NSYNC Concert: Long Island 11.10.00

Alrighty.. I (Julie) went to the Nsync concert in Long Island on Nov. 10th with my girl, Gina. Why am I so late in writing about my experience, you ask? BECAUSE I'M ONE LAZY BEATCH, AND I JUST NOW GOT AROUND TO IT. Ah ha. Yeah. So, here, my friends, is how it went down..(This is EXTREMELY long.. I'm warning ya before hand..)

Gina lives in Albany, NY.. I live in Meriden, CT.. She came to pick me up.. it's only about a 2 hour drive.. not a biggie, right? WRONG. Gina got here fine and all.. but after she picked me up, we got HELLA lost. We couldn't even find the right highway to get on, and we were STILL in Meriden. Isn't that sad? I live here, I should know where the hell I'm going. Pssh. Anyway.. it took us about 3 hours to get back.. and we stopped and asked for directions about, ohhh.. 50 TIMES. Yeah, fun times I tell ya. So, we get to her house.. FINALLY..and I meet her Mommy.. who is EXTREMELY nice.. and her dad.. who said about 5 words to me the whole time I was there. I don't think he likes me.. LOL. So, we chilled, and stayed up WAY too late.. we went to sleep at like.. 4 a.m.. and had to get up at 8 to go get the rental car, yada yada yada.. are we stupid, or what?

Ok, the next day we woke up to bright sunlight streaming into Gina's window. AH HA. WRONG. It was raining, but that's ok. Gina and I complained like MOFO'S 'cuz we had to get up so damn early. We watched Nsync on Regis.. that was lovely.. then we got all our stuff together and Gina, her mom, and I proceeded to go get the rental car. Everything went along fine until we went to actually FIND the car. We went to the wrong one.. heh. Once we realized the key wasn't fitting into the ignition.. we moved on. We finally found the car. Yeah. So, then we began our trip. 2 Limo's passed us on our way there, and Gina and I had mild heart attacks, thinking it was Nsync. We grinned like idiots out the windows and waved like retards. We are SO cool. So, we're driving along, yada yada yada.. and we see a sign. What does that sign SAY you ask? Jerome. Ave. I kid you NOT. It said freakin' JEROME AVE. How funny is THAT? I found it HYSTERICAL. And if that's not funny enough.. the NEXT sign said "Randall Ave." C'mon, that is FUNNY.

Ok, moving on.. after getting lost about 5 times.. we arrive at our hotel. Well, sorta. We ended up at the venue, which is right across the street from the hotel. LI Marriot.. Aww yeah. We couldn't even find the damn entrance to the hotel. So we're driving around the venue's parking lot.. trying to find our way back OUT.. and we see TOUR BUSES. Whoo hoo. Gina and I almost jumped out of the moving vehicle. Call us wacko's.. but we think we're funny. So, we finally get to the hotel, check in, and all that good stuff. Then we started getting ready for the concert. I had brought my leather pants, and my slinky red tank top, thinkin' I was gonna be all stylin'.. but do you know what I ended up wearing? Old jeans and a purple tank top. I was like FUCK THIS..I threw my hair up in a messy ass bun, and went as is. I didn't feel like getting dressed, I'm lazy, thank you.

Ok, concert time. Gina and I walked to the venue, since it's right across the street, And might I add, we had to hurtle a freakin' 10 foot puddle to get there. The things we do for Nsync.. *sigh* We got checked by 2 scary guys to make sure we weren't carrying any illegal weapons and what not.. then we were let in. I swear to freakin' GOD I saw Trace. I could've SWORE it was him. I had a flippin' heart attack. He was wearing BEDAZZLED, frumpy lookin' jeans.. and who ELSE is gonna wear jean's like that besides JrT Bitch?! TRACE, thats who. So, we went to check out our seats.. and they were BEHIND THE FREAKIN' STAGE. Hello?! BEHIND the stage?! Umm, who figured out THESE seating arrangements?! Assholes.

Ok, so we made friend's with a nice security guard.. he told us to go sit in any seats we wanted.. and if nobody complained, to stay in 'em. We tried that for about, Oohh.. 3 min. People kept kicking us out of 'em. Hmph. I was bitchin' and complaining about how I couldn't see.. and this lady has the NERVE to say to me, "Well, you like them for their music, right? You don't need to see them." Umm.. HELLO LADY, I came here to SEE a show.. if I just wanted to HEAR them, I'd stay home and listen to my GOD DAMN CD. Idiot..

So, we make our way back to our seats and we see none other then STEVE FATONE walking around, tryin' to hit on every girl he saw. I wasn't even tryin' to show any interest in him.. so Gina and I talked very loudly about how Steve is a skeezer and wipes his brother's ass.. which is, quite frankly, pretty sad. I know.. we're SO nice.. you don't have to tell us twice.. After that, the concert started. Steve came out, babbling about how the show was canceled, and that instead, we were gonna have a big party. How nice. Shut up Steve. Ron Izzirayrayray, whatever the hell his last name is, came on next. He was actually quite good. The scary thing is that he has the same haircut as Chris, but dyed blue. Maybe that's a requirement to be one of Chris' artist's. You MUST cut your hair like him. Weirdo..

Next was Dream. They suck ass. The only song I like is that "He Loves You Not" song. They were so cheesy.. it made me want to hurl. They were like.. "hehe, I'm Tiffany!! hehe.. and I'm Barbie!! hehehe, and I'm Kelly!" ok, no, those weren't their names, I forgot them, because I wasn't paying much attention. They suck. Moving on.. next was a surprise appearence by the Sugar Hill Gang, I absolutely love them, so I was happy about that. After that, Soul Decision came out. I danced like an idiot. I love them. Ok, so, Soul Decision leaves the stage.. Then our lovely security friend motions for us to come over to him.. and he get's us better seats.. AH HA, NEENER NEENER NEENER. Sorry. We had these little girl's behind us, screaming like fools. Every 2 seconds, they'd be like, "Ok, ready.. 1 2 3.. I LOVE YOU LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE!!!" Geezus.. SHUT UP. Then.. FINALLY.. Nsync decided to grace us with their presence.. THANK YOU LORD.

If you've seen the HBO concert.. you know what goes on. It was pretty much the same as that. Justin changed his beat boxing part a little bit.. which pissed me the hell off, because I was singing along, and he messed my ass up. Beatch. JC skipped past our section like the merry little crackfiend he is. It was special. During TIPY, someone threw a big stuffed animal on the moving stage, and Joey decided to stick it in JC's face as he sang. Nice one Joe. Very nice. Lance decided it would be nice to scream, "GO YANKEES!!!" right before "I Thought She Knew" He's cool. Chris almost fell on his ass during the flip in "I Want You Back." I found that hysterical. I was waiting in anticipation for Justin to get the comb stuck in his hair during "Just Got Paid" but it didn't happen. I was praying though.. Oh God.. how I was praying. I got giddy when Lance babbled before "God Must Have Spent.." That voice.. whew. *fans self* I love it.. The "Space Cowboy" dance amuses me to NO end, and always will. JC and his painted on pants helped too. What is that boy THINKING?! And I would just like to say that when Justin thrusts, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thank you.

That's about it. Y'all have seen the HBO concert.. so you know how it is. We went back to the hotel after that, and we were stopped by Joey's uncle. I SWEAR this guy was related to Joey.. he told us he had "died" like 5 times before, and before he "died" he used to be a singer. Ok buddy, you've died HOW many times? Riiight. He made Gina feel his head. I don't think she was too happy about that. He wouldn't leave us alone. We ended up standing in the hallway for a half hour, trying to be polite. He finally let us leave, after he realized that his attempt to hit on us wasn't working. Now TELL me he wasn't related to Joey! His name was STEVE. C'mon now.

A few funny things happened after that.. I almost fell off our balcony, trying to see into the room next to us. We saw a pair of sneakers, and thought they might have been Justin's. So I attempted to crawl over to THEIR balcony. Bad move. I almost killed myself. And it wasn't Justin in that room, it was a 50 year old balding man. My bad. We went to sleep after that. The next day we all went to the mall.. Gina and I bought baby blue fleece pants.. that was the only color they had.. shut up. We had lunch and our waiter looked like Chris. Gina insisted he didn't, but he did. I swear. Then we drove back to Gina's house.. which took like, 3 and a half hours. I slept there that night.. Gina made me sleep with DEFORMED LANCE. Ok, yeah.. deformed Lance is this pillow she has.. and it's all deformed.. and well, Lance's head is kind of deformed lookin'... so I named it deformed Lance. Don't ask, it was late, I wasn't making any sense. Sue me.

The next day Gina drove me back to CT. We only got lost twice, we're getting good at this, eh? I left my CD's in her brother's car.. which sucks. Now I have to wait for Gina to send them to me. All in all, it was a fun experience.. and I would do it again. I love Gina, she rocks. Hope you guy's enjoyed this.. it's 5 a.m.. so if any of this doesn't make sense, that's why. Justin's hot. PEACE OUT.

Note to NSYNC: I hope you know you traumatized me with that big fuckin' scary ass clown. WTF WAS THAT?! Was that JC's brilliant idea?! Morphing into a damn Jason mask. I almost broke out into tears because of this. I hid under my chair. Does that tell you something? DOES IT?! You have scarred me for life, NSYNC. Hope you know that.

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