J-Dawg and Brit-Brit

I bet you've all wondered what a day with Justin and Britney would be like, right? Of course you have. I'm here to give you the inside scoop. They let me tag along with them for a day and I'm going to let you read about what happened. Nice of me, eh? Yeah, I know :)

Our day started out pretty typical. Britney invited me over her house to get ready and she dressed me up in a pink tube-top and capri pants, complete with strappy heels.

Julie: Uhh, Brit, I really don't think pink is my color..

Brit: Julie! Like.. uh duh! Pink is MY favorite color and I'M Britney Spears! Pink is THE best color!

Julie: If you say so.. but uhh.. do you think it's smart for both of us to be wearing the SAME tube-top?

Brit: Justin will LOVE it!

Julie: Well, in that case.. heh heh..

Brit: Yeah, so.. he's gonna be here any minute.. want me to put your hair in pigtails?!

I glance over at Brit, note her pigtails, complete with fuzzy pink hair things, and shake my head.

Julie: Umm, no, thats quite alright..

Brit: Ok!

A horn beeps outside and Brit glances out the window.

Brit: Justin's here!

Julie: HE IS?!?!? YAY!

I jump up and down while Britney gives me a weird look.

Julie: Uhh..I mean.. thats coo'.. thats coo'..

Brit: Yeeeeeeah.. let's go!

We walk outside to Justin's car. He leans out the window and waves.I proceed to jump up and down again.

Brit: What are you doing?

Julie: I'm umm..exercising.. yeeeah..

Brit: Oh, thats cool then!

We hop into the car. Britney gets into the front seat and I slide into the back.

Brit: Hi Justy! I missed you!

Justin: You just saw me yesterday..

Britney twirls her hair.

Brit: Oh yeah.. *giggles*

Justin: Soooo.. Julie, are you gonna be like.. interviewing us and stuff?

Julie: Well, not exactly. I'm just gonna be chillin' with you. You see, I run a humor site along with some other girls and..

Justin: A HUMOR site?

Julie: Did I say humor?! *nervous laugh* I meant a FAN SITE.. heh heh.. yup, big fan over here.. whoop whoop! Par-tay over here!

Britney and Justin stare at me.

Julie: Yeah...

Justin: Cool, I guess.

Brit: Yeah, cool. So, where are we going?

Justin: The mall.

Julie: Sounds good..

Brit: Yay!

Julie: Don't you, uhh.. need security and shit? I mean crap.. I mean stuff.. SHIT.

Justin: Lonnie's meeting us there.


Justin: Uhh, yes..

Julie: OMG! I mean, I'm cool, I'm hip.. I'm ok..

Justin: Are you.. ok?

Julie: Fine, thanks. You're lookin' pretty good yourself. Wanna make out?

Brit: JULIE!!

Julie: Oops.. uhh.. I did it again? Hehehe..

Brit: Hehehe, that was funny!

Julie: Freak..

Brit: What?

Julie: I said MEAT. Yeah, heh, I love me some meat. I was gonna be a vegatarian.. but I realized how much I LOVE meat.. yeah..

Britney and Justin stare.

Julie: Uhh, yeah.. hi.

We arrive at the mall and park the car. We walk up to the front and spot Lonnie.

Julie: LONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I run and make a flying leap onto him.

Julie: Dude, you are SO cool! I've wanted to meet you FOREVER. Will you be my friend? Can I have your autograph?

Lonnie nods.

Julie: Do you talk?

Lonnie: Yes.

Julie: Ok, good. You're cool. I like you. Let's be friends.

Lonnie: Ok.

Julie: WHOO HOO!

Justin: I'm really glad you made friends with my bodyguard Julie.. but can we, uhh.. proceed now?

Julie: Oh, sure. Of course.

We walk into the mall and survey the place. Britney spots a Contempo and runs towards it.

Brit: I'll be awhile! Go ahead without me!

Justin: Britney.. no. If I leave you here, you'll buy out the whole store.

Brit: Nooooooo I won't!

Justin: You lie.. but whatever. See ya later.

Julie: What the hell? Ok, yeah. You expect me to walk around this mall with just you and your bodyguard? Someone's definitely going to spot us, because, as much as I love you Lonnie, you're a big man. And Justin is just a tad bit obvious. I'm going to get attacked by some hormonal driven teenybopper. I am scared.

Justin: Calm down.

Julie: Yes, master.

Justin: So, what do you wanna do?

Julie: The point of this whole thing was for me to spend a day with you AND Britney.. but I can't say I mind having you all to myself.. you fine, SEXY, hunk of man you.. *growl*

Justin: Please don't do that.

Julie: *ahem* Yeah, sorry. I'm hungy. I want food.

Justin: Alright..

Justin and I come upon the food court and find a table. Lonnie goes to get our food and we chit chat while he's gone.

Julie: Sooooooo... yeah..

Justin: Sup?

Julie: Yeeeeeah.. uhh.. wanna hear my life story? Sure ya do! I was born on a cold, wintery day...

*5 hours later*

Julie: And then this ONE time.. I was riding a horse, naked.. and it was SO funny..


Julie: Heh.

Justin: I think we should go get Britney.

Julie: If we MUST.. Lonnie? Will you hold my hand? Hehe.. can you be my bodyguard? Let's pretend I'm famous and Justin's my looooove slave.

Justin: Julie...

Julie: WHAT?!

Justin: Nothing..

Julie: Good.. Lonnie? Shall we?

I grab Lonnie's hand and drag him back to Contempo, Justin following behind.

Brit: HI GUYS!!

Britney walks up with about 10 shopping bags hanging off her body.

Justin: Britney.. WHAT did I say before I left here?

Brit: Uhh, you said.. "see ya later"

She smiles proudly.

Justin: Why me.. Ok, I think its time to go now.


Justin: Lonnie? Please tell me you weren't going to do that.

Lonnie: Uhh..

Justin: UGH! Julie.. time to go to the car.


Loud screams are heard and a group of girls run up to Justin.



The girls surround him and Justin gives me an evil look.


Girl #3: Who are you?

Julie: Heh.. who am I? I'm Justin's... ho.

Girl #3: EXCUSE ME?!

Julie: Yup, thats right. I'm his ho.

Justin: JULIE!!!

Julie: Let me hear you scream it, baby.

Justin shakes his fist at me before he's swallowed up by the crowd.

Julie: Haha.. suuuucker..

Brit: So, can we leave now?

Julie: You're gonna leave Justin here?

Brit: Lonnie will take care of him.. so do you.. wanna have a sleepover?

Julie: Umm.. can you invite JC over so I can beat him repeatedly over the head with a blunt object?

Brit: OK!


Britney and I skip merrily out of the mall and hail a cab. Later that night, Britney invited JC over as promised, and I beat him. That lasted for a good hour until Justin came over and beat ME for leaving him at the mall. I think I egged him on a little bit by screaming in his face, "C'MOOOON, ABUSE ME MOOOOORE, I LIKE IT!!!!!!" Heh. Ain't I a devil?

Just a little side note.. I don't really think Britney acts this dumb. Just like I don't really think JC's on crack.. well, sometimes I wonder, but.. Ohhh, you know what I mean! It's all for the sake of humor.
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