsegur just after the truce expired. According to tradition the four men who escaped from the doomed citadel carried with them the Cathar treasure, but the monetary treasure had been smuggled out three months earlier. Could the Cathar 'treasure', like the 'treasure' Sauniere discovered, have consisted primarily of a secret? Could that secret have been related in some unimaginable way to something that became known as the Holy Grail?" 74.

The Merovingian Order of the Holy Grail cites the writings of high-ranking Rosicrucian, Arthur E. Waite, who claimed that the Hidden Church of the Holy Grail descended from Joseph of Arimethea, who, according to Merovingian lore, was the natural father of Jesus. It was through this family, claim the Merovingians, that the Holy Grail was brought to the Languedoc in France:
"The First Family escaped the Holy Land (First Chosen Land), and went to France (Europe being the Second Chosen Land). They settled at Marseilles and then went to the Languedoc and settled at Rhedae (Rennes le Chateau). Here, the High Priesthood taught its doctrine to the Celtic peoples."
A. E. Waite was prominent member of the Rosicruciana in Anglia and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.  Waite wrote in The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal that, within Christianity, the Gnosticism of the East held the "pearl of great price", a reference to the hidden knowledge and esoteric wisdom of remote antiquity:
"Behind all this I should look assuredly to the East, in the direction of that pure catholic Gnosticism which lies like a pearl of great price within of external Christianity, which is not of Marcion or Valentinus, of Cerenthus and all their cohorts, but is the unexpressed mystery of experience in deep wells whence issue no strife or sects." 75.
Fundamentalist leaders have deceptively portrayed the Church of Antioch and its spiritual descendants - the Waldensian, Cathari, Albigensian and the Celtic churches - as bastions of Christian orthodoxy. It is possible that some Fundamentalists have reiterated, at times nearly verbatim, statements from other sources without verifying their accuracy. However, an error of this magnitude seems intended to deceive. At some point, one or more of these Fundamentalist leaders set forth a monstrous lie which was received as truth by their disciples, who trusted in the credentials and reputation of impressive persons, and did not conduct their own research on the subject.

The implications of such a deception within Fundamentalism are staggering, considering that the Celtic Church claims to be the authentic Christianity and is preparing to place on the Throne (Mercy Seat) in the rebuilt Temple of Jerusalem a false messiah of the lineage of Jesus Christ! The Stone of Destiny as 'Jacob's Pillow' will be used in the coronation of their "Christ" as the King of Israel:

"On declaring himself Overlord of Scotland in 1296, Edward I of England stole what he thought was the Stone of Destiny. What he actually got was a piece of sandstone from a monastery doorway, which has since rested beneath the Coronation Throne at Westminster Abbey. This piece of rubble is 26 inches long by 11 inches deep (c. 66x 28 cm) and weighs about 335 lbs (c. 152 kg). Royal seals of the early Scots kings depict a much larger installation rock, but this rock was not the sacred Stone of Destiny -- no more than is the medieval masonry prize of King Edward. The real Stone of Destiny is said to be smaller, more naturally rounded, and is of inscribed black basalt, not of hand-cut sandstone. It was hidden by the Cistercian Abbot of Scone in 1296, and it has remained hidden ever since. The Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would return to his inheritance." 76.
(This conspiracy is treated in our report The Merovingian Dynasty.)

Those who have sought to mainstream the Celtic Church, and with it the Syriac Peshitta, have set the parameters of the discussion carefully. It is the old Hegelian dialectic of two opposing sides -- within Christianity the proponents of the KJV (Textus Receptus/ Fundamental) vs. those of modern versions (Alexandrian/ Catholic) -- which are vying for supremacy in a contest whose end has been predetermined. Having valiantly contended for their respective Greek texts and English translations, the believers will soon be offered the synthesis -- the Semitic New Testament based on various Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts such as the Syriac Peshitta.


For the facilitators of this Process do not make known to the warring factions that, while they are preoccupied with a divisive controversy, they are also being channeled into a planned resolution or synthesis. These facilitators are strategically placed in leadership with assignments to conduct the debate with as much acrimony as possible, thereby dividing and conquering the bewildered Christians. The facilitators, who originally framed the issue in a biased and adversarial context, are skillfully bringing the dialectical process to its desired conclusion -- consensus.


Thesis (KJ/TR) + Antithesis (Modern Versions)
= Synthesis (Hebrew/Aramaic texts)


The Third Way is the objective of the One World Religionists, and the preordained method of attaining synthesis is through the dialectical process. Modern translations have already prepared the way of apostasy for multitudes to accept counterfeit scriptures. Fundmentalism is the last stronghold contending for the Received Text as found in the KJV. Now that these brethren have been assured by their revered scholars that the Syriac Peshitta and the Old Latin Bibles, the texts of Antioch, are also based upon the TR, they will not suspect otherwise. In this way, the last bastion of orthodoxy will be drawn into the camp of the new Christianity, of the Nazarene variety which characterizes the Eastern Churches. The infiltration of Protestant and Catholic churches by the Hebrew Roots / Nazarene Movement is already well advanced and their Rebbes will soon be offering the Judaized Church a Semitic New Testament which supports the historic heresies.


Translator of the Aramaic Bible Translation Project, Victor N. Alexander, explains his translation of Matthew 15:6 in the Syriac translation of the P'shitta:

"I opened up John and started reading the ancient Aramaic of this Gospel for the first time, and I was awed by it. Here was a clear view of the Triune God, from the very beginning of the first chapter. The key word was "Milta," a beautiful word in its theological connotation. "Logos" and "Word" are such poor substitutes. There is essentially no English translation for the word "Milta" in a theological sense. Therefore, I had to come up with one. I have translated the word "Milta" as "Manifestation." Jesus Christ is God Manifest. There is one God. There are three Manifestations, the Father and the Son and the holy Spirit." 77.
Matthew 15:6

Aramaic Translation - "And you have disregarded the Manifestation of God for the sake of your rituals."  78.

Peshitta - "And you have made the word of God of none effect by your tradition."

KJV - "Thus ye have made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition."

Victor Alexander has taken liberty to translate the Aramaic word "Milta" as "manifestation" rather than "commandment" as it is found in the Greek. The Greek does not permit such a translation, but of course, the HRM has already dispensed with the Greek New Testament. The Syriac Peshitta changes the Greek word for "commandment" in Matthew 15:6 to "word." However, the word in the Textus Receptus is "episkopos" and relates to "the office of overseer" rather than "logos" which means "word" (See Strongs #1785 and #3056). The Greek word "episkopos" is appropriate for, although the rebellious may have no regard for God's commandment or authority, it is impossible to make God's word of none effect.
"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)
Students of Peter Michas and other HRM ministries will be using an Aramaic translation that reinforces Hebrew Roots doctrines which are considered heretical by the standard of the Greek New Testament. The Aramaic Bible's rendering of Matthew 15:6 will allow for the rabbinical teaching on the manifestation of God to supersede obedience to the commandments of God. In his book, The Rod of an Almond Tree in God's Master Plan, Peter Michas explains that, in Scripture, the "manifestation of God" is the Shekhinah:
"Mount Moriah is profoundly significant in God's plan. Here, God fellowshipped with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Here, the Temple would be built where the Shekhinah (Divine Presence) manifested inside the Holy of Holies. And here, the Messiah will seat Himself on a throne in His Temple during the Millennial Kingdom!" 79.

"Indeed, the Divine Presence, as manifested by the Shekinah (Glory Cloud), dwelled in the Holy of Holies on top of Mount Moriah." 80.

"In almost every case that the voice of God is recorded in the Bible, the glory of God is present as well. The manifestation of the Shekinah (Divine Presence) occurred initially on Mount Sinai when God spoke to the people (Exodus 19:18-21)...

"Accordingly, though it is not recorded in the gospels, it seems likely that there may have been a manifestation of God's glory as Yeshua gave up His Spirit.... Even so, it is likely that only selected individuals were able to perceive this manifestation of God's power and presence (Acts 9:3-7)

"Without exception, the human response to the Shekinah is one of awe and sometimes fear so great that it results in falling to the ground... As Yeshua died, the centurion and other witnesses may have been allowed to see (or sense in some way) the luminescence of His Spirit as it left His earthly body. 81.

Since the Hebrew word "Shekinah" is not to be found in the Old Testament, where does Peter Michas find this word? In the Jewish writings, he would have learned that Shekinah refers to the female aspect of God who was the consort of YHWH. Lest their students suspect the truth, the rabbinical "explicators" carefully assure them that the Shekinah was not the same goddess as the pagan Asherah:
The Torah and the Shekinah

The Shekhinah is defined, in traditional Jewish writings, as the "female aspect of God" or the "presence" of the infinite God in the world. She is introduced in the early rabbinical commentaries as the "immanence" or "indwelling" of the living God, whose role as the animating life force of the earth is to balance the transcendent deity.

She may be distinguished from the 'Canaanite' Mother Goddess Asherah who the ancient Hebrews honored until about 622 B.C.E. when King Josiah removed the Asherah from the Jerusalem temple and destroyed the outlying shrines. While she does not appear by name in the five books of Moses, the explicators of the Old Testament refer to her in interpreting the text. For example, when Moses encounters the burning bush, he is told to remove his shoes and prepare himself to receive the Shekhinah. According to the rabbis, the choice of the simple thorn bush as the vehicle for the revelation was to emphasize the Shekhinah's presence, since nothing in nature can exist without her. In Proverbs, we are introduced to the Divine Mother as Chochmah (Wisdom), who was present from the time of creation as the loving consort and coarchitect with the YHVH, who also reflects the association of the Shekinah with humanity. 82.

A renowned Kabbalist of our own times, Daniel C. Matt, is professor of Jewish mysticism at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkely, California. In his popular volume, The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism, Matt elucidates for the initiated the esoteric meaning of worship of the Shekhinah:
"The rabbinic concept of Shekhinah, divine immanence, blossoms into the feminine half of God, balancing the patriarchal concept that dominates the Bible and the Talmud.  Kabbalah retains the traditional discipline of Torah and mitsvot (commandments), but now the mitsvot have cosmic impact: 'The secret of fulfilling the mitsvot is the mending of all the worlds and drawing forth the emanation from above.' According to Kabbalah, every human action here on earth affects the divine realm, either promoting or hindering the union of Shekhinah and her partner -- the Holy One, blessed be he. God is not static being, but dynamic becoming. Without human participation, God remains incomplete, unrealized. It is up to us to actualize the divine potential in the world. God needs us." 83.
So, we learn in a roundabout fashion the meaning of the Aramaic Bible's translation of Matthew 15:6: "And you have disregarded the Manifestation of God for the sake of your rituals."  According to Kabbalah authority, Daniel Matt, to disregard the manifestation of God is to adhere to the partriarchal concept of God found in the Bible and to ignore the cosmic implications of such verses. Those who neglect their duty to endeavor to bring the feminine half of God into union with her partner, YHVH, have failed to actualize the divine potential in the world.

How does one give due regard the Shekhinah so as to actualize the divine potential? The previous reference the The Genesis of Eden website is found in a "Requital Document" which Shekinah has issued as a demand for restitution:

Requital: Giving in fair exchange for what has transpired: "Do you requite my love?" The Requital is the name of the Day of Judgement.
This document is a practical agenda to give you as world leaders two years to make good and to protect the futures of all the diverse and relatively powerless people of this planet, the "meek", who "shall inherit the earth", and will have to turn what is left after the chaos of the environmental and biodiversity climacteric into a sustainable society for the future unfolding of life and our offspring....
To: world political, economic and religious leaders
For: every sentient being on planet Earth.

"To preach good tidings unto the meek"

I am calling a gathering of the nations in the name of Sakina - Jerusalem Epiphany 2000 to celebrate the Requital of male and female in the Song of Songs and to "judge the quick and the dead" - i.e. to determine how you and the other leaders of the last two millennia have performed in history - and to take the next step for life and for the defenceless species we are driving to extinction. By "the nations", I mean all the ethnic peoples, especially those who have been reduced to near annihilation by colonial and economic exploitation - the peoples who emerged from the Rift Valley, spanning the !Kung to the Shipibo, the Huichol, the Maori and on to the Israelites and the Palestinians themselves, who still form an unresolved wound that began when the Hapiru descended upon the Canaanites and Phillistines in the time of Saul, whose name the Palestinians still celebrate.

Feminine Apocalypse:

The millennial 'apocalypse' is, by definition, the 'unveiling' of the bride - the end of the occlusion of the feminine and her sequestering and repression. This bride is the feminine spirit, returning to her sacred place of natural sustainability to complete our vision and to correct the imbalance and oppression of the patriarchal cultural epoch. Until respect for the feminine and for nature is restored to its sacred status, men will continue to rape and plunder the earth in the name of science, of progress, and of God. I thus ask all of you on this planet, male and female alike, to respect the restoration of the feminine spirit of Wisdom and sustainability...

I am thus not here to lead, but to apologise to the womankind of the world for their treatment over the last two millennia and the destruction wrought upon the Earth by mankind and to ask you to join in the sacred marriage of the biosphere in reunion and in forgiveness so that our immortal living heritage will be preserved. 84.

Obviously, the Aramaic manuscripts which support Kabbalistic concepts of the divine cosmos, do make the literal commandments of God of none effect. Now we are to understand that Matthew 15:6 actually refers to honoring the Manifestation of God by restoring the feminine and nature to their divine status. Requirements of the Christians in Requital Document of Sakina include:
Bottom Line:
The Pope has declared the millennium to be an occasion to right the sins of the Church ... I applaud this and request the following:
*Rescinding the anathema maranatha refers to abrogating Paul's curse in I Corinthians 16:22, which New Age mythology explains as the curse placed upon the goddess Isis who "was worshipped by the Semites as Mari-Anath in consort as an Elohim Mari-El." The Requital Document states:

I hereby unpronounce and exorcise Paul's ancient curse:
1 Corinth 16:22 "If any 'man' love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let 'him' be Anathema maranatha".

SAKINA REQUITAL is scheduled for the 2000 JERUSALEM: Coming of Age in the Millennium to be held during the Feast of the Epiphany, the Gnostic birth of Christ, in conjunction with the Dead Sea Festivities Jubilennium. (Dec 1999 - Jan 2000)

Christians are encouraged by the numerous Messianic and other parachurch organizations to participate in the Millennial celebrations in Jerusalem.  These ecumenical celebrations are being orchestrated to unify all religions, and especially Christianity, Judaism and Islam. To facilitate the merger, church denominations are also laying the foundation for doctrinal unity.  The United Methodist Church now has included a prayer to "God the Mother" in its worship book for the Millennium, this upon the insistence of the UMC feminist faction which cites medieval mystics as justification for the new concept of God.


The feminist concept of the "Shekhinah" and the related occult trinity of the Kabbalah is elucidated on the Genesis of Eden web site. In Kabbalah, the term for Holy Spirit, Ruach, supposedly has a feminine gender and is "the Mother." Therefore, say the Kabbalists, "the Christian Trinity properly translated should be Father, Son and Mother." For more information on the Shekhinah, please refer to the Watch Unto Prayer report Methodists Worship God the Mother .


The Aramaic Bible Online further demonstrates the departure of this translation from The Greek New Testament.


To assist the reader's evaluation of doctrines altered in the Syriac Peshitta, researcher Jan Moser has compared the Greek New Testament with the Peshitta, which she obtained from the William Tyndale Library in Michigan. The compilation of her research on the Syriac Peshitta is as follows:


Matt. 9:13 - omit "to repentance"

Matt. 15:6 - change "commandment" to "word" (cf. Is. 55:11 - i.e., cannot make God's word of none effect)

Luke 16:9 - change "ye fail" to "it fails (Arminians believe in sinless perfection and must fulfill the Law)

Rom. 8:1 - omit "but according to the spirit" (Origen, Marcion and Chrysostom also made the change; Chrysostom quotes exactly as Syriac Peshitta)

Titus 1:4 - eliminate "mercy" (Chrysostom and Theodore same)

Heb. 8:12 - eliminated "and iniquities"

Jude 1 - change "sanctified" to "love"


I Tim. 3:16 - "He" who was manifest in the flesh (Origen and Theodore same)

Matt. 24:36 - change "my Father" to "the Father"

John 1:18 - only begotten "God" rather than "Son" (Origen and Clement same)

Acts 3:26 - change "son" Jesus to "servant"

Acts 8:37 - whole verse in brackets (Chrysostom same)

Eph. 3:9 - omit "by Jesus Christ"


I Cor. 2:4 - omit "man's" wisdom

Gal. 4:26 - omit "all" (can lose salvation) (Marcion, Origen, Chrysostom same)

Gal. 3:1 - omit "that you should not obey the truth"


Luke 9:56 - change "save" to "quicken"

Col. 1:14 - omit "through his blood"


Rev. 2:15 - omit "which thing I hate"

Luke 8:3 - change "him" to "them" (Origen uses same reading)


Matt. 24:36 - added "nor the son" after heaven (Origen and Chrysostom picked up reading)

Matt. 11:19 - changed "of her children" to "of her deeds" (works salvation)

Matt. 13:40 - omit "this" world (age) and insert "the" age

Matt 14:24 - change "in the midst of the sea" to "many furlongs away from the land" (diminishes depth of water; no miracle)

Matt. 23:8 - omit "Christ"

Matt. 25:13 - omit "wherein the son of Man comes"

Matt 27:35 - omit "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them and upon my vesture did they cast lots." (Origen same)

Mark 9:24 - omit "Lord"

Mark 11:10 - omit "in the name of the Lord"

Mark 12:32 - change "there is one God" to "he is one"

Luke 1:78 - change "hath" to "will" visit us

Luke 22:31 - change "Lord" to "Jesus"

John 4:1 - change "Lord" to "Jesus"

John 7:39 - omit "holy"

Acts 2:30 - omit "as concerning the flesh he would raise up Christ"

Acts 9:5,6 - omit "it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him"

Acts 9:20 - substitute "Jesus" for "Christ"

Acts 9:29 - omit "Lord"

Acts 10:6 - omit "he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do"

Acts 12:24 - change "word" to "gospel" of God

Acts 18:25 - changed "the Lord" to "Jesus"

Acts 19:10 - omit "Jesus"

Acts 22:16 - change "the name of the Lord" to "His name"

Romans 1:16 - omit "of Christ"

Romans 13:9 - omit "thou shalt not bear false witness"

Romans 15:19 - change "spirit of God" to "holy spirit"

I Cor. 2:13 - change "spirit of God" to "spirit"

I Cor. 7:17 - change "God" to "the Lord"; change "as the Lord has called everyone" to "as God has called everyone" (instead of Christ calling and distributing, it is God doing it)

I Cor. 14:16 - change " bless with the spirit" to "bless in spirit" (denial of Holy Spirit, could be man's or other spirit)

II Cor. 4:10 - remove "the Lord" from "bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord"

II Cor. 4:14 - change "raised up" to "resuscitated" (questionable - depends on Aramaic rendering in S.P.)

Eph. 5:9 - change "fruit of the spirit" to "fruit of the light"

Eph. 5:29 - change from "Lord" to "Christ"

Philippians 3:11 - change "resurrection of the dead" to "resurrection from among the dead"

Col. 1:2 - omit "and the Lord Jesus Christ"

Col. 3:15 - change "God" to "Christ"

Col. 3:22 - change "fearing God" to "fearing the Lord"

I Thess. 1:1 - omit "from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ"

I Thess. 2:19 - omit "Christ"

II Thess. 2:2 - change day of "Christ" to day of "the Lord"

I Tim. 1:17 - omit "wise" (they alone are wise)

I Tim. 2:7 - omit "in Christ"

I Tim. 6:19 - change "eternal" to "that which is truly" (Origen same)

II Tim. 2:19 - change "Christ" to "our Lord"

Philemon 20 - change "the Lord" to "Christ"

Heb. 1:3 - omit "our" sins

James 1:12 - change "Lord" to "God"

I Peter 1:22 - omit "through the spirit"

I Peter 1:24 - change "man" to "it" (glorify flesh)

I Peter 3:15 - change "Lord God" to "Lord Christ"

I Peter 4:1 - change "for us" to "for you" (Nicolaitan)

I Peter 4:14 - omit "on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified"

I Peter 5:5 - omit "be subject" (Nicolaitan)

I Peter 5:14 - omit "Jesus"

II Peter 2:11 - omit "before the Lord"

II Peter 2:17 - omit "forever"

II Peter 3:10 - omit "in the night" / change "will be burned up" to "will be discovered"

I John 1:7 - omit "Christ"

I John 5:2 - change "keep his commandments" to "follow his commandments"

I John 5:7,8 - omit "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth" (Clement same reading)

Jude 25 - omit "wise"

Rev. 1:5 - changed "washed" us from our sins to "loosed"

Rev. 1:6 - changed "kings" to "kingdom"

Rev. 1:8 - omit "beginning and ending" / added "God" to "Lord" (referring to God the Father)

Rev. 1:11 - omit "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last"

Rev. 5:10 - changed "us" to "them" (changed "we shall reign" to "they reign"}

Rev. 5:14 - omit "and liveth forever and ever"

Rev. 8:13 - change "angel" to "eagle"

Rev. 11:4 - change "God" to "Lord" of earth

Rev. 11:8 - change "our" Lord to "their" Lord

Rev. 11:15 - change "the kingdoms of this world are become" to "the kingdom of this world is become" (see Time of Enthronement of Antichrist)

Rev. 11:17 - omit "and art to come"

Rev. 12:17 - omit "Christ"

Rev. 13:1 - change "name" to "names" of blasphemy

Rev. 14:1 - added "and his name" to his Father's name

Rev. 14:5 - omit "before the throne of God" (human perfection)

Rev. 15:3 - change "king of saints" to "king of ages"

Rev. 16:5 - omit "O Lord" (omit "and shalt be" and change to "the holy One")

Rev. 16:17 - omit "of heaven"

Rev. 17:8 - change "is" to "shall be present"

Rev. 17:16 - change "upon" to "and" the beast

Rev. 19:1 - omit "the Lord"

Rev. 20:5 - omit "again"

Rev. 20:12 - change "God" to "the Throne"

Rev. 22:6 - change "holy prophets" to "spirits of the prophets"



The Hebrew Roots Movement

The Semitic New Testament - Part I



1.    David Bivin and Roy Blizzard, The Difficult Words of Jesus, 1984, reprinted 1994 and 1995, pp. 19,20 (pp. 2,3 in 1994 edition).
2.    Ibid. p 19-20 (pages 2 and 3 in 1994 edition).
3.    Peter A. Michas & Robert Vander Maten, The Rod of An Almond Tree in God's Master Plan, WinePress Pub., 1997, p. 19.
5.    Messianic Friends Network, .
6.    The Rod of an Almond Tree, p. 179.
7.    Ibid., p. 180-81.
8.    William R. Newell, Romans, Kregel Classics, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994, p. 415.
9.    Kenneth Barker, The NIV: The Making of a Contemporary Translation (Zondervan Corp., 1986), pp. 166, 110.; New Age Bible Versions, p. 594.
10.    D.A. Waite, Defending the King James Bible, Bible for Today Press, 1992, p. 39;
11.   Email: From: James Trimm <>, To: <>, Subject: (losttribes) SNTP update (sources), Date: Monday, February 22, 1999 7:00 PM.
12.   David Otis Fuller, Which Bible?, Grand Rapids Int. Pub., 1970, pp. 197-98.
13.   Which Bible?, p. 130.
14.   D.A. Waite, Defending the King James Bible, p. 45.
15.   Jack Moorman, Modern Bibles - The Dark Secret, Foundation Magazine, Sept-Oct. 1992, p. 30; Forever Settled, p. 116.
16.   Edward F. Hills, The King James Bible Defended, Des Moines, IA, Christian Research Press, 1993, 1956, p. 121.
17.   William P. Grady, Final Authority: A Christian's Guide to the King James Version, Shererville, IN, Grady Publications, 1993, p. 34.
18.   Peter Ruckman, The Christian's Handbook of Biblical Scholarship, Bible Baptist Bookstore, 1988, p. 94.
19.   Samuel Gipp, An Understandable History of the Bible, 1987, p. 67.

20.   G.A. Riplinger, New Age Bible Versions, p. 488.

21.    James H. Sightler, M.D., A Testimony Founded Forever, Sightler Publications, Greenville, SC, 1999, p. 12.

22.    "When Manuscripts Collide," Wendy Murray Zoba, Christianity Today, Oct. 23, 1995, p. 30-1.
23.    Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth, Zondervan Publishing House, 1981, 1993, p. 114.
24.    "Thus Spake Jesus Christ," Gregg Garrison, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, Dec. 12, 1998, Religious News Service.
25.    Columbia Encyclopedia, "Maronites," p. 1700.
26.    Which Bible?, p. 197-8.
27.    Interpreter's Bible Dictionary, Supplementary Volume, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1993, p. 853.
28.    Britannica Online, "Syriac Peshitta," . '
29.    Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion & Ethics, "Antiochene Theology," p. 585.
30.    D.A. Waite, Defending the King James Bible, Bible for Today Press, 1992, p. 45.
31.    David Otis Fuller, Which Bible?, Grand Rapids International Publications, 1970, p. 125.
32.    Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics, Jean Doresse, p. 13.
33.    "Outline of Christology," William G. Most, '
34.    Arius-The Trinity Controversy in the Church, Fazal Ahmad - UK The Review of Religions, September 1996
35.    Mircea Eliade, Encyclopedia of Religion, "Arianism", Vol. 1, p. 405.
36.    New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, "Diodorus," Samuel Macauley Jackson, ed., Grand Rapids MI: Baker Book House, 1964, p. 435.
37.    Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion & Ethics, James Hastings, NY: Charles Scribner Sons, 1951, "Antiochene Theology", p. 587.
38.    New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, "Chrysostom," p. 75.
39.    Devotional Classics, Richard Foster, p. 326.
40.    New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, James Hastings, NY: Charles Scribner Sons, 1951, "Antiochene Theology", p. 591.
41.    Ibid., p. 592.
42.    Ibid., p. 590.
43.    "Outline of Christology," William G. Most,
44.    Columbia Encyclopedia, "Theodore of Mopsuestia", p. 2728.
45.    Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910, "Nestorius," p. 409.
46.    True or False?, David Otis Fuller, Grand Rapids International Publications, 1973, 1983, Terrence H. Brown, "God - Was Manifest in the Flesh...(I Timothy 3:16)", p. 33-4.
47.    Encyclopedia Britannica, "Nestorius," p. 407.
48.    Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion & Ethics, James Hastings, NY: Charles Scribner Sons, 1951, "Antiochene Theology", p. 592.
49.    Ibid., p. 593.
50.    Ibid., p. 585.
51.    Which Bible?, p. 198, citing Dean John Burgon and Miller, The Traditional Text, p. 128.
52.    Jack Moorman, Modern Bibles: The Dark Secret, p. 29.
53.    Jean Doresse, Secret Book Of The Egyptian Gnostics," p. 12.
54.    The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version, Footnote: II Timothy. World Bible Publishers.
55.    Roland H. Bainton, Erasmus of Christendom, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1969, p. 139.
56.    Robert J. Sargent, Landmarks of English Bible: Manuscript Evidence, Bible Baptist Church Pub., p. 159.
57.    Alan Axelrod, The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders, Checkmark Books, 1997, p. 47-8.
58.    Laurence Gardner, Bloodline Of The Holy Grail, "The Stone Of Destiny," Element Books, 1996, p. 299
59.    The Messianic Legacy , Michael Biagent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln, Dell Publishing, 1986, p. 119.
60.    The Messianic Legacy, p. 120.
61.    The Messianic Legacy , p. 124
62.    Prince Michael Stewart, The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland, Element Books, 1998, p. 29.
63.    The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland, p. 30.
64.    Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 189.
65.    The Messianic Legacy, p. 122.
66.    Jack Moorman, Forever Settled, p. 121.
67.    Which Bible, p. 187.
68.    Defending the King James Bible, pp. 45-6.
69.    David Cloud, Rome and the Bible, Way of Life Literature, 1996, p. 34, 36, 37.
70.    David Cloud, Way of Life Encyclopedia, Roman Catholic Dominion 500-1500 A.D.
71.    The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders, p. 121.
72.    Columbia Encyclopedia, p. 1680.
73.    Lady Queenborough, Edith Starr Miller, The Occult Theocrasy, Los Angeles, 1933, pp. 162-3.
74.    Biagent, Lincoln & Leigh, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Dell Pub., 1982, pp. 51-2, 61-2.
75.    Arthur Edward Waite, The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal, London: Rebman Ltd., 1909, p. 681.
76.    Bloodline Of The Holy Grail, "The Stone Of Destiny," p. 299.
77.    "Ancient Aramaic New Testament," Victor N. Alexander,
78.    Testament of Matthew, Matthew 15;
79.    Peter Michas, op.cit., p. 80.
80.    Ibid, p. 82.
81.    Ibid., p. 205.
82.    "The Torah and the Shekinah," Chris Kirk,
83.    Daniel C. Matt, The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism, HarperSanFrancisco, 1996, p. 1.
84.    "Requital Document," Chris King , 1997,