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Step 2: Write and Illustrate Your Story

Now that you decided on what story to tell, you need to write your story.

In this step you will write and illustrate your story. There are two ways you can divide the work effort. Either one person is the writer and the other is the illustrator or each team member can be responsible for half of the writing and half of the illustrations.

You can use technology like Microsoft Powerpoint or Microsoft Word to write and illustrate your story. If you chose you can create a story board or illustrations by drawing or cutting out pictures from a magazine. It's your team's decision.

Even if you are telling an existing story you will need to write the story because you may have to reword phrases to help translate it into ASL.

In either case, you need to create a list of words and phrases that you need to know in order to tell your story. You may want to create this list in Microsoft Excel and then split the list up so each team member is responsible for looking up the vocabulary (next step in process).

Below are links to help you in creating these Microsoft Technologies.

Microsoft Word Help
Microsoft PowerPoint Help
Microsoft Excel Hellp
Step 3: Practice Telling Your Story
Step 4: Tell Your Story
Process for Completing Task