If Joey Ruled The World

By: Julie

Ok, you thought Justin ruling the world was scary? Imagine if it were JOEY. Now THAT, my friend, is scary. Here's what WE think would happen..

- Everyone's pool's would be filled with Jello.

- The word "actually" would be used before and after every sentence.

- Every woman must bow down to Joey and call him "Love Master"

- Everyone MUST own at least 5 Superman shirts.

- Joey would be every girl's pimp.

- Every restaurant would have an "All You Can Eat" Buffet.

- Justin would cease to exist.

- Having sex would become EVERYONE'S favorite past time.

- Joey would have more solo's.

- Girl's would be forced to walk around in bikini's all day long. Even in the winter. Joey would keep them warm then. *wink*

- Joey would become president.

- Steve would become vice president.

- Everyone would have a replica of Christopher Reeves in their front yard.

- Twinkie's would become a food group.

- The sentence, "I hopefully hope.." would make sense.

- Julie would commit suicide.

- Jen would be one happy camper.

- Every girl's last name would be changed to "Fatone."

- Steve would get more play.

- Nsync's name would be changed to "Joey Fatone and those other 4 guys.

- Every girl, regardless of age, would get a chance with the "Love Master."

- Statutory rape would be perfectly legal.

- Food would be free.

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