Hi! How ya doin'?! Welcome to our little corner of the web! What is this place, you ask?! Well, this is an NSYNC humor site! Can't take the heat? Then get yo ass outta the kitchen. We are big fans of the guys, don't get us wrong, but what fun would another "OMG, I love JUSTIN!!" site be? No fun at all. If you think you will one day marry the guys, you should leave now. If you think you're carrying JC's baby, leave now. If you have NSYNC written anywhere on your body, you're sick. If you have a sense of humor and can take a couple jokes (ok, a lot of jokes) c'mon in! If you're NSYNC, hey.. you're pretty cool, you can come in too if ya want. That is all. PAYCE.
We changed our name, if you haven't already guessed. Check out the updates inside for an explanation. Oh yeah, you should also have the font "Aurora Cn BT" for better viewing of this site. If you don't have it, sucks for you. Uhh, download it or something. Word.
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[:Those were: ..the *best* days of my life]
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