Joey Posers

Joey posers. Ahhh yes. Here they are, for your reading enjoyment. These people are SO damn cool.. I swear. I mean, I usually like to go online too and pretend to be someone I'm not. Loads of fun I tell you.. My sarcasm is heavy here.

Idiot #1

Member Name: Joey..Bubbles..PLEASE DO NOT IM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! only if you wanna chat.

Location: Orlando,Fl

Hobbies: Nsync..SuperMan...Snowboard ing...eating( Eat Eat Eat all Day long ) ha ha!
Eating.. see!! Yes, we know you're a fat-ass "Joey", but you don't need to broadcast it over the internet. Thanx.

Computers: the one in front of me.

Occupation: */////\\\\\\//////sync!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know your happy and all that they even LET your retarded ass into Nsync.. but please keep your excitement to a minimum.. mmmk?

Personal Quote: If you call me "FATone" its PHATone. FATone is old.
Actually, I'm still quite fond of calling you, "FATone" and it suites you MUCH better then PHATone.. so no can do "Joey" So sorry..


Idiot #2

Member Name: Joey Fatone

Sex: Male

Marital Status: ummm let me think
Don't hurt yourself now..

Hobbies: singn eatn sleepn
k, I'm taking that as, "Singing, eating, sleeping" and its sad that it doesn't surprise me.

Computers: oops i thought it was a mikerwave
Ok, first of all, its MICROWAVE. Thats M-I-C-R-O-W-A-V-E. Got it? And second of all, I know Joey thinks about anything associated with food 24/7.. but could you at LEAST not act like a retard for about 5 min.? Thanx.

Occupation: singer

Personal Quote: "i now there is posers out there and i am not 1 of them"
(Dear Gawd.. I could almost believe this IS Joey.. he's a fuckin' retard!!)

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