Editor Appreciation Week
Ok guys.. see that banner up there? April 1st-7th is "Editor Appreciation Week." What is that, you ask? It's when you, the websurfers, show your support for all the website editors out there. This banner was made by Brit of Can I Get Some Humor Baby?, former editor of Everybody's Free [To Make Fun Of Nsync]. She's mad cool :) So, during that week of April, get creative and show all of your fave editors how much you appreciate them! I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we LOVE hearing from y'all. YOU guys are the reason we keep updating day after day. YOU make what we do FUN. So, let us know how you feel. We'd appreciate it :)
(Editor Appreciation is over.. but you can still show all the editors out there some love! :)
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