Raise Da Roof


Hey guys. Julie here! I was at the pawn shop looking for some tacky jewelery to attract Nsync.. when who do I run into? The J-dawg himself! After he paid me not to tell anyone he had been there (haha.. money well wasted) I got him to do an interview for me. It went a little something like this..

Julie: Well, well, well.. if it isn't the ghetto dawg himself.. Hello Justin.

Justin: Well, I actually have a very extensive vocabulary.. I just choose not to display it in hopes of people thinking I'm cooler than I appear.

Julie: Umm.. err.. alright.

Justin: So, what be up yo?

Julie: Ahh.. there's the J-Dawg we all know and love.. I'm doing pretty good.. how's life treatin' ya?

Justin: Bad yo! Last night.. I was gettin' mah groove on.. and who walks in??!! JC!! That damn anal retentive beatch! He actually told Brit-- I mean.. Brittiana.. that it was mah bedtime!! I ain't got no bedtime! Shit..

Julie: Who the fuck is Brittiana??!

Justin: Err.. mah friend..

Julie: Sure you don't mean Britney? As in Spears?

Justin: Nah yo! I swear! Just 'cuz her bra was found in mah bunk don't mean shit! And those extensions.. they weren't hers! They were one of Joey's hoe's!! Ah swear!

Julie: So, your saying one of Joey's Hoe's was in YOUR bunk?


Julie: I rest my case..

Justin: *crying and mumbling* I'm sorry JC.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to let it slip.. but she was harrassing me dawg.. I'll take the whip lashings willingly.. But I don't wanna sleep with Lance anymore.. he wets the bed yo.. please don't make me.. please..

Julie: Ahh.. I smell another conspiracy. First of all, let's explore you sleeping with Lance. What brought this on?

Justin: Well.. when I'm bad.. JC be forcing me to sleep with Lance.. cuz he knows damn well that Lance has a crush on me. So dat's mah punishment..

Julie: Ahh.. I see. How does Lance feel about all this? Does he MIND at all?

Justin: Nah yo.. he don't care. He just lays there lookin' at me all longingly.. and tries to run his fingers thru mah hair.. he says "Justin, that afro really makes you look more MANLY" then he growls.. and I whimper.. and ah try to sleep..

Julie: Umm.. I've heard enough..

Justin: Sometimes I hear him talkin' in his sleep.. "Topanga.. I mean Danielle.. what shade of lipstick is that? No, I will NOT shave your mustache anymore.. I'm from Mississippi.. Mississippi I tell you.. Toby? TOBY!!!!! WHERE ARE YOOOOOOOOOU?!?!?"


Justin: Sorry yo..

Julie: Justin, I'm convinced. You are very disturbed. And so is Lance at that. JC needs a good beating for bringing this upon you. Poor child. Please seek therapy. I beg you.

Justin: Will you help me? Please? I'll do anything.. anything I tell you!!

Julie: Hmm.. anything eh? I shall ponder this.. ::thinking::: Yes, yes I will help you. First of all, you will need to invite me to your tour bus. I will disguise myself as Britney. When everyone is asleep, I will abduct JC and proceed to whip him 37 times. After he begs for mercy, I will probably rape him, or something along those lines. After I have my fun.. its on to Lance. I will threaten him, and tell him I will reveal what REALLY happened to Toby, if he doesn't stop acting like a gay-ass pansy. After all is said and done, I'm sure there won't be anymore problems.. fair enough?

Justin: Oh yes! Thank you so much!! What can I do to repay you??!!

Julie: Hmm.. I would like to you strip down to your boxers.. go get me a glass of lemonade.. and feed me chocolate covered strawberries till I see fit. I'll decide what else I want from you at a later date..

Justin: Ok, anything you say.. Thank you, thank you so much!

Julie: Oh, its no problem. Anything for you JuJu.. *giggle* hehe.. that rhymed.. *ahem* Now go! Go get me my drink!... You sexy piece of male you.. *growl*

Justin: Yes Julie..

Julie: No, No, NO!! "Yes Master" err.. "Mastette" oohh NEVERMIND! Just go already! SHOO!

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