Chris's Member Profile

Member Name: Christopher "I'm Just So CrAzY!" Kirkpatrick

Location: a house? HAHAHA!! I'M SO DAMN FUNNY! HAHAHAHA! Oh wait..I think I broke something..shit..

Birthdate: I'm not tellin'! Your just gonna call me old! AND I'M NOT OLD! JUST CUZ I WEAR DEPENDS DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!!

Sex: Male, but I can sing higher than most girls!

Marital Status: I am married and have 2 kids. Just don't tell anyone ok? Cuz I'm not supposed to let anyone know cuz I'm in Nsync. PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME JC!! I'M SORRY!

Hobbies: Being CrAzY, telling jokes! Pretending that I'm not too old to be in a boyband..

Computers: Computer? I don't have a computer! HAHAHAHA!! AIN'T I FUNNY?!?! HAHAHA!

Occupation: Well, I'm in Nsync but I might be cutting down on my dancing for awhile due to that hip replacement I had last week.

Personal Quote: I LOVE BUSTA RYHMES!!! Viagra works for me! I'd like to say hi to my girlfriend, Danielle! Yep, that's right! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND I'M DAMN PROUD!

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