I'm a big fan of baby steps. Starting something new can be really overwhelming so I like to pick small things to start out with. I either like to start by concentrating in just one area, or gradually changing a few small things here and there.
Step One...
Me personally, I started out in the house. What do I mean by that? Well I started by looking at some of the things that I already knew about, like laundry detergents and cleaning products, and so on and so forth. I'm going to make the assumption that most people know about phosphates and the harm that they can cause in our environment, keeping that in mind, I started out by looking for commercial products that were phosphate free. It's a small thing that's easy to do, any local supermarket has a major leading laundry detergent that is phosphate free and environmentally packaged. Same thing applies to dish detergents and soaps.
Going a step further I started buying laudry detergent in bulk. This may be harder from some of you out there. I only just recently found a place where I could buy enviro-friendly bulk soaps in my own city. Some places might not have this available. Before I started buying in bulk, I would buy detergents at my local health-food store. But this option is more expensive than going with the mainstream commercial brands.