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Return to My Zubler Genealogy

In the summer of 1997, I undertook the project of organizing my photographs into books. Getting them in order was a monumental task. There were 70 some odd years of photographs, most of them unmarked, stuffed into boxes, in a dark closet, to be forever hidden. While there was an abundance of photographs of my immediate family, there were very few pictures of my parents, their families, my brothers and sisters, their families and other relatives.  


When trying to get the photos in order by dates and events, with what little there was to go on, I came to the realization that I knew very little about the Zubler family members outside of my own immediate family. When and where they were born; where did they live; when and where were they married and to whom; how many times did they walk down the aisle, at the church, or step in front of a Justice of the Peace; how many children; where and when did they die; where were they buried and what were the interesting events in their lives. This was a shock. Most of the questions did not, at this point in time, have an answer. In fact, the questions could not be asked for who would be able to answer them. Some of the Zubler clan died over a 100 years ago. There wasn’t a lot of first hand knowledge or people to ask. The first task was to try to gain an understanding of the photos in Ernest and Grace Zubler’s albums. The photos were occasionally marked with a name or two but who were they? What was the event that brought the camera out? Those pictures meant something to them but  what? And so started the genealogy on the Zubler family ancestry.


Prepared by: Philip Raymond Zubler