Joshua "JC" Chasez

Peace my brotha!

Full Name: Joshua Scott Chasez

Nicknames: JC, Sleepy, Crackhead, Crackmatic, Spazzmasta..

Hobbies: Doin' crack, showin' off my "thug appeal"

What is your goal in life?
To kill Justin and finally be the favorite member of Nsync

What do you think you'll be doing 10 years from now?
Probably dead from a crack overdose.

Who are your inspirations?
God. I read the bible everyday. And that stuff about the crack, I was lying, I swear! Drugs are bad! DRUGS ARE BAD!!! *starts going into convulsions*

Do you have a girlfriend?
No, I am married to my drug dealer. *smacks self* I mean NO!

Favorite Holiday?
Christmas. Cuz my drug dealer gives me some free crack, since its the holiday season and all.

What do you think is your best feature?
My veiny arms.

If you were a spice girl, you'd be...?
Addicted to Crack Spice, Spazz Spice, "My name is JC and I have a problem" Spice..

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