Lance's Member Profile

Member Name: Lance "I Like Mary Kay Products" Bass

Location: I come from Mississippi! I tell everyone that 10 times a day, heh heh! EVERYTHING I DO OR SAY IS CUZ I'M FROM MISSISSIPPI!!! MUWHAHAHAHAHA!!

Birthdate: A pretty day when the flowers were in bloom and the sun was shining.

Sex: No comment.

Marital Status: Well...I kinda have a crush on Chris, but shh! don't tell anyone! He looks so beautiful with his new haircut..*sigh*..

Hobbies: Collecting Mary Kay products, cuz I'm from Mississippi, Riding horses, cuz I'm from Mississippi, jet skiing, cuz I'M FROM MISSISSIPPI!!!

Computers: This pretty one here with the cute little flowers all over it :)

Occupation: I'm in Nsync! I don't do anything, but I got to say "Girl were you alone" in Giddy Up! I was so proud of myself! Everyone loves my deep, sexy bass voice!

Personal Quote: If anyone knows where to buy lipstick color passionate pale pink, please let me know! Maybe we can do lunch!

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