Things That Annoy Me

By: Julie

Ya know what? Its time for me to vent. I'm in a bad mood.. so here's a list of things I HATE or that just plain annoy me. It's my page and I can do what I want to, dangit! Enjoy my ranting!
AOL - The Devil's Spawn

When my shower runs out of hot water

When people call me and ask me if I wanna go out and only give me 5 min. to get ready.

My cousin's whining.

Arrogant people.


The fact that NSYNC has come out with FRUIT SNACKS (You're enjoying those, aren't ya Kari?) The thongs were bad enough, geez. I'm now waiting for "Trace Ayala Thongs" to come out.

The scary truck stop people

The invisible man that lives in my room (I swear, he always opens my closet door when I'm not around and I have to close it 50 times a day!)

People that scream in my face like I can't hear them.

Guys that just want SEX.


The fact that my mom won't let me drive her car.

The way NSYNC hates Connecticut. I SWEAR, they hate us. They NEVER freakin' come here.

Green ketchup. Thats just plain disgusting. It looks like poop.

People who IM we with "Hey, whats up?" and I reply with "Nothing, I'm bored" and they say "Oh, thats cool!" Its not cool damnit, whats so cool about being bored?!

Being broke off my ass.



Innosense.. learn to spell your freakin' group name.

AJ McLean. He disturbs me.

Connecticut phone cards.

CDs that skip.

Rootbeer. I hate rootbeer, damnit.

That stupid girl from Real World New Orleans.. Melissa, or whatever. Damn, she was annoying.

Joey McIntyre and that whole Say What? Karaoke crap.

My computer. As if AOL isn't bad enough, my comp. has to act all possessed and restart itself. That IS why I named it "assmaster"

Geocities. Kiss my ass.

HTML being so damn complicated.

Steve Fatone. I sent him porn and do I get a thank you? No. Bastard.

People that try too hard.

The color "mauve" Just say that out loud. Mauve. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The song "Butterfly" by Crazytown. I am SO sick of that damn song. Can we say "played out?" that guy just needs to shut up about butterflies and all that jazz because.. c'mon, do REAL men sing about butterflies?!


People that think they're funny when in all actuality.. they're really not.

Mandy Moore. She annoys the piss out of me. I like some of her songs.. but her, in general.. I'd like to smack her upside the head.

NSYNC for being assholes and not showing up on my doorstep and serenading me like in that one dream I had.

Ok, I'm done. I'm cool.. I'm calm. PEACE.

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