NSYNC On The Simpsons

By: Julie

Ok.. LMAO.. This was hilarious. I'm doing this review from memory, so if I miss anything, thats why.

Alright, so.. a record producer.. L.T. Smash, approches Bart to be in his new "Boyband" called the "Party Posse" along with Milhouse, Nelson, and Ralph. He teaches them dance moves, alters their voices.. all that good stuff. They do a performace at school, and NSYNC shows up after the show. They come in dancing to Space Cowboy.. and you just gotta see the way they dance.. it's mad funny. Justin is all "I can't believe I'm meeting Milhouse! WORD!" And he literally said "WORD!" after every sentence.. lmao. And Joey kept saying "Like OLD SCHOOL!" after everything he said. LOL. They show Bart and his friends this buzzer type thing that shocks people when you touch them with it.. and JC is all "Perfect for getting through fans to the limo!" and he shocks Joey with it. LMAO. Thanx JC, we love you too. Then Lance goes "Guys, we need to go, our cloths are goin' out of date" or something like that and Chris screams "To the Bandana Republic!" Ahh.. funny. Then, they make their exit.. dancing out to Space Cowboy again.

This would be Justin saying, "WORD!"

So, the Party Posse makes a music video.. and in it there's these girls singing "Yva Eht Nioj" What does that mean, you ask? Read it backwards. "Join The Navy" LMAO. Lisa finds out that their manager, L.T. Smash, is really LT. Smash and is using subliminal messages to get people to join the navy. While the Party Posse is doing a concert on an aircraft carrier.. he goes psycho and attempts to blow up the MAD Magazine Headquarters, who were planning on printing a bad article about the Party Posse. NSYNC shows up once again to help out Bart and his friends. They give them a song to sing, and teach them some dance moves to calm the LT. down. They're all "Thrust, Thrust.. spin, spin.. pout, pout.. Matrix Move!" and they rise up into the air, and Chris falls on his face.. Ahahaha.

Turns out, that was all for nothing, because LT. Smash blows up MAD anyway. At the end, Lance starts talking about how "The Navy is a good thing.. they keep us safe from Godzilla" or some crap like that.. and then he's like "We even signed JC up for the Navy yesterday!" and two recruits come in and drag JC out screaming, LMAO.

This is JC being dragged away.. Ahaha.

The show had me rollin' and I can sum it up in 2 words:

Cheesy Goodness

(Thanx Nickay)


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