New Name?
I (Julie) bet you're wondering, "what the hell is going on?!", "Where's Laugh A Little?!." We're still here, we've just got a new name. Dirty Popstars. How do ya like it? All the content is the same, the addy is the same, the people are the same.. the only thing thats different is the name, folks. I've gotten some questions about this.. so I'm going to answer them here, mmk?
Why'd you change the name?
We needed a change. We were bored. Justin asked me to. (I was lying about that last one)
Why the name "Dirty Popstars"?
We liked that name. We thought it had a nice ring to it. Also, Jen wouldn't let me change it to "Justin is my sexxxy bitch" so we went with it, ya know?
So, there ya go. If you want to link us, use our new banners. Also, we've made new awards. Don't worry about updating your bookmarks, we're staying in the same place. Even though Geocities sucks my ass. That is all. PAYCE.