Lance "B[a]sshole" Bass

"I'm not gay.. I'm not gay.. I SWEAR I'm not gay.."

Full Name: James Lansten Bass

Nicknames: Lance, Scoop, The "pretty" one, BassMaster, Basshole..

Hobbies: Collecting Covergirl products and painting my nails lucious pink. I also LOVE manicures!

What is your goal in life?
To be the prettiest man I can be.

What do you think you'll be doing 10 years from now?
Married to a nice young man, err, I mean WOMAN, and living on a farm with lots of cows and chickens. In Mississippi, of course.

Who are your inspirations?
Madonna and Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer has the most FABULOUS style! We MUST get together sometime and go shopping!

Do you have a girlfriend?
I did, her name was Danielle..but she dumped me. PLEASE TAKE ME BACK DANIELLE! YOU KNEW SO MUCH ABOUT APPLYING MAKE-UP! I NEED YOU!!

Fave Holiday?
Easter. 'Cuz it has all those pretty colored eggs.

What do you think is your best feature?
My perfectly tweezed eyebrows.

If you were a spice girl, you'd be...?
Pretty Spice, Basshole Spice, "I'm A Lush" Spice..

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