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Skills are listed in the sequence that most children learn them. However, each child is unique and masters skills and develops at a rate and an age often different from other children.

Engage in more complex dramatic play involving props and themes.

Identify square and round.

Understand up, down, top, bottom, under, over, next to, beside, fast, slow, empty, full, tall, short, more, and less.

Say two nursery rhymes or sing two songs with an adult.

Count six objects in a row.

Add 1 to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Identify silly or wrong pictures.

Understand that different activities occur at different times of the day.

Answer Why do î and What do you do whenî questions.

Understand heavy, light, around, in front of, behind, between, high, low, bigger, biggest, smaller, smallest, larger, and largest.

Recall two points from a story just read.

Understand and respond to a wide variety of questions.

Follow two-step directions involving sequence.

Respond to verbal guidance.

Like to sing and love to talk.

Use four or more words in sentences.

Participate in conversations.

Change speech according to listener.

Speak clearly but may still have difficulty pronouncing r, l, s, and th.

Talk about the future.

Use words to describe shape, size, color, texture, spatial relationships, and functions of objects.

Describe parts of pictures.

Tell a simple story from a picture.

Use words to get what I need.

Ask questions frequently to which they already know the answer.

Use action verbs, adjectives, pronouns, and prepositional phrases correctly.

Add s to end of words to indicate possession.

Use most irregular past tense verbs correctly.

Use different voices for different people while playing.
Gross Motor:

Walk upstairs using alternate feet without holding rail.

Walk down few stairs alternating feet holding rail. <

Jump from 16-18 inches with one foot leading.

Broad jump about 4-23 inches.

Jump off ground or hurdles 2-8 inches.

Jump from 18-24 inches with feet together at takeoff and landing.


Ride tricycles.


Jump rope for two cycles.

Throw balls underhanded 9 feet.

Catch a ball with elbows bent.

Kicks ball 4-12 feet.

Balance on one foot 3-5 seconds.
Fine Motor:

Make continuous cut across paper with scissors.

Build tower using 10 blocks.

String one-half inch beads.

Show hand preference by picking up most items with the same hand.

Cut on line using scissors.

Copy a cross.

Copy a square.

Draw a person with head and one to three features.

Continue to separate easily from you (my parents).

Am proud of my achievements.

Try to please and conform.

Enjoy praise.

Make positive statements about myself.

Call attention to what I do.

Can identify my own feelings.

Express when another child is hurt, sad, or angry.

Comfort peers who are upset.

Exhibit less ritualism.

Love playing with other children.

Tend to play equally with boys and girls.

Continue to engage in parallel play.

Engage predominantly in associative play.

Begin to engage in cooperative play.

May become angry when playing with other children.

Still exhibit physical aggression when angry.

Have improved sharing skills.

Am able to wait for a turn.

Am willing and able to help a shy or less skilled child.

Join other children eagerly in play.
Self help:

Use a fork to eat meals.

Use the edge of a fork to cut soft foods.

Use a napkin.

Fix a bowl of dry cereal with milk.

Undo fasteners, such as snaps and laces.

Button large buttons.

Undress independently.

Dress with minimal help.

Distinguish between the front and back of clothes.

Buckle belts.

Wash my hands independently.

Brush my teeth independently.

Blow my nose independently.

Can set the table with minimal help.

Know the proper place for their things and can put them there.

