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Skills are listed in the sequence that most children learn them. However, each child is unique and masters skills and develops at a rate and an age often different from other children.


Play with household objects as often as toys.

Play to figure out how things work.

Place a round block into a shape sorter; then learn to place a square block, and then a triangle.

Pull a string horizontally, then vertically, to get a toy.

Imitate new gestures I can see myself do (stir, rub stomach).

Imitate gestures I cannot see myself do (wriggle nose, pat head).

Think things out in my mind.

Find an object that is hidden, even if I donít see where it goes.

Point to pictures of some animals and objects.

Point to clothing items.

Identify at least six body parts.


Understand more than express.

Follow simple one-step directions.

Begin to follow two-step directions when accompanied by gestures.

Point to desired objects.

Say ěMamaî for Mommy and ěDadaî for Daddy.

Say first word between ten and 14 months of age.

Use words and/or gestures to communicate needs.

Use my own name to refer to themselves.

Imitate sounds of animals, cars, etc.

Attempt to sing the words to songs.

Use 10-15 words by 18 months.

Begin to use two-word sentences around 18 months.

Use 50 words at 24 months.
Gross Motor:

Creep on hands and knees.

Walk with both hands held.

Stand alone.

Walk forward.

Walk backwards.

Throw a ball underhand in sitting.

Creep or hitch upstairs.

Walk sideways.


Throw a ball forward.

Pull toy behind while walking.

Throw a ball overhand landing near target.

Creep downstairs.

Walk upstairs with one hand held.

Carry large toy while walking, and push and pull large toys or boxes around the floor.

Kick ball.

Throw a ball into box.

Use ěride onî toys.

Walk downstairs with one hand held.

Walk upstairs holding rail, two feet on step.
Fine Motor:

Remove pegs from pegboard.

Put objects into container.

Mark paper with crayon.

Build tower using two cubes.

Place one round peg in pegboard.

Build tower using three cubes.

Place one round peg in pegboard.

Build tower using four cubes.

Pull pop beads apart.

Imitate vertical stroke.

Imitate circular scribble.

Imitate horizontal stroke.

Build tower using six cubes.

Develop independence.

Am eager to make choices.

Have strong opinions about likes and dislikes.

Say no a lot.

Begin to direct my own behavior.

Want to do things for myself.

Have frequent temper tantrums.

Enjoy being the center of attention.

Hug and kiss you (parents).

Learn to identify and express moods.

Want to control others.

May be more demanding.

Become frustrated easily.

Like and need rituals.

Develop feelings of self-worth.

Try to comfort others who are upset.

Exhibit separation anxiety.

Have more interest in toys than in other children.

Engage in solitary play.

Share only when told to do so.

Need a lot of guidance to share.

Push and poke as ways of keeping and getting toys.

Use touch as a way to interact with other children.

Use words like "mine" and "no" when playing.

Enjoy playing with parents and familiar adults.

Like to show toys to you.

Have fun playing games such as Pat-a-Cake or Ring Around the Rosy.

May show a preference for one parent over another.
Self help:

Feed myself with a spoon.

Hold a cup by the handles.

Drink from a cup, with little spilling.

Play with my food.

Suck from a straw.

Begin to chew food with my mouth closed.

Give up nursing or drinking from a bottle near the age of two years.

Take off my hat.

Take off my socks.

Take off their shoes when the laces are undone.

Unzip large zippers.

Enjoy trying to brush my teeth.

Wash and dry my hands with help.

Help with simple household tasks.

Push and pull doors open and shut.

