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Classroom Schedule

Our schedule will be the same day-to-day, with a few changes here and there if necessary. Overall our schedule will stay the same everyday! Our schedule is as follows:

9:00-9:45--Come in, unpack, complete journal prompt (which will change everyday),and class morning meeting
10:50-11:00--Quiet reading and healthy snack time
11:00-11:50--Special (schedule is below)
12:00-12:45--Recess and Lunch (recess is about 15 minutes and lunch is about 30 minutes)
12:45-1:00--Class read aloud
1:00-2:30--Reading groups and learning centers (these learning centers will vary every week to focus on certain skills the children need, such as word building, a listening center, and a math center)
3:00-3:35--Science/Social Studies (these we will switch every other week)
3:40--Pack up

Special Schedule:
Monday:Art (please send in an art smock that the children can leave in the classroom)
Tuesday:Gym (make sure you wear or bring your sneakers!)

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