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Mankind is being prepared to move out of the Church Age and into the 70th week of Daniel or the Tribulation Period, at which time the Mosaic Covenant will be reestablished.  To this end, plans are being laid for the annual global celebration of a World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation.  The fourth Saturday of January, which falls on January 22, 2000 will become a holy day for ALL religions. The World Council of Churches Ecumenical News Report of 5 November 1999 elaborates:

On 22 January US priest hopes to initiate World Sabbath for all religions

      New York, 5 November (ENI)--Demanding an end to violence done in the name of God, calling for greater respect between the world's religions and ethnic groups, and praying for healing of past atrocities, a quietly-spoken Episcopal (Anglican) priest in Detroit, Michigan has created the World Sabbath, an inter-faith holy day to be launched on 22 January next year.

The World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation has two goals: to create the first holy day to be shared by all religions of the world, and to teach religious leaders how to publicly oppose hate campaigns and religious wars.

The idea of a millennial peace event is not new. From Rome to Geneva, from Tibet and Bosnia to East Timor and Rwanda, religious groups are cooperating to close what some describe as the bloodiest century in human history and to welcome the new millennium with prayers for peace.

Rod Reinhart, Episcopal priest and interim pastor of Trinity Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan, who has initiated the World Sabbath, believes this proposal to be different from others because it creates a holy day which he hopes will eventually be embraced by all ethnic and religious groups on the planet.

"We would do this whether there was a millennium or not," he told ENI. "We see the millennium as a good symbol for us because we are trying to begin a whole new thing."

Reinhart said that too often religious leaders were pulled into the bloody agendas of political leaders under the guise of ethnic cleansing or expanding the rights and properties of God's chosen.

"We are saying to the wide world that it is no longer acceptable for Christians or any other religious person to give into the demands of a ruler who calls on them to destroy other people ultimately because the ruler wants land and power," he told ENI.

Reinhart said he had selected 22 January as the date for three reasons: It is early in the year, but not too close to other millennial peace events; it is close to Martin Luther King Jr Day; it falls at the end of the National Week For Christian Unity in the United States.

After the year 2000, the World Sabbath is to be held on the fourth Saturday of January.

The World Sabbath project has been endorsed by the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, a synagogue (Temple Israel of Ann Arbor), the Detroit Muslim Center, by the United Religions Initiative, the Parliament of the World's Religions and the National Council for Community and Justice (formerly known as the National Conference of Christians and Jews). Reinhart hopes other religious groups and congregations will take up his idea and hold services or events on 22 January. He has received phone calls from Africa, Australia and Israel about the event, and  pastors from four churches - in New York, Texas and California - are planning their own events for the first World Sabbath.

Reinhart's World Sabbath will be held on Saturday night, 22 January, at Christ Church Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He told ENI the worship service had been designed to acknowledge the world's religious diversity, to pray for those who were victimising others, to seek forgiveness and reconciliation and to honour those who had died in violent attacks.

"We are also going to be remembering the children in the Baptist Church in Texas who were murdered, the children in the Jewish Center in California and the American school students targeted because of their religious faith.

More information about the World Sabbath can be found at the following website:

The World Sabbath web site states:
"The World Sabbath is a unique concept. There is no other holy day celebrated by all religious faiths. There is no other holiday calling for an end to religious war and persecution. The World Sabbath could become an annual holy day recognized and supported by many religious and secular groups. Although it may take several years, we should ask various church bodies and other institutions to make this day an official part of their Calendar."
This is no grass roots initiative, despite its ostensibly humble beginnings. Consider the impressive bodies supporting the World Sabbath: the United Religions Organization, the Parliament of the World's Religions, the National Council for Community and Justice (formerly the National Conference of Christians and Jews) and the World Council of Churches which published the ENI report.

The Christ Church Cranbrook in affluent Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where the first World Sabbath will be celebrated, has a long history of connections in high places.  Edward Scripps of the Scripps-Howard publishing syndicate was the father-in-law of George Booth who, in 1906, replaced James D. Scripps as president of the Detroit News.  In 1928, George G. Booth also built the Christ Church Cranbrook on his expansive and very expensive Cranbrook Estate.  The architect of the Booth mansion also designed the Masonic Temple of Detroit and the Trinity Church where Rev. Rodney Reinhart, initiator of the World Sabbath, serves as interim pastor:

"The three-story, brownish brick slate-roofed dwelling on a large Trumbull lot near Grand River Avenue was home for the Booths until they moved with their children to Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills in 1908. As designed by George E. Mason, architect of many excellent Detroit houses and public buildings, high-stepped, stone-capped gables gave the structure a Dutch quality of the period...George Mason also designed Trinity Church and the Masonic Temple of Detroit." [Arthur Pound, The Only Thing Worth Finding: The Life and Legacies of George Gough Booth, Detroit MI, 1964, p. 118]
George Booth's obituary on April 11, 1949 described his funding of several schools on the massive Cranbrook Estate, which one Detroit resident believes were experimental centers for Outcome-Based Education:
"On Nov. 28, 1927, Mr. Booth created by trust and indenture the Cranbrook Foundation.  Brookside School Cranbrook, a primary country day school, and Cranbrook School, a boarding and day school for boys of junior high and high school, were already in operation. And Christ Church Cranbrook was nearing completion; but Cranbrook Academy of Arts and Kingswood School Cranbrook for Girls were but tentatively sketched on the drawing board. And Cranbrook Institute of Science was only a hazy dream."
George G. Booth boasted of the friendly relations Scripps-Howard had with British Freemasons.  The Scripps League funded an excursion of  American workers to a Paris exposition:
". . . selected out of the cities of Cleveland, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit, .  . .' The enterprise turned out to be a striking success both at home and abroad, attracting favorable mention and assistance from William E. Gladstone, Arthur Balfour, George R. Simms and many other notables." [The Only Thing Worth Finding: The Life and Legacies of George Gough Booth, pp. 132-3]
Notably, Prime Ministers Gladstone and Balfour (author of the Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild supporting the Jews' return to Israel) were members of the Society for Psychical Research.  According to The Founders of Psychical Research:
"In 1887, Council Members and Honorary Members of the SPR included a past Prime Minister (William Gladstone)...and a future Prime Minister (Arthur Balfour);...William Gladstone, Prime Minister from 1865-74, called psychical research, "The most important work, which is being done in the world. By far the most important work." [Alan Gould, pp. 140-1]
The Scripps-Howard newspaper syndicate was enlisted early on for John D. Rockefeller's population control program. According to "Henry Foster and the Politics of Death" by Suzanne M. Rini, Rockefeller used the Scripps Foundation for Population Research to fund eugenics research and for propaganda purposes:
Population Control Disguised as Public Health

    According to The Rockefeller Century, the very helpful Rockefeller house biography, Albert Milbank was one of "Junior's" classmates at the Cutler School. The Milbank's law firm represented his family in later years. The Milbanks, write the biographers, were among those in the "professional classes that began to serve . . . the sons of the new industrial elite."
    Eventually, the Milbank Memorial Fund was "persuaded to help population studies in the academic world." But originally, the Fund was set up "to promote public health," established in 1928 and therefore in fine form to aid and abet the Public Health Service in 1932 with the Tuskeegee experiments.
    The Milbanks, like other lesser yet heavily monied powers, obviously knew to come when called by "Junior." (That's the pecking order distance between law and oil. Oil is bigger and it's even dirtier.)
    Around the same time, that is shortly after the Ludlow miners struck his Colorado Mining and Fuel, Junior garnered really horrendous public outrage because his managers called in the state militia and a fire ensued in which miners' wives and children were killed.
    Out of this experience, which exposed Junior as being ruthless, his version of having a call to conscience was to become passionately interested in what he called "the population problem." As he did so often, he turned to the Scripps newspaper scion, who quickly succumbed to the offer he probably didn't dare refuse. Thus was born the Scripps Foundation for Population Research.
    Frederick Osborn, one of lights of the racist Pioneer Fund and JDR III's pick later, in 1952, to head his version of Murder, Inc., the Population Council, went with his friend Milbank over to their alma mater, Princeton. In a truce, in 1936, an office of population research appeared at Princeton backed by a grant of $12,000 from Scripps, a huge sum when in that Depression year, most Americans didn't even have the one or two pennies to buy a pound of baloney. [Catholic Family News, April 1995]

Fronting the population control agenda with a religious veneer, the Rockefeller-funded United Nations, upon which the United Religions Organization is modeled, will sponsor an Environmental Sabbath (Earth Rest Day) from June 2-4 and World Environment Day on June 5, 2000.  And from December 1-10, 1999, the Parliament of the World Religions will be in session. The United Religion Initiative Fall 1999 update states: "URI leadership from various countries will offer workshops at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa."

Ten years before the First World Parliament of Religions held in 1893, "The Jewish World" predicted the universal movement of all religions toward a universal Judaism:

"The dispersion of the Jews has rendered them a cosmopolitan people. They are the only cosmopolitan people, and in this capacity must act, and are acting, as a solvent of national and racial difference. The great Ideal of Judaism is not that Jews shall be allowed to flock together one day in some hole-and-corner fashion, for, if not tribal, at any rate separatist objects; but that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations - a greater Judaism, in fact - all the separate races and religions shall disappear." (Feb. 9-16, 1883)
The Universal Brotherhood of Nations and Judaised One World Religion have common origins in Freemasonry.  Masonic doctrine is based on the Jewish Kabbalah and Masonic rituals on Kabbalistic interpretations of the Old Testament.  Establishment of the World Sabbath as holy day for all religions essential to the Masonic design of shifting Western Civilization away from the Christian traditional observance of the Lord's Day (Sunday) to obligatory observance of the Hebrew Sabbath (Saturday).  This will facilitate the Gentiles' acceptance of the Noahide Laws and compulsory induction into the mysteries of Freemasonry, whose initiates consider themselves to be the only True Noahides.

One of the Noahide Laws requires the "abandonment of idolatry," a law which will proscribe worship on Sunday since Sabbatarians claim that this day was dedicated by the Roman Church to worship of the Sun. If this is the case, the object of Sabbatarian worship is the planetary god, Saturn, the Sabbath being on Saturday or Saturn's Day.

[See also: The Six-Pointed Star: The Mark of the Beast, which is the occult symbol of the god Saturn.]

Under the New Covenant,  Christians are not bound to holy days of obligation, which were only a shadow of things to come.  The Christian possesses the substance--the very Person of Christ--as his Sabbath, which means "rest".  Dr. C.I. Scofield explained the  difference between the New Testament Lord's Day and the Old Testament Sabbath:

"Apart from maintaining the continued burnt offering (Numbers 28:9), and its connection with the annual feasts (Exodus 12:16, Leviticus 23:3,8, Numbers 28:25), the seventh-day Sabbath was never made a day of sacrifice, worship, or any manner of religious service. The Sabbath will again be observed during the Tribulation period (Matthew 24:20,21) and the Kingdom Age (Isaiah 66:23). The Christian first-day-rest perpetuates in the dispensation of the Church the principle that one-seventh of the time is especially sacred, but in all other respects is in contrast with the Sabbath. One is the seventh day; the other the first. The Sabbath commemorates God's creation-rest; the first day, Christ's resurrection. On the seventh day God rested; on the first day Christ was ceaselessly active. The Sabbath commemorates a finished creation; the first day, a finished redemption. The Sabbath was a day of legal obligation; the first day, one of voluntary worship and service. The Sabbath is mentioned in Acts only in connection with the Jews, and in the balance of the N.T. but twice (Colossians 2:16, Hebrews 4:4). In these passages the seventh-day Sabbath is explained to be, not a day to be observed by the Christian, but a type of the present rest into which the believer will enter when he 'has himself ceased from his works and trusts Christ.'"
The Hebrew Roots Movement