Justin Loves Nickay

By: Julie

My homie Nicole LOVES Justin. (Not the same Nicole that works on this site) So.. she gets a perty little page JUST for her! Why? Because I'm nice like that! Tee hee.. Here ya go Nicole.. I present to you.. JrT Bitch..

My darling Nicole.. I want you to run your fingers through my lovely afro..

Here's me singing a song to you.. *ahem* "You are so beautiful.."

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful Nicole..

Look at dat ass.. You know you want dat shit..

Whats that you say Nicole? You DON'T want me?!

Thats impossible.. Just LOOK at how cute I am..

Here, I'll even introduce you to my mother, Lynn. Say "Hi Justin's Mommy!"

Don't I look sexay with my cornrows? SAY MAH NAME BITCH!

C'mon Nicole.. give me mad propz yo.. I'm one sexay bitch.

I guess what I'm trying to say is.. will you be one of my hoes?

You know you can't resist me..

I'll let this picture help you decide. I'M NEKKID, by the way. I'm out yo.. PEACE.

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