This is my first web page, so bare with me. If you have any comments about these pages, I'll have my email addy up soon.
From time to time I'll be writing in my journal to vent, gripe and share. So if you're mildly curious or just plain bored and have time on your hands.... read on.... (August)Things have been going good lately. The kids are getting bigger, the house is staying clean(big miracle there), and I'm writing in my book again. So all in all, life is going good. We're preparing for 'tiger's' and 'bear's' birthdays. Bear will be one on Sept 2nd and Tiger will be two on Sept 25th. This is going to be a fun year for their birthdays. Both of them are in the ruff and tumble stage so we plan on getting them a lot of big toys. (more for mommy to clean up). As kids go they are pretty good. Aside from the occasional fight on who gets to play with the toy and "No we do not beat on people with wuffle bats", they get along great. They play well together and even chase the poor kitten together. The kitten is currently hiding umm i mean taking a break in the guest bathroom. Tiger has decided that anything green and leafy is a 'flowfer'. Everytime we go outside or go for a trip in the car she points out all the 'flowfers' for mommy and daddy. Bear is stuck on the words 'babba', 'dadda', 'momma', and 'yaaaaaay'. He is trying to walk and he can stand for short periods unless we notice the fact that he is standing... then he promptly falls on his butt. He has found out that he can climb over anything using just his arms.. the boy is strong and has the arms of a gorrilla. His current motto I think is "If it's in my way I'll just go over it". (that includes various furniture, his sister and the pet cat). Tiger is learning to help mommy clean house. She helps with the laundry, the cleaning, rides the vacuum cleaner, and tries to change her brother's diaper.(this usaully gets very messy). But both of the kids are doing good and learning more each day. Next week they get to try out the pool... this is going to be a nerve wracking experience for mommy for sure. 2 toddlers and water... this is going to be fun (help!!!!!). Wish me luck.
(July)I decided to start this after my second child was born. And with the help of a good friend of mine(AnuStar), I finally got around to starting it. The pages contained in this sight are little tid-bits of my life, my family, and my friends. I hope you enjoy it, because I have enjoyed putting it together. Keep in mind that this web page is still under construction. Hopefully in the next two weeks I should have a lot more for you to see. Thanks for for stopping in and I hope you'll come back to visit again.
I thought I'd start with a little background info on myself. So here goes. I am addicted to the internet. (big surprise there) I love to chat, play online games, and surf the web. One of my favorite sites is . It's an awesome gaming site. Other than being on the computer, I am a stay at home mom (for now). I have two beautiful children. One boy and One girl. My husband is the greatest man I know (aside from my father). We spend a lot of time doing family things... camping, playing in the park, going to the zoo, and getting into water fights. Currently, I am in the process of writing a horror novel. When it will be done, I have no clue. I seem to have less time on my hands lately, so it's taken a place on the back burner. When I have completed about half of it I will post the Prologue for all to read. Well, that's about all for now. I'll write more later.(7/9)
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