Chris Interview

This was written by my friend Nicole. She doesn't think it's funny. Don't listen to her, *I* (Julie) THINK IT'S FUNNY! Ok, read on..

Poor, poor Chris. I feel so sorry for him. People tend to forget that he's in the group. For instance, notice Julie and her cohorts DID NOT interview Chris... How does that make him feel? Well, me being the nosy person that I am, decided to interview him and find out.. Keep in mind that this is Chris, so much of it won't make sense.

Nicole: Hi Chris.. Mind if I ask you some questions?

Chris: Huh? Speak up. I can't hear you.


Chris turns up hearing aid.

Chris: Try that again.. damn hearing aid.

Nicole: Nevermind. Can you hear me now?

Chris: Yeah.. So you wanna interview me? WHY?!? Was Justin not available? Are you taking pity on me? I don't want a pity interview.

Nicole: No, no. I just felt guilty. I don't know why. And...yeah, I did want to interview Justin but SOMEBODY did it already.

Chris: That's what I thought. DAMMIT! I'm always forgotten. I started this group, did you know that?

Nicole: Oh you did? I thought Justin and JC did.

Chris: JUSTIN!??! JC!?!?! It's all about those 2! HOW DARE YOU? If it weren't for me there wouldn't be an NSYNC. I bet you interviewed Steve, didn't you? Trace? I'll kill you if you interviewed Busta before me!

Nicole: Actually....

Chris glares at her.

Chris: Did you?

Nicole: I didn't conduct the interviews...but some other people did. Look, I felt bad for you, okay? Can I just interview you now?

Chris: NO! I don't want a pity interview! I wanted to be first dammit. Without me, nobody would know that hip-thrustin, afro-wearin, peach cobbler eatin', Britney lovin' media whore!

Nicole: You seem bitter... I thought Justin was your best friend? I'll just take that answer as a yes and roll with it. So how does it feel to be the forgotten member of the group? I mean, you're more forgotten than Joey! That's gotta suck.

Chris: He's not my best friend. I hate him! You're not making this easy.'s horrible. Fans are scared of me. One time, we were walking through a hotel and a girl had a sign that said, "CHRIS, VIAGRA DOES A BODY GOOD!" I ran to my room and cried. It's hard being damn near 30 and in a boyband. They treat me like the perverted old man that pulls up in a car and follows you home from school asking if you want candy.

Nicole: Ok....uh, right. So how is Danielle?

Chris begins to cry.

Chris: *sings* She was my once in a lifetiiiime, happy ending come truuuuuuue...

Nicole: I guess that's a sore spot. So you're girlfriendless, fanless, and old? Now I see why nobody interviewed you.

Chris: You bitch! How could you say that? I made this group. I can break them. *evil laughter* How would you like that? No Justin to salivate over! You won't be licking his teeth when he's broke, now will you? His mouth will look like JC's. You wouldn't want that would you?

Nicole: *blushes* How'd you know about my teeth fet--nevermind. Ok, I was out of line. But you're--

Chris jumps in her lap.

Chris: You have pretty brown eyes, you know that? Ya know, my teeth look pretty good too. You wanna lick them?

Nicole pushes him on the floor.

Nicole: You're like thanks.

Chris: *sings* I'm coming ouuuuut, I want the world to knoooooow, got to let it shooooow...

Nicole: Ok..well, this is over. You uh...uh... thanks for the interview..

Chris: Wait, waaaaait! I looooove you Nicoooooole! Marry me! I'll pay Justin to let you lick his teeth? Pleaaaaase, I'm not young anymore. I need a young girl to keep me youthful! I'm begging you!

Nicole: Leave me alone, you pedophile!

Nicole runs out of room, with Chris chasing after her.

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