Klaus Tappe

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somewhat outdated, but still pertinent information about the

German Consular Offices in the US -- Fall/Winter 1999 or: go to the following link: Germany-info.org for more updated information.


Archive Info for State Department information prior to January 20, 2001. This site is not updated.

German Consular Offices in the United States
Fall/Winter 1999

State*                       Name and                        Date of
Residence                    Rank                            Recognition

ALABAMA Mobile (HC) C/o Degussa Corporation, Degussa Rd., Theodore, 36590. P.O. BOX 606, (205) 443-4000, FAX (205) 443-1609 Dr. Sven Peter MANNSFELD, Honorary Consul May 27, 1993 ALASKA Anchorage (HC) 425 G St., Suite 650, 99501. (907) 274-6537 Mr. Bernd Carl GUETSCHOW, Honorary Consul Oct. 23, 1978 AMERICAN SAMOA Wellington (C) Williams City Centre, 90-92 Hobson St., 23rd Fl. Mr. Eberhard NOLDEKE, Consul Mar. 4, 1996 ARIZONA Phoenix (HC) 1130 E. Missouri, Suite 200, 85014. (602) 264-2545, FAX (602) 285-0296 Mr. William F. BEHRENS, Honorary Consul Aug. 5, 1993 CALIFORNIA Los Angeles (CG) 6222 Wilshire Bl., Suite 500, 90048. (323) 930-2703, FAX (323) 930-2805 Mr. Wolfgang Heinz RUDOLPH, Consul General May 1, 1998 Mr. Josef BECK, Deputy Consul General Aug. 23, 1999 Mr. Bernd Dieter HAFENBERG, Consul Sep. 9, 1996 Ms. Margit HAEBERLE, Consul Nov. 13, 1996 Mr. Christoph Michael FABIS, Vice Consul Oct. 11, 1996 Mr. Udo PETRI, Vice Consul Oct. 17, 1996 Ms. Sonja Brigitte SCHIEGL, Vice Consul Aug. 13, 1998 Mr. Franz Werner KAUFMANN, Vice Consul July 8, 1999 Mr. Guenter Erich ROSENDAHL, Vice Consul July 8, 1999 San Diego (HC) 2223 Avenida De La Playa., Suite 212, La Jolla, 92037. (619) 551-5162, FAX (619) 551-5163 Mr. Hermann J. ZILLGENS, Honorary Consul June 20, 1983 San Francisco (CG) 1960 Jackson St., 94109. (415) 775-1061 Mr. Ruprecht HENATSCH, Consul General Aug. 23, 1994 Mr. Walter Alexander LEUCHS, Deputy Consul General Aug. 4, 1999 Mr. Michael Klaus WOLFF, Consul Sep. 30, 1997 Mr. Klaus Juergen SCHELIGA, Consul Mar. 2, 1999 Mrs. Petra BERNHARDT, Vice Consul June 18, 1996 Mr. Frank Wolfgang BERNHARDT, Vice Consul Oct. 7, 1996 Mr. Patrich Harry FROEHLICH, Vice Consul June 27, 1997 Mrs. Viola Irmhild BRASGALLA DELSCHEN, Vice Consul July 23, 1997 Mr. Uwe KOEHLER, Vice Consul Aug. 10, 1998 Mr. Marco MERTEN, Vice Consul Aug. 16, 1999 COLORADO Denver (HC) 350 Indiana St., Suite 400, Denver-Golden, 80401. (303) 279-1551 Mr. Hans Wiprecht VON BARBY, Honorary Consul Apr. 22, 1975 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington (EMB) 4645 Reservoir Rd., N.W., 20007. (202) 298-8141, FAX (202) 298-4249 Mr. Thomas TERSTEGEN, Consul General Sep. 24, 1997 Mr. Wolfgang Georg EWERT, Consul Oct. 9, 1997 Mr. Georg ZIRNGIBL, Vice Consul July 7, 1998 Ms. Christina Lydia BRUNSCH, Vice Consul Sep. 30, 1999 Mr. Peter Heinz LARTZ, Vice Consul Dec. 15, 1999 FLORIDA Cape Coral (HC) 5081 Sorrento Ct., 33904. (941) 945-6729 Mr. Gerd Ewald SCHROEDER, Honorary Consul Jan. 31, 1997 Miami (CG) 100 N. Biscayne Bl., Suite 2200, 33132. (305) 358-0290 Mr. Fritz Otto VON ROTTENBURG, Consul General Aug. 19, 1998 Mr. Holger Uwe ZIEGELER, Deputy Consul General Sep. 15, 1999 Mr. Hans Manfred SCHERZER, Consul Sep. 8, 1998 Mr. Thomas Horst KOPPMANN, Vice Consul Sep. 9, 1996 Mr. Franko Martin STRITT, Vice Consul Nov. 4, 1997 Mr. Gerald Karl HOCHGENUG, Vice Consul Nov. 14, 1997 Mr. Harald Fritz RICHTER, Vice Consul July 14, 1999 Mrs. Veronika Gerhild DAEHNE, Vice Consul Aug. 3, 1999 GEORGIA Atlanta (CG) Marquis Two Tower, 285 Peachtree Center Av., N.W., Suite 901, 30303. (404) 659-4760, Mr. Heinrich Peter ROTHMANN, Consul General June 29, 1999 Mr. Bernd KUEBART, Deputy Consul General Mar. 26, 1999 Mr. Joerg Gustel SCHULZ, Consul Aug. 4, 1999 Mrs. Michaela Ida HOFMANN, Vice Consul Sep. 26, 1995 Mr. Herbert Edgar STAUDT, Vice Consul June 28, 1996 Ms. Kerstin EHLERS, Vice Consul July 25, 1997 Mr. Hubert Lothar KUHN, Vice Consul Sep. 8, 1997 Mr. Thomas KOCH, Vice Consul Oct. 15, 1999 Ms. Andrea JASCHKE KOCH, Vice Consul Oct. 15, 1999 Savannah (HC) Orleans Building, 6001 Chatham Center., 3rd, 31401. (912) 232-5581 Mr. Frank Kohler PEEPLES, Honorary Consul Mar. 17, 1972 HAWAII Honolulu (HC) Hilton Hawaiian Village, 2003 Kalia Rd., Suite 1I, 96815. (808) 946-3819 Mr. Peter Heinrich SCHALL, Honorary Consul Dec. 12, 1995 ILLINOIS Chicago (CG) 676 N. Michigan Av., Suite 3200, 60611. (312) 580-1199 Mr. Michel Rudolf ENGELHARD, Consul General Dec. 1, 1997 Mr. Erhard ZANDER, Deputy Consul General Dec. 20, 1999 Mr. Gerhard EINHEUSER, Consul Aug. 27, 1998 Mr. Hans Horst SITSCH, Consul Nov. 15, 1999 Mr. Torsten Gunter SCHOELL, Vice Consul Jan. 28, 1998 Mrs. Anke Manuela MAURER, Vice Consul Oct. 7, 1998 Mr. Lars Peter HOHNHEIT, Vice Consul Oct. 9, 1998 Mrs. Erna Ingeborg MUELLER, Vice Consul Aug. 16, 1999 Ms. Heike BERTHOLD, Vice Consul Dec. 3, 1999 INDIANA Indianapolis (HC) 2314 N. Meridian St., 46208. (317) 924-5321 Mr. Horst Felix WINKLER, Honorary Consul Aug. 28, 1978 IOWA Des Moines (HC) 115 S. Howard St., Indianola, 50125. (515) 961-2509 Mr. Mark Frederick SCHLENKER, Honorary Consul June 29, 1994 KANSAS Kansas City (HC) 8014 State Line, Leawood, 66208. (913) 642-5134 Mr. Willard Breidenthal SNYDER, Honorary Consul Sep. 27, 1972 KENTUCKY Louisville (HC) The Starks Building, 455 S. 4th Av., Suite 546, 40202-2509. (502) 561-7911, FAX (502) 561-7912 Mr. Eberhard Frederick ZOPP, Honorary Consul Aug. 31, 1978 LOUISIANA New Orleans (HC) 1100 Poydras St., Suite 1700, 70163. (504) 585-7500 Mr. Wolfgang Paul ANDERSSON, Honorary Consul Oct. 18, 1999 MASSACHUSETTS Boston (CG) 3 Copley Pl., Suite 500, 02116. (617) 536-4414 Dr. Peter Christian HAUSWEDELL, Consul General Mar. 18, 1997 Dr. Lutz Hermann GOERGENS, Deputy Consul General June 9, 1997 Mr. Reinhard Gottfried ROTHER, Consul July 20, 1998 Ms. Elke Regina PAULS, Vice Consul July 27, 1998 Mrs. Antje Eva STRUCK, Vice Consul Aug. 10, 1998 Mr. Olaf JAHNKE, Vice Consul July 30, 1999 MICHIGAN Detroit (CG) Edison Plaza, 660 Plaza Dr., Suite 2100, 48226. (313) 962-6526 Mr. Michael Bernhard VORWERK, Consul General Dec. 4, 1997 Mrs. Marianne Barbara NAKAO, Vice Consul Aug. 6, 1996 Ms. Anja GAENSLER, Vice Consul June 3, 1997 Mr. Hans Georg HERTRICH, Vice Consul July 21, 1999 MINNESOTA Minneapolis (HC) 1000 Lasalle Av., 55403-2205. (651) 962-4000 Dr. Heino A. BECKMANN, Honorary Consul Dec. 18, 1996 MISSISSIPPI Jackson (HC) Deposit Guaranty National Bank, 210 E. Captiol, 39205. (601) 354-8281 Mr. Emerson Barney ROBINSON, Honorary Consul Apr. 18, 1990 MISSOURI St. Louis (HC) 49 Orange Hills Dr., Chesterfield, 63017. (314) 576-4786 Mrs. Anna Mayer BECK, Honorary Consul Aug. 3, 1988 NEVADA Las Vegas (HC) 900 E. Desert Inn Rd., Suite 103, 89109. (702) 734-9700 Ms. Sigrid SOMMER, Honorary Consul Aug. 12, 1987 NEW MEXICO Albuquerque (HC) 4300 San Mateo Bl., N.E., Suite B-380, 87110. (505) 872-0800 Mr. Lanny Dee MESSERSMITH, Honorary Consul May 29, 1981 NEW YORK Buffalo (HC) 11 Summer St., 14209. (716) 881-5778 Mr. Michael Alexander BARRELL, Honorary Consul June 29, 1994 New York (CG) 871 UN Plaza, 12th Floor, 10017. (212) 610-9700, FAX (212) 610-9702 Dr. Cornelius Alexander METTERNICH, Consul General May 23, 1997 Mr. Hans Heinrich FREIHERR VON STACKELBERG, Deputy Consul General Oct. 5, 1993 Dr. Guenter Georg GRUBER, Deputy Consul General Nov. 18, 1998 Mr. Ludwig LINDEN, Consul Oct. 11, 1996 Mr. Hans Dietrich WIESSMANN, Consul Jan. 30, 1997 Mr. Rainer Konrad MUENZEL, Consul June 30, 1997 Mr. Henning Georg SIMON, Consul Nov. 12, 1997 Mr. Mark Andreas SELL, Consul May 12, 1998 Dr. Werner Herbert SCHMIDT, Consul Mar. 16, 1999 Dr. Bodo Erich SCHAFF, Consul June 29, 1999 Mr. Rolf Hans ULRICH, Consul Oct. 27, 1999 Mr. Martin Ingolf BIERBACH, Vice Consul Oct. 25, 1994 Mr. Werner Michael GREIM, Vice Consul June 24, 1996 Mrs. Beatrix Ruth GANTER, Vice Consul June 28, 1996 Mr. Dietrich Josef JASCHIK, Vice Consul July 8, 1996 Mr. Wolfgang LAUKE, Vice Consul Oct. 11, 1996 Mr. Helmut Ludwig STEGERWALD, Vice Consul Feb. 25, 1997 Mr. Alexander DODT, Vice Consul June 27, 1997 Mr. Hans Juergen SCHWICHTENBERG, Vice Consul July 8, 1997 Mr. Horst Norbert WENDLING, Vice Consul July 23, 1997 Mrs. Elke HANSTEDT SANTAGATA, Vice Consul Feb. 24, 1998 Mrs. Karen Eve GRAMM, Vice Consul Feb. 25, 1998 Mr. Hans Juergen PASCHKE, Vice Consul July 30, 1998 Mr. Helmut TEMPELMANN, Vice Consul Aug. 18, 1998 Mrs. Claudia BANKERT, Vice Consul Mar. 2, 1999 Ms. Katja Omnia HAHN, Vice Consul July 14, 1999 Mrs. Sonja FISCHER, Vice Consul July 29, 1999 Ms. Barbara JUENGER, Vice Consul Sep. 8, 1999 Mr. Jochen PAUCK, Vice Consul Sep. 30, 1999 Ms. Insa BRANDL, Vice Consul Nov. 26, 1999 Ms. Ursula KOOS, Vice Consul Dec. 2, 1999 Ms. Elisabeth Margarete WECK, Vice Consul Dec. 2, 1999 Mr. Guido BAUMANN, Vice Consul Dec. 14, 1999 ******************** Deutsche Bundesbank 499 Park Av., 10022. (212) 688-3680 Mr. Hans Ulrich WEGENER, Deputy Consul General Dec. 8, 1994 NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte (HC) 330 Eastover Rd., 28207. (704) 373-0774 Mr. Eckart E. GOETTE, Honorary Consul Mar. 11, 1980 OHIO Cincinnati (HC) University Of Cincinnati, 733 Old Chemistry Bldg., Room ML0372, 45221-0372. (513) 556-2752, FAX (513) 556-1991 Dr. Richard Erich SCHADE, Honorary Consul July 8, 1996 Cleveland (HC) 1100 Huntington Bldg., 925 Euclid St., 44115-1475. (216) 696-1100 Ms. Diana Marie THIMMIG, Honorary Consul May 25, 1989 Columbus (HC) Huntington Bank, 41 S. High St., 43287. (614) 463-3623 Mr. Frank Georg WOBST, Honorary Consul Oct. 2, 1987 OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City (HC) 5801 N. Broadway, Suite 120, 73118. (405) 842-0100 Mr. Charles Everett WIGGIN, Honorary Consul Mar. 8, 1995 OREGON Portland (HC) 200 S.W. Market St., Suite 1695, 97201. (503) 222-0490 Mr. Guenther Heinz HOFFMANN, Honorary Consul Jan. 30, 1981 PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia (HCG) One Penn Center, 1617 John F. Kennedy Bl., 19th, 19103. (215) 665-3263, FAX (215) 665-3165 Mr. Charles Miner TAYLOR, Honorary Consul General Sep. 18, 1995 Pittsburgh (HC) Airport Office Park Bldg. 5, 345 Rouser Rd., Coraopolis, 15108-4744. (412) 604-0135, FAX (412) 269-5478 Mr. Michael Edmund GERLACH, Honorary Consul Dec. 12, 1995 PUERTO RICO San Juan (HC) 1618 Bibiana St., 00936. (809) 755-8228 Mr. Otto Egon SCHULZ, Honorary Consul Mar. 31, 1982 SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston (HC) 20 Burns La., 29401. (803) 722-3969 Ms. Mary Dean RICHARDS, Honorary Consul Jan. 7, 1998 TENNESSEE Nashville (HC) 2700 First American Ctr, 37238. (615) 244-5370 Mr. Edwin Warner BASS, Honorary Consul Apr. 8, 1994 TEXAS Corpus Christi (HC) 5440 Old Brownsville Rd., 78469. P.O. BOX 71149, CORPUS CHRISTI, (512) 289-2416 Mr. Erich E. WENDL, Honorary Consul Oct. 31, 1980 Dallas (HC) 5580 Peterson La., Suite 160, 75240. (214) 239-0707 Mr. Daniel O. TOMLIN, Honorary Consul Jan. 27, 1988 Houston (CG) 1330 Post Oak Bl., Suite 1850, 77056. (713) 627-7770 Dr. Wolfgang Klaus MOSER, Consul General Sep. 23, 1997 Dr. Rolf Theodor SCHUSTER, Deputy Consul General Oct. 18, 1999 Mr. Klaus Dieter PARPLIES, Consul Apr. 1, 1998 Mr. Anton Heinrich PLUECKEN, Vice Consul Aug. 22, 1996 Mrs. Corinna Britta WUERDIG VAN WINKLE, Vice Consul Nov. 25, 1996 Miss. Lilli BLUMHARDT, Vice Consul July 24, 1998 Mr. Joerg Christian HERRERA, Vice Consul July 13, 1999 San Antonio (HC) 1500 Alamo Bldg., 105 S. St. Mary's St., 78205. (210) 224-4455 Mr. Thomas Ernst PAWEL, Honorary Consul Feb. 17, 1989 TRUST TERRITORIES OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS Manila (C) 777 Paseo De Roxas, Manila, Philippines, 00000. Mr. Conrad CAPPELL, Consul Dec. 11, 1989 UTAH Salt Lake City (HC) 60 E. South Temple, Suite 1800, 84111. (801) 321-4807 Mr. Charles Winston DAHLQUIST, Honorary Consul Dec. 20, 1999 VIRGINIA Virginia Beach (HC) 536 Viking Dr., 23452. (804) 486-8444 Mr. Manfred Wolfgang SCHWARZ, Honorary Consul Apr. 13, 1995 WASHINGTON Seattle (CG) 1 Union Sq., 600 University St., Suite 2500, 98101. (206) 682-4312 Mr. Karsten Hermann BABIG, Consul July 24, 1998 Mrs. Gisela Elke BLOEMEN, Vice Consul May 5, 1998 Ms. Anke WAGNER, Vice Consul Dec. 9, 1998 Mr. Carsten FISCHER, Vice Consul June 15, 1999 Spokane (HC) S 123rd Post, 99204. (509) 624-5242 Mr. Hubertus P. GUENTHER, Honorary Consul Sep. 30, 1987

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Klaus Tappe
E-mail: tappe02@hotmail.com