Chris "I'm So Crazy" Kirkpatrick


Full Name: Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick

Nicknames: Chris, Lucky (Umm, why?) Crazy, Old man, FuMan C..

Hobbies: Taking care of my arthritis and trying to make people believe that I am NOT too old to be in a boyband

What is your goal in life?
To be as CrAzY as I can be and to not lose my hair by age 30

What do you think you'll be doing 10 years from now?
Supporting my wife and 2 kids..err, I mean, the wife and 2 kids I hope to have, yeah, thats it! I'm so funny! hahaha..uhh..yeah..

Who are your inspirations?
BUSTA RYMES!!! I LOVE HIM!! I even had my hair like his, but after the restraining order he put on me, management ordered me take 'em out.

Do you have a girlfriend?
I'm married. *Gets smacked in the head by his manager* Oh, I mean, I'm single! Yeah! and Ive never had sex, even though I'm 28!

Fave Holiday?
Halloween, cuz then people don't stare at me weird, they think I'm wearing a costume.

What do you think is your best feature?
Well, it used to be my dreads, until management made me take 'em out, now I'm nothing. I'M NOTHING WITH OUT THEM!!

If you were a spice girl, you'd be...?
Old Spice. Haha!! Get it? Old spice? Thats a deoderant! Speaking of that..I think I could use some..

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