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Justin Daniel Worrell

Justin was our second son born. He was born on 5/13/1997 with his two sisters, Jenna and Deana, and his brother, David. Unfortunately he only lived a week; he died on May 20, 1997. He was born the strongest and the biggest at 1 lb. 8 oz. and 13 in long; but he caught a very bad virus and died. I believe he saved his brother David's life because David was born very ill and was not doing well; then when Justin died the doctors gave David and his sisters a strong antibiotic specifically to fight the virus and David got better! We miss Justin dearly but remember him always. We planted this Japenese Maple in front of our house and we placed an engraved stone by the tree. We take pictures with the tree so that we never forget him and we see how it grows in comparison to his sisters and brothers.

Meet the Worrell's