Happy Birthday Jen!

By: Julie

Ahh Jen.. its your birthday! Now, since you were SO nice and gave me JRT Bitches necklace for MY b-day, I thought it was ONLY fair to return the favor. Now, I sat here thinking.. hmm, WHAT could I give you?..

Joey was the obvious answer.. but c'mon, thats TOO easy..

So I thought some more..

How about a Joey marionette? Nah, you already have one of THOSE..

So, I'm sitting here thinking..WHAT can I get you, right?

..And I thought, how about Justin? But then I was all, "Hell no, Justin is MY bitch" So no, sorry.. ya can't have him..

So, this was REALLY starting to bother me. Picking out a present for you should NOT be this hard! So I thought some more (my head was really starting to hurt)

Howie D! But then I remembered.. you are SO over that obsession. (LMAO) Sorry, I couldn't find a pic of him winking.. I know you like that..

Finally I was just like, "fuck it" and I stared at this picture of Joey for awhile, thinking maybe I'd get an idea..

..And suddenly.. IT CAME TO ME! The PERFECT gift! I KNEW you couldn't turn it down..


Look at dat shit.. how can you pass that up? I got you JOEY'S CROTCH for your birthday! Aren't I a good friend? You can even print this out and hang it on you wall.. don't matter to me. Enjoy it! *wink* and have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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