Let Sparky Tweak!

Because every spazz needs a little love..


Ok, y'all.. we need you to support us in this. I (Julie) actually came up with the idea, but I'm sure my co-editors would agree that JC MUST be able to spazz. This whole thing was inspired by my friend, Brie, who nicknamed JC.. "Sparky" She actually had the s/n "Let Sparky Tweak" at one time :) We were talking about how funny of a spazz JC was.. and I suddenly got an idea. I would make a banner so all you other people out there could declare your love for his spazziness. Furthermore.. JC NEEDS to spazz! If he didn't spazz out like a freak from time to time.. I'd be devastated. JC IS SPAZZ. SPAZZ IS JC. Get it? So, if you agree with me.. put the banner below on your page!

[center][a href="https://www.angelfire.com/jsilver317/LetSparkyTweak.html">[img src="https://www.angelfire.com/jsilver317/pics/SparkyTweak.jpg">[/center]

Remember to change all []'s to <>'s and to e-mail me if you take the banner.

*Coming Soon: Brie's story on how the name "Sparky" came to be*


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