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<center><img src="girlstorm.gif">

<center><font face="copperplate gothic light">
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<center><img src="soulicon.gif">

There's a ship out, on the ocean<br> 
At the mercy of the sea<br> 
It's been tossed about, lost and broken<br>
Wandering aimlessly...<br> 
And God somehow you know that ship is me<br> 
'Cause there's a lighthouse, in the harbor<br> 
Shining faithfully<br> 
Pouring its light out, across the water<br> 
For this sinking soul to see<br> 
That someone out there still believes in me<br> 
On a prayer, in a song<br> 
I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on<br> 
Raining down, against the wind<br> 
I'm reaching out 'til we reach the circle's end<br> 
When you come back to me again<br> 
There's a moment we all come to<br> 
In our own time and our own space<br> 
Where all that we've done, we can undo<br> 
If our heart's in the right place<br> 
On a prayer, in a song<br> 
I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on<br> 
Raining down, against the wind<br> 
I'm reaching out 'til we reach the circle's end<br> 
When you come back to me again<br> 
And again I see my yesterday's in front of me<br> 
Unfolding like a mystery<br> 
You're changing all that is and used to be<br> 
On a prayer, in a song<br> 
I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on<br> 
Raining down, against the wind<br> 
I'm reaching out 'til we reach the circle's end<br> 
When you come back to me again<br> 
When you come back to me again...<br>


<center><img src="bar.gif">


<center><font size=1"><font face="copperplate gothic light">
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Waiting patiently for His Return<br>
Hurry Back to Me Daddy<br>
October 5, 2009
<center><embed src="ComeAgainsong.wav" loop="1" height="40" width="200"><br></B></B>
<center><font size=1"><font face="copperplate gothic light">
When You come Back to Me Again ~ BYU Vocal Point<br>
<center><font size=2"><font face="eras light ITC">
<a href="http://karezzlinkpage.angelfire.com"><img src="img111.gif"><a/>


