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Creativity Project

Creative Assignment: Student Technology Collage Many people feel that the increase in everyday technology in 21st century America is not all it is cracked up to be. The school Technology Department is conducting research on the effects of technology on the lives of students. They have asked you to provide an evaluation of the pros and cons of technology for students in the 21st century. As an individual student, you are asked to develop two journal entries. The first entry requires you to write out your morning routine from the time you “woke up” to the time you arrived at school. Be specific with any “technology” that you encounter during your routine. Underline or highlight any pieces of technology. A second entry requires you to rewrite this routine as if you lived in the year 1500. For very piece of technology, replace it with the way it would have been done. Then, consider the question – “Has technology benefited my life?” Once you have considered your question, develop a T-chart outlining the pros and cons of technology on your life. Use the T-chart to create a collage on the positive and negative effects of technology for students for the Technology Department. Final collages should be thoughtful and creative. Include 5 pros and 5 cons of technology in the lives of students. Use visuals to support each concept.

Teacher Description

Critical Thinking Assignment