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Class Rules

On the first day of school, the class worked together as a group to create a list of class rules. We talked about ways to make sure we follow the rules and we talked about the repercussions if we break the rules. I will leave these up all year both on my website and in our classroom just in case some of the students need a reminder! In addition to our class rules, there are school rules as well, which are listed below.

Class Rules
1) Remain in your area
2) Raise your hand and wait to be called on
3) Keeping hands to yourselves
4) Be nice to everyone
5) Be a good listener
6) Try your best!

School Wide Rules
1) Be safe
2) Be kind
3) Be respectful
4) Be responsible

By following the rules and respecting each other our classroom will be fabulous! I will be posting pictures on this webpage throughout the year to keep you updated on what we are doing, so enjoy!

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