Joey's Pickup Lines

By: Julie

We all know Joey's a mac daddy.. right? Of course he is! And he must use some VERY interesting pickup lines when he's out tryin' to get some ho's. Here's a list of pickup lines we think Joey would use. (Note: Yes, we did a top-ten list for this, but these are different pickup lines :)

- Hey baby, why don't you sit on my lap and we can talk about the first thing that pops up. (I can just IMAGINE Joey using that one..)

- (motion for girl to come here with one finger), "If I can make you come with this finger, imagine what I can do with all five!"

- Nice shoes, wanna fuck? (Simple and to the point, definitely Joey's style)

- If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?

- F*ck me if I'm wrong... but haven't we met before?

- Do you sleep on your stomach? Can I? (If Joey slept on someone's stomach, that person wouldn't be alive and breathing the next day..)

- I wanna use your thighs as earmuffs.

- Are those real? (Another one Joey HAS to use..)

- I may not be Fred Flinstone, but I sure can make your bed rock.

- (offer girl a screw) Wanna screw?

- The word of the day is LEGS, so lets go to my house and spread the word.

- The only place I want to go is south of the border. (This one has "Joey" written all over it)

- Hey you want to know what I heard about you? F*ck me and I'll tell you.

- Whats a nice girl like you doing on a face like this?

- Nice dress, can I take you out of it?

- Mmmmm, you bring a new meaning to the word "edible".

- So, do you want to see something really swell?

- Excuse me but is your last name "Gillette"? Cause you are the best a man can get!

- Hey baby... can you suck a golf ball through fifty feet of garden hose?

- My shirt's chaffing me....

- Excuse me miss, do you give head to strangers? (No) Well, then, allow me to introduce myself.

- They call me Milk, because I do your body good.

- Hey baby, wanna wrestle? (Not very interesting, but it'll do for Joey..)

- Hi, do you want to have children? (assuming the answer is no) Ok then, can we just practice?

- You must be the limp doctor, because I've got a stiffy.

- I know milk does a body good, but DAMN how much have you been drinking?

- They say the best things in life are free....they lied (but I do accept American Express).

- This Valentines Day I really want you to know how I feel... so you better use both hands.

- You can feel the magic between us.....No, lower!

- You're on my mind this Valentines Day....I'd prefer you on my bed.

- This Valentines Day I want you to know I am head over heels for you... and I know some other positions too.

- I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue.

- You have 250 bones in your body, want another?

- If you were the last woman and I was the last man on Earth, I bet we could do it in public. (Very stupid, and very Joey-like)

- Hey baby, can I tickle your belly from the inside?

- Wanna play army? I'll lay down and you can blow the hell outta me.

- Yo baby, I bust more nuts than a squirrel.

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