Hello! Welcome to "Dirty Popstars" Home of:
JrT Bitch
Da FuMan C
Yes, here it is, yet another NSYNC humor site. Where Lance tends to be mistaken for a female, JC sleeps too much due to a crack addiction, Justin thinks he's the ghetto master, Joey is a pimp, and where Chris is just, ya know.. old. Have you heard all this before? Well, it was funny then, it'll be funny now :) We'll try to put a new twist on things as best we can. Please be sure to read our [disclaimer] so as not to confuse any Justin-Lovin' teenyboppers. Well, thats about it. Our names are Jennifer, Nikki, Nolen and Candice and we will be your webmistresses for today. Please fasten your seatbelts and sit back and enjoy the wonder that is NSYNC Humor. WORD.
(Pic made by Lauren)
My thoughts go out to all that were involved, hurt, or killed in the terrorist acts that occured on September 11th, 2001. This is a horrific tragedy, not something were used to seeing in the US. I saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center live, and it made my stomach turn. I can't imagine what the families of these victims are feeling. My heart goes out to you.
Try our new, SHORTER, URL: http://go.to/DirtyPopstars
On The Web Since: January 16th, 2000
Last Updated: December 28th, 2001
Thoughts from the Editor
Quote of the Moment: "I make miracles happen! ...I don't know what the hell I just said!" -Egotisical Justin
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All the new stuff and what's been updated.
DP News
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Includes stupid stories, skits, bios, top ten lists, and more.
A new twist on NSYNC songs and others.
Our "fake" interviews with the guys and some other "special" people.
Our comments and such on NSYNC's music videos, appearances, CDs and more.
Funny, weird, spazz, Justin and Britney.. we've got it all.
This stuff had no home, so we put it here. Check it out.
The Editors
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Self explanatory. Please sign it. It makes us feel appreciated.
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'Da Slambook
Sign it, man! It's fun and entertaining! I'll send you NSYNC porn made by Steve Fatone if you do..
Justin has busted caps in people's azzes today
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All material on this site is copyright © to Julie, Nikki, Jen, Nolen, and Candice unless otherwise stated. We are in no way affiliated with Nsync, their manager, or their record company. If you even DARE to steal anything off this site.. I will hunt you down and have Joey eat you. I am not kidding. If you want to use something off the site, just ask. Oh, and make sure to give us credit, since we always give credit where it is due. Also, the name "Sparky" is copyright © to my friend, Brie. That is all.
Thank you.
Once again, don't steal our stuff.. or NSYNC will come and pee on your head. Psh.
© 2000-2001 Dirty Popstars