My Confessions
-I watch all of NSYNC'S appearances on TV.. and since I'm too lazy to tape them all, I make my friend do it for me.. heh, aren't I a good friend?
-I've recently put up some pictures of NSYNC on my wall (I didn't have many posters up before..) and there's this one pic of Joey where his eyes are just bulging out.. and now every time I change in my room I feel as if he's "staring" at me.. FREAKIN' PERVERT!
-If my buddy Danielle and I see a limo while we're out driving around, we automatically assume that NSYNC is in that limo. So we end up following it. I actually harrassed a limo driver yesterday and demand he tell me if NSYNC had ever been in his limo. He told me "no" The last famous person he had in there was Usher.. And he said it all calmly too! Shit.. if I had Usher in my limo, I'd be screaming and pointing "I HAD USHER IN MY LIMO!! THATS RIGHT! RIGHT HERE! YEAH BABY!"
-Same thing goes for buses.. we automatically assume NSYNC is on every bus we see. We were even convinced that they were riding a school bus because they were trying to be "incognito."
-You know how Justin's eyebrows tend to fight with each other? Well, I have a little pic of Justin taped to my dresser.. with a little bubble coming out of his head that reads "Help! My eyebrows are fighting!." Sad, huh?
-Danielle and I have convinced ourselves that Lance sounds sexy when he says "Girl were you alone?"
-We're planning on purchasing NSYNC necklaces *bows head in shame* I know, I know.. Shame on us.. Believe me, when I'm paying for it I'm gonna play it off and be like "Damn my little sister for being obsessed with NSYNC... Geez! and she made ME come here and buy this STUPID necklace!" heh..
-We watch *N The Mix regularly and point out funny tidbits to each other.
-We'll be sitting in the car, chillin' somewhere.. and outta nowhere jerk our heads to the side and scream "I...just...can' CONTROL!!!" (i.e. JC's spazz attacks)
-I kept a picture of Justin under my pillow for a week before I started to scare myself.. then I put it away..
-Danielle and I were up in my room.. and it was like 3 a.m. We heard a car horn beep outside.. so I stuck my head out the window and screamed "Justin!! You're a little early! Come back in a few hours!"
-My cousin met NSYNC and got a glowstick from Justin. I attempted to hold her favorite shirt hostage until she gave it to me. It didn't work...
-Danielle and I have made up our own dance moves to "Giddy Up" We think ours are MUCH better than the original..
-We stick our heads out the car windows and scream "I LOVE LANCE!! I LOVE LANCE!!" while driving down the highway (i.e. The spazzing "I LOVE LANCE!" girl from the *N The Mix Video)
-Every Friday night, while driving down the Berlin Turnpike, we'll blast "Just Got Paid" as loud as it can go. We're pathetic..
-We're willing to travel anywhere in the United States to attend a concert.
-While watching "Model Behavior" (the movie Justin was in on Disney) Danielle and I rewound the "kissing scene" about 20 times just to "really" see how Justin kissed. We've decided he kisses very good and we're seriously considering showing up on his doorstep and sexually assaulting him..
-I once stood up on a chair in a pool hall and screamed, "YEEE HAWWWW!! JRT BITCH!! I'MA RIDE THAT COWBOY!" on a dare.
- Half of my songs off Napster are NSYNC songs.
- I attempted to stalk NSYNC while in NY for their concert. I almost killed myself on a balcony. You can read all about that [here].
- I taught my 3 year old sister to sing, "Bye Bye Bye"
- My 1 year old sister has a curly afro, just like Justin. I puff it up everyday so she looks like him.
I am just pathetic.. I really am. LMAO. There's more idiotic things I have done.. but I'd rather not share.. THANK YOU VERY MUCH :) Hope ya got a good laugh at my expense.