Lance Posers

Here's some pretty little Lance posers. I mean, do you even REALIZE how many Nsync posers there are? It took me a whole 5 min. to find at least 3 posers on each guy. Just goes to show you.. PEOPLE HAVE NO LIVES!

Idiot #1

Member Name: Lance Bass

Location: Hometown: Orlando, FL
Oh my.. that is a BIG no-no if your going to pose as Lance. EVERYONE and their Grandmother knows that Lance's hometown is MISSISSIPPI. I mean, its not like he mentions it EVERY FREAKIN' SECOND OF EVERY DAMN DAY or anything..

Sex: Male

Marital Status: dating

Hobbies: touring with my boys (a.k.a. NSYNC)
Why all of a sudden is everyone trying to be Justin? I mean "your boys" "Lance?" Come now hun.. we all know Lance is not a little thug, so don't try and make him out to be, mmmk?

Computers: Gateway 2000

Occupation: full time recording artist

Personal Quote: "You should never eat mushrooms."
WTF?! Umm, ok "Lance".. I'll be SURE and remember that..


Idiot #2

Member Name: James Lance "Lansten" Bass (Scoop)

Location: i tour around so it changes but my home is in Laurel, MS....I currently live in Orlando
Yes, we KNOW Lance is from freakin' Mississippi.. if I have to hear that he is ONE more time.. well.. ya know that knife collection "Lance?" I'll use it to slash up every freakin' beanie baby you own! How you like dem apples boyeeeeee?!

Sex: Male

Marital Status: single

Hobbies: Singing,Watching Movies and Having fun with my friends, Jet Skiing,
But Lance.. you HAVE no friends.. poor boy, he's in denial..

Occupation: Singer
Well.. who would've thunk it?

Personal Quote: go here---->http://www.nsync.c om/home.htm
What if I didn't WANT to go there? Huh? HUH?! Whatchu gonna do about it?

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