Spazzy Pics

In honor of our campaign to Let Sparky Tweak, we've decided to provide you with some pics of JC in all his spazzy glory. Thank you BRIE for providing me (Julie) with most of these pics. I appreciate it! Remember to let the page completely load for the full experience.

Smile! You're on candid camera!

This would be JC mildy spazzing. You have to look very closely to see it.. but the spazziness is there..

Look at him.. he's getting ready to spazz..

This would be a full blown SPAZZ.

He looks like he's about to eat me..

Ok, thats scary..

"Look at my sexy tongue.. do you know I'm gettin' ready to SPAZZ?!"

I will win this game, damnit.. I WILL win this game.

I really.. don't even.. wanna know..

See, even Lance knows JC is a spazz. He's clearly thinking "Yep, thats my friend JC. He has problems. He's getting help, though"


Lance: Damnit, JC. Stop tryin' to beat me

I even spazz when I brush my teeth!

Ok, uhh.. I don't ever want to see this picture again..

"You talkin' to me?! Are YOU talkin' to ME?!"

I'm going to eat that little doggy.. muwhahaha..

"Want some of my milkshake? WELL TOO BAD, YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY!!!!"

"Are YOU a spazz?! I'M a spazz!"

Just gotta let the spazziness floooooow..

This would be JC trying to hold back.. Just tweak man! TWEAK!

Must.. beat.. self.. over.. head..

"Hehehehehe.. PEACE DUDES!"

"I was even a spazz when I was just a little JC!"

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