A Teenie Story: Backfired

By: Julie


"Amy! Which shirt is more baby blue?" Crystal said to her friend.

"The right one! Definitly!" Amy yelled.

"I'll get that one then!" Crystal said excitedly. They paid for the shirt, and went home to get ready for the Nsync concert.

"Guess what?!?" Crystal yelled suddenly.

"What?!" Amy yelled back.

"Me and Justin were born 6 years, 8 months, 4 days, 11 hours, 14 minutes, and 42 seconds apart!!!!"

"Oh my god!!" Amy yelled as she wrote JC in huge letters on her forehead. "That's SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Justin will SOOO fall in love with me!! Look at me!!!" Crystal had on a baby blue shirt, baby blue jeans, baby blue socks, baby blue adidas, and baby blue streaks in her ponytails.

"Me and JC are gonna get together tonight and I'm gonna get pregnant with his baby, and we're gonna get married!!!!!" Amy said jumping off the bed and kissing her life size picture of JC.

"I know!! Me and Justin, and you and JC can have a double wedding!!!" Crystal said.

"Crystal!! Amy!!" Crystal's mom yelled from downstairs. "Time to go!!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Crystal and Amy screamed at the same time. They bounded down the stairs, and jumped in the car. Crystal's mom dropped them off at the venue and they went to their seats. They were in the back balcony, Row XX.

"THESE SEATS ARE SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE IN THE SAME ROOM AS NSYNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Amy screamed.

A girl in front of them turned around. "Shut the fuck up!!" she yelled. "What the hell is your problem??? These seats suck my ass!!"

"NO!!" Amy yelled. "Look! We can see the stage!!"

"God damned fucking teenys..." the girl mumbled and turned back around to her friend sitting next to her.

"What's wrong Jen?" Julie asked.

"The stupid idiots behind us, thats what." Jen replied.

"Oh. I'll take care of that" Julie turned to Amy and Crystal.

"Ok little ones, listen up. Nsync does not like you, WILL never like you, WILL never have sexual intercourse with you. Like you know what that is anyway. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up before I regulate on your ass, got it? GOOD." She turned back around.

"That was good" Jen said.

"I try"

The lights went off.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Amy and Crystal screamed.

"Oh I swear to God.." Jen mumbled.

"Harness your chee Jen.. just harness your chee.."

The guys came out on stage. They started performing No Strings Attatched. Crystal looked at the stage, and made eye contact with Justin, even though she was practically in the last row.

"OMG!!!! I MADE EYE CONTACT WITH JUSTIN!!! HE'S IN LOVE WITH ME!!!" she screamed. After the concert was over, they walked up to the bodyguard in front of the backstage door.

"Can we go backstage?" Amy asked.

"Fuck you," the bodyguard said.

"Please?" Crystal begged.

"Fuck you," the bodyguard said again.

"We'll do anything!!!" Crystal said.

"Anything?" the bodyguard asked.

"ANYTHING!!!!!!" Amy yelled.

"Come with me," the bodyguard said, and led them into a small room. They emerged five minutes later. Amy and Crystal wiping their mouths and the bodyguard smiling happily.

"Go ahead girls," he said.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Amy screamed as they saw NSync. Justin smiled towards Crystal and him and JC walked over to them.

"JUSTIN!!! MY LOVE!!!" Crystal screamed jumping on Justin.

"What the fuck???!" Justin yelled. "Get the fuck off me you freak!!"

"JC!!! You're my baby's daddy!!!!!!!" Amy yelled.

"Uh, no," JC said uncomfortably. "You're not even old enough to get pregnant."

"Yeah, but as soon as I get my period, I'll be pregnant with your triplets!!!!! And we'll name them Josh, Justin, and James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She jumped on JC's back and started to eat his hair.

"Ahhh!" JC yelled trying to pry Amy off his back. Meanwhile Justin was on the ground in the fetal position as Crystal licked his arm up and down. Joey walked up.

"YOU TOUCHED JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Crystal screamed. She tackled Joey to the ground and began to molest his hands.

"HELP!!!" JC screamed as Amy chomped down on his ear.

"I LOVE YOU!!" Amy yelled. "WE WERE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER!!" 4 bodyguards walk up and pry Amy and Crystal off Justin and JC.

"JUSTIN!!!" Crystal screamed as Lonnie dragged her away. She breaks free and leaps onto Justin, knocking him into a table, where he fell unconcious.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Crystal screamed at the top of her lungs. Lonnie runs up and seizes her. He wraps a straight jacket around her and drags her out of the place, screaming the whole way.

"JAAAAYYYYYYYCCCEEEEEE!!!!!" Amy howled. JC walked up to her and slapped her in the face.

"SHUT UP!!!" he screamed. Amy looked at him, stunned. "YOU ARE NOT IN LOVE WITH ME!!! YOU ARE NOT HAVING MY CHILD, NOR WILL YOU EVER!!!!!" Amy struggled to get out of the bodyguards grip. "DON'T DENY OUR LOVE JAAYYCEE!!" Amy screamed. "I KNOW THAT WAS JUST A LOVE PAT!!!!"

Jen and Julie enter the room.

"You know what?" Julie pointed her finger at Amy. "Its people like you that give fans like us a bad name. If I wouldn't get arrested, I'd rip every hair out of your head and make you eat it. I pity your parents. I pity your whole FAMILY. Seek help, so maybe one day, you will be able to call yourself a normal human being. Until then, make sure you never EVER cross my path again, or else I will seriously get freaky deaky on your ass. And thats a promise. Jen, do you have anything to say?"

"I like cheezits"

"OMG, I THINK I'M IN LOVE!" Joey screamed.

"Dumbass.. shut up!" Julie yelled.

"I like Wheat Thins too"



"Anyway.. as I was saying.." Julie turns to Nsync. "You guys have some wacked out fans. I'm thinkin' more bodyguards, bullet proof vests, the works.. and you'll be set. Jen and I will be on our way now. Ta ta. Come on Jen"

Julie turns to see Jen humping Joey's leg screaming, "YEE HAWW, I'LL SHOW YA HOW TO GIDDY UP BABY! AWW YEAH, YA LIKE THAT DONTCHA? SAY MAH NAME BITCH!" Joey just looked aroused.

"JENNIFER, THAT'S IT! LET'S GO NOW OR I'M GOING TO HAVE TO HURT YOU.. HURT YOU REAL BAD! Gawd.. you're so EMBARESSING.. Why do I even BOTHER bringing you in public?"

"Because ya love me?" Jenn questioned.

"Hardly" Julie replied, shaking her head in disgust.

Julie drags Jen off Joey and they leave. Sounds of "I HUMPED JOEY FATONE'S LEG! YIPPIE!" and "SHUT UP JENNIFER!" fill the building.

"Weird ones they are.." Lance mumbled.

"I kinda liked that Jenn girl" Joey said with an evil grin on his face.

"You would.." Justin said.

"I'm hungry"

"You're always hungry Joey"


"What I'm trying to say is.. you're nothing but a worthless fatass"

"Oh.. yeah, you're probably right.."

"I know I am.."

"So.. uhh.. can we go eat now?"

"Yeah, I guess so.."

So, Joey, Lance, Justin, Chris, and JC go out to eat. Joey gets kicked out for taking the "All You Can Eat" sign a little too far.. Chris isn't even allowed in the place because he INSISTS he won't go anywhere without that damn dog.. Justin doesn't eat, he justs looks at his reflection in the silverwear and fixes his hair, JC uses the little kid's crayons to write "Justin Must DIE" all over his place mat.. and Lance plots on how he can steal even MORE of Justin's fans.

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