Tearin' Up My Heart



They are in a big warehouse dancing on beds, eating pizza, jumping off balconies, laying amongst pictures of themselves, and taking pictures.


It starts out with the light flashing and it goes Justin, JC, Justin, JC, Justin, JC, Joey. It's pretty damn funny.

Joey is beating the hell out of a punching bag and Lance takes off his shoes. Ummm...interesting.

They are wearing suspenders, overalls, and fag hats!

Justin in a wifebeater...mmmm.....

Why are they taking pictures of cameras?

After "Things are getting out of hand..." Some lady is playing with Chris' hair.


JC holds up a shirt and Joey doesn't like it. But notice later on in the video, Lance is wearing that exact shirt.

What is it with those boys and toetouches?

Look at Lance when they are all laying down. Ummm...fag?

Chris looks hella scary in this video.

Ahhh...Justin, on a bed, half clothed. Do I need to say more? His 15 year old porno shot!

We got Justin straddling the bed now...ooo....and bouncing....ahhhh....

Joey jumps on the rope and his horny ass self starts to hump the pole. Is there ever a time he doesn't need sex?

When Justin sings "I feel it too." Chris mouths it. Aww...Chris wants some solos!!

JC and Justin are just sitting holding guitars.

Chris has a double chin..and he does look like Feivel!!

Lance flips us off!! BASTARD!!

My Thoughts:

This video was okay....I guess. Lance and Joey looked gay together. They were really touchy feely...again. I think these guys got a little sumthin sumthin goin on....

Overall Ratings:

Joey: *** (I liked it when he jumped on the rope)
Lance: ** (He looked like a fag)
Justin: ***** (The bed shot..yummy..)
JC: ***
Chris: **
Video ****


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